Pussy spikes and candle torture | Sara's Training 2 | bdsm stories
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The three men, led by her cousin, dragged Sarah to the dungeon where they chained her wrists to the wall. Then they clamped the whalebone corset around her body.
She didn't know how long she had been left there in her pain and agony. Time moved slowly. There were no windows and there were no clocks down in the dungeon.
The naked girl was frightened. She kept having a recurring image. Since her body was resting on the floor of the dungeon, she imagined what would happen to her if a rat came by.
If she attempted to pull her body away to keep the rat from attacking her, the horrible spikes would undoubtedly pierce all the way into her cunt and she would bleed to death.
And so, she remained in complete tension down in the dungeon. She kept waiting to hear a sound that would tell her that someone was approaching. At least that would be hopeful. And yet, she dreaded to think what worse fates were in store for her when her cousin returned for her.
When the man had left her down in the dungeon with the instrument of torture around her waist, he had snapped, “This will give you time to think about your haughty ways. It looks like I really shall take it into my hands to tame you and teach you some discipline.”
‘Discipline?’ The word echoed in the girl's mind. What did her cousin mean by that?
Would she have to face the same sort of terrors as the other girl had been through?
Then she heard someone approaching. She could hear footsteps on the stone steps that led down to this dungeon and her heartbeat went a little faster.
Her cousin approached. Robert was dressed in his leather jock and his high leather boots.
He looked very threatening like that, but he probably would have looked threatening if he had been naked.
"Are you sorry for all that you did, cousin?" he asked the girl.
“Wh-what?" she asked, opening her eyes wide. "What did I do? What do I have to be sorry for?"
She hadn't noticed before that Robert had a riding crop at his side. In one decisive and clean move, the riding crop slashed out at the girl's body and hit her on the thigh.
When she reacted to the slap of the riding crop and tensed her legs, she felt the metal spikes digging into her flesh and she inhaled sharply between her clenched teeth.
"You are such an arrogant and spoiled little American bitch!" the man said. "You are completely unaware of other people in the world! You are unaware of anything but your own selfish needs!
"But I shall change all that. I can promise you that when I am through with you I will make you completely aware of the needs of your Master!”
"Master?'' she cried out, feeling gooseflesh on her body with the use of that word.
“Silence, bitch!" he snarled as he snapped the riding crop expertly against the girl's left nipple and left a little red scar directly on her titflesh.
She howled like a wounded animal and then bit her lower lip; she held her breath as she waited for the pain to subside. Then the man spoke and said, "You left your rooms when I had expressly forbidden you to do so!"
"I'm a guest in this house. When you told me not to leave my room, I felt…"
"Precisely," he said in a reasonable voice.
"You are a guest in this house and I told you that I had business to attend to in the house and did not wish you disturbing me. As a proper guest you should have respected that wish.
"If you had the breeding and decency to have respected that wish you would not be here in the dungeon at this moment! Can you understand that?"
When the girl was silent, the tall, dark man continued, "Then you came into the room of my meeting." He paused and sighed as he said, "That happens to be a secret society.
Since we meet here in my castle it is simple enough to remain secret. But, now you have observed us performing one of our rituals. No outsider ever observed us before."
In a voice that was quivering with fear, the girl asked, "Do you kidnap the… I mean, are they abducted? Do you drag the girls here to this castle?"
“How simple-minded you are!" he said with a laugh. "I wonder whether that is your father's blood in you or if it is merely the fact that you have been raised on the idiotic American television programs that teach you about an ethic that is non-existent."
"Wh-what are you talking about?" the girl cried out, tears appearing on her cheeks.
"The girls who come to serve us are girls who desire to serve us," her cousin said in a simple way. "They are girls whose passions are stirred by the thought of being sex slaves.
That is something that you should certainly understand!”
"Me? Understand wanting to be a sex slave? How dare you?" the girl cried.
"There you go with that idiotic American ethic of morality once again!" the man laughed. "You are denying the very things that you have craved!"
"Craved?" she cried out. "How could you say such a terrible thing?"
"It is the truth and you know that it is the truth!" he snapped. "Why else were you frigging your pussy like a little whore when you were watching the initiation of our slave?"
The girl bit her lips. That sexual passion that had burned inside of her had been the reason why she had been caught in the first place.
She knew that the passion was still burning inside of her body, but she was going to deny it.
"I would never try to force myself on a girl who would not derive pleasure from it.
But…” her cousin began in an enticing way. "I can tell that you would enjoy it."
When the girl was silent, he said, “It will be quite a challenge to break you and punch through that wall of sexual fear and of your American upbringing. But, by the time I am through with you cousin, you will be willing to admit that you want to be my sex slave!"
Robert walked back to the stone steps and snapped his fingers. Two men, who were wearing black leather jocks and black boots, as well as black masks, came down the steps to help him.
It was clear to the girl that she was not going to see the faces of the other men. But she could see that one was taller and had a smooth body that was trim, while the other one was shorter and had a hairy, stocky build.
The girl's wrists were freed from the bonds, but she was being held by the two men.
Then as she was lifted up from her crouching position, she was trying to keep her legs spread because they had not removed the leather corset and she still had the spikes sticking into her pussy lips.
"You may remove the corset from her," Robert said in an official sounding voice.
The girl looked up at him piteously as the men pulled the black corset open. They had to tug in order to pull the spikes out of her fleshy pussy lips. She mewled and gasped in agony.
"Let her go," he said, as he stepped forward. The two obedient men stepped back.
Robert was standing right in front of the girl as he said. "Because you are a virgin and, as I told you, I have ethics as far as that is concerned. I shall not fuck your pussy right now."
Sarah made a moaning sound of gratefulness and reached down between her legs, rubbing her battered pussy lips. She could feel an aching that was there, not only due to the pricking of the metal spikes, but due to the tension with which she had been squatting on the cold floor of the dungeon.
"Am I supposed to thank you for not taking my cherry?" the girl asked, as the bitter anger and resentment at her shameful helplessness settled in.
"No, you shall thank me later for taking your cherry! You will thank me when I give you the great honor of having my regal cock up your commoner’s pussy. In point of fact, at the present time you do not even deserve my cock!"
Sarah was stunned by the remark. It was amazing that there was a growing passion inside of her at the same time that the man said it. It was related to her whole 'spoiled child' upbringing and the fact that she always wanted the thing that she couldn't have.
She knew that she wanted to get fucked by this man, but she did her best to thrust the thought from her mind.
The girl hadn't maintained her virginity out of any high moral value, but actually, as she had told her mother, "Because all of the boys around home are a bunch of creeps!"
But now she was standing next to a man with the most splendid body she had ever seen. He also had the biggest cock she had ever imagined anyone having.
Beyond that, he was manly in a way that she had never before dreamed of. He went beyond being manly. He was domineering. He took charge and the girl loved it.
"However, I will give you the honor of doing something for you and for myself as well. It will tide us both over for the time being."
''I-I don't understand what you're talking about!” the girl exclaimed.
With a wry smile on his face, the man sighed, “I shall fuck your ass."
Immediately, the girl reached for her asshole and clasped her hands over it as if that movement would protect her from the assault that the man had threatened.
She shook her head and began to step back from him. But, that was a pointless move.
Behind her there was only the wall and to her sides were the two other men in their black masks.
Besides, if she had managed to get away from the dungeon, where could she have gone? It was the middle of the night and she was naked. Even if she had found her way out of the complicated castle, the girl would have found herself on the rock-strewn and desolate shore of the Brittany coast, without anywhere to turn.
There was no way for her to deny that she was her cousin's prisoner. But that still didn't make her willing to let him fuck her asshole.
In a soft voice, the man said to her, "I have a fair policy. If you agree to what I wish to do and if you help me to enjoy it then I shall be merciful and see to it that you do not get badly hurt."
He paused before continuing and then he said, "But, if you give me trouble and if you do not agree to my demands, I shall see that you are punished severely for that disobedience. Which way will you have it? Which way shall it be?"
"Y-you c-can't do that to me! Y-you can't p-put your cock in my…"
Taking one step forward and raising his tone of his voice, the count said, "Of course I can! I can put my cock anywhere I please slut! You do not tell me what I can and cannot do! I am the one who is in charge here!"
"N-no!" she cried out, backing up to the wall. "I d-didn't mean that! I just meant that. .
. your c-cock is s-so big! You can't possibly fit it into m-my. . . ass!"
"We shall see about that!" he said with a growling laugh, as he grabbed the girl and pulled her to his body.
But, she quickly put her hands up in front of her and beat at his chest to try to fight him off. Rather than fighting back, the man pushed her to the floor.
"You were given your chance!" he snapped. I told you that I would deal harshly with you if you denied me the pleasures of your body!"
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She screamed out as the two men grabbed her arms and pulled her to another part of the dungeon. Robert was shouting out instructions in French. He was always self-assured and he always knew just what he wanted to have the men do.
The girl was put into a strange position so that her head was dangling down and her ass was up in the air. She was actually in a dog-like position for a moment, but then there was a leather strap that was run across her belly and attached to hooks.
When the girl was hoisted up so that her ass was sticking up higher off the ground, her knees no longer touched the ground.
She was then, kneeling down with her weight pressing on her elbows and on her feet.
Her knees were no longer touching the ground and it was very awkward for her.
The hooks that were attached to the leather strap were raised even higher so that the girl's body was pulled up a little bit further. Then Robert said, "That should do.''
Sarah tried to see what was going on around her, but her perspective was very strange and awkward for her. The two men were carrying something that was very heavy. They laid it on the floor between her legs and then they pushed it forward.
When it was close enough, Sarah got a look at the strange device. It looked like the sort of cylinder that was used for the old-time records, before they were done on discs.
It was simply a wooden frame that was holding a shiny metal cylinder. But, all along the metal cylinder there were spikes that were sticking up, sharp and long.
The girl didn't quite understand the use of the cylinder, but she world learn soon enough. It looked sufficiently ominous to scare the girl terribly.
Then, using some mechanism that was invisible to the girl, the shorter man began to start the cylinder slowly turning around and around.
Once that was set in place, the taller man took a candle that was in a little tray with four chains sticking out of it. He attached two of the chains to the leather strap that was running across the girl's body.
The other two chains had sharp, pin-like spikes at their ends. Without giving it a thought, the man slid the spikes into the girl's fleshy thighs.
She howled out in shock at the sudden pain that rushed through her body. But then she quivered in fear as she thought about the next step that the men would take. It was obvious to her.
The candle was lit.
She could feel the flame beginning to rise. Her pussy hairs were all on end and she could hear a crackling and smell a foul aroma as some of them burned.
Sarah couldn't help squealing when that happened. She was shaking all over.
Then Robert adjusted the metal clamps in some way. That was when the girl realized the true nature of her torture! When it hit her she shuddered with fear.
Those metal clamps were holding her up because the leather strap was attached to them. But, slowly, so slowly that at first she thought that she was mistaken in her 24
perceptions, the clamps were lowering along the wall, or else the attachment with the leather strap was growing loose.
She had no idea what the inevitable conclusion would be. If the leather strap was going to snap completely at some point then she would smash down to the ground.
If that happened, her pussy would smash into the glowing flame of the candle and be horribly burned by the open fire. And, at the same time, her breasts would be cut up by the metal spikes that were right below her.
As it was, since she was being lowered slowly by the movement of the metal clamps, she could feel her breasts hanging closer and closer to the spikes.
In the crouching position that she had assumed, the fleshy part of her breasts had moved downward so that her boobs looked like two over-ripe pears.
She could tell that in a slow, but inevitable way, her breasts were moving closer to the spikes, so that eventually the metal would slice right through her white flesh.
Already the girl could feel the breeze as the cylinder was spinning so close to her breasts that it was creating a draft, chilling the goosebumps on her tits.
In contrast to that, the candle flame seemed to be moving closer to her pussy slit.
The girl had been hoping that as the candle burned lower it would get further from her cunt and that her only fear would have to be of collapsing suddenly if the leather strap were to give way. But now she realized that she had something else to fear.
As the leather strap was lowering, her body's relationship with the ground was changing. She was no longer holding her ass up in the air as high as she had been.
Since the candle was attached to the strap on one side and to her thighs on the other side, the candle was coming closer to her pussy lips by virtue of the angle at which the girl was holding her hips. She tried to raise her hips up higher once again.
But, after she had held herself in that position for a minute, she collapsed back once more. She realized that she had to lean her weight against the leather strap. There was no choice for her, since she didn't have the strength to hold herself up for a long period of time.
"I will be back!" Robert said in a low voice as his boots stamped on the stone floor of the room.
"No!' the girl cried out. "Don't leave me like this!"
Then, although she couldn't see what was happening, she heard the door slamming and she assumed that Robert had left. She didn't know if he would come back. And, if he did come back, when would it be? Would her pussy be burned and would her breasts be sliced up by that time?
Tears were streaming from her eyes, and gravity was pulling them straight down to the stone floor.
She could feel her pussy lips getting hotter with the nearness of the candle flame.
Then she heard another sizzling and crackling sound and she realized that more of her cunt hairs were burning with the flame of the candle.
When that happened, she quickly tensed her body to pull herself up from the flame.
But, she could not hold herself for a long time in that tense position.
Then she felt the tips of the spinning spikes coming in contact with her breasts. The spikes were positioned so that they were right in the cleavage between her breasts.
She sucked in her breath in an effort to pull her tits away from the spikes, but that only served to make her boobs jiggle in reaction to the movement of her belly.
That was when she really felt the stinging of the spinning spikes that were jabbing and slicing across the white flesh of her breasts.
The girl cried out, horrified and not knowing what to do. Then, once she had cried out, she listened to the sounds in the room. She could hear the hiss of the spinning cylinder and she could hear the movement of the flame.
Sarah was certain that she could also hear something else. Was it breathing? At first she listened and thought that it was the breathing of a man. Did Robert close the door and remain inside?
Or, was it the breathing of some other creature that was watching her? Was there a rat in the room? Or, was there a bat that would swoop down on her?
As the metal, spikes sliced at the white flesh of her breasts and the girl was certain that she could feel blood there, she called out, “Robert are you there?"
"Do not dare to call me Robert'" the voice replied in a low and flat tone
"Please! I beg of you!" the girl screamed “Release me and I will…"
"I shall permit you to call me 'Master!” he snapped.
“Please, Master!" she cried out. "I’ll do anything that you tell me to do!"
"I do not want to have to tell you to do anything," he said in a calm and soft voice "I want it to be your will! I want your will to motivate you!"
"M-my will?" she cried out, feeling the torments of the spinning cylinder growing by the second. "But, I thought that I wasn’t supposed to have any will?”
With a laugh, Robert said, "Every creature has a will. It is just a question of who the owner of the will might be! I want your will to tell you to serve me and to give me satisfaction. Let me tell you about one very satisfactory slave I once had."
"P-please!" the girl screamed. "My pussy will be roasted!"
In less than a moment, the man had grabbed the girl's hair and pulled her head up as he said, "I will have none of this American hysteria! You make too much of everything.
You will not interrupt me in the future! You will learn silent obedience."
Then, his voice went from being vicious to being perfectly calm once more as he said,
"Before I was so rudely interrupted, I was telling you about a wonderful slave I had.
"She was capable of sucking my cock and never putting a hand on her own pussy slit.
But, when I would shoot into her throat, she would go through wild contortions and have her own orgasm at the exact moment that I had mine.
"No one could possibly deny that the female in question had a will. It was her will that told her when her body was satisfied enough to reach its orgasm.
"And yet, she was not in control of her will. If I chose to lie back and withhold my cum for an additional hour, then that girl would not cum for an hour longer.
"Do you understand what I am saying? Never at any time was a finger pressed against her pussy. She never received any gratification for herself. And yet, so great was her passion to serve me, that her orgasms were spontaneous in reaction to my own."
The girl was lying there, silent, and hoping that the man would release her. She did not know what to do next and was waiting for some clue from him.
Apparently disappointed that the girl did not take any initiative on her own, the man snapped. "I want you to beg me to fuck your pretty little asshole."
Swallowing hard, the girl sighed. "Please Master! Please fuck my asshole!"
"That is not begging!" the man screamed "I want to really hear you sound convincing that you want my big cock in your hot little asshole! I want to hear you really begging me!"
"Please! I beg you to fuck my hot asshole with your big cock!" the girl shouted.
"Please! Put it up my ass! I want your cock up my ass!"
Then she broke down into a torrent of tears as the man gave one swift tug on the leather strap to pull the girl's body up once more so that she would be out of danger.
Once he had done that, he unhooked the candle plate, pulling the spikes out of the girl's tender thighs and putting the candle aside for future use. Then he pushed the long metal cylinder out of the way so that it would be safe to let the girl down.
Unhooking the leather strap from the wall, the man turned to her as the girl fell to the cold stone floor.
"All right!" the man said, pulling his leather jock down his muscular legs. "You did beg me for something and I do not wish to disappoint you."
"B-beg?" the girl said, looking weakly over her shoulder.
Then, as she reached down for her breasts to rub away the agony that was in her flesh and reached for her pussy lips so that she could be certain that they were not permanently injured, she realized the macabre situation in which she had been placed.
In order to stop the terrible tortures that had been tearing her body apart, she had actually begged the man to fuck her asshole.
Now, as he was stroking his thick joint, she knew there was no turning back She was a virgin everywhere and he was going to leave her pussy intact for the time being. But the inexperienced girl was hardly prepared for the assault that she was going to receive on her asshole.
Robert spit on his palm and rubbed the moisture along the length of his cock until it was glistening. Then he spit on his fingers and jabbed two of them roughly into the girl's bottom hole.
He aimed his cock at her asshole.
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