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She tried to hold her breath, but it did no good at all. The torment was too well planned. There was no way in which she could make it easier on herself.

Sarah had a lot of time to think about her situation, since she had been left in the dungeon of the castle in Brittany. She turned her head from side to side and all she could see around her were the sloping walls of aged brick that were as solid as they had been in the fourteenth century when they were first built.

“How many other slaves were shackled in these same dungeons over the centuries?”

she wondered. "How many other beautiful young girls had been brought here to serve the generations of counts that preceded the present one?”

As she tried to move her right leg a little bit, she realized that she was forcing the bondage device even more tightly against her pussy lips and she cried out in agony.

For a moment, she listened as her cry echoed and reverberated through the empty chamber. Then, her eyes moist, she tried to relax.

There was no one there to hear her cry. And, if the court or any of his men had heard her, they would have simply laughed in reaction to her scream for help.

She was a captive and she could not think of any way in which she could get out of this situation. Everything seemed hopeless. And there was one little thing that made her even more horrified.

The girl tried to cloud her mind. She did not want to think the thought that was beginning to formulate in the back of her mind.

It was amazing that even with all of the searing pain that was rushing through her body she could still think clearly. She wished that her faculties were not that clear.

And then the thought entered her mind, even though she had been fighting it.

'I am enjoying this!' was the simple thought. She really did hold her breath as the words rang clearly in her head. She heard them echoing as surely as her spoken words had echoed in the dungeon. Then she could feel her face turning bright red.

Sarah knew that it was impossible to think that she could be enjoying this torment.

She did not want to enjoy it and everything she had ever known in her life told her that there was no pleasure involved in her cruel bondage.

And yet, just as she was aware of the red flush that made her cheeks burn and glow, she was also aware of the heat that was in her pussy slit.

There was a juiciness that was growing inside of her. It was the same sort of moisture that she would always feel whenever one of her boyfriends back home would make out with her. And yet, it was so much more intense! It was so much wilder!

She could feel the movement in her pussy slit and it was frightening her.

For, here she was, with her hands bound way above her head to little metal cuffs that were protruding from the wall. She could not get away because of that one bond on her body.

But, that was hardly the torment. There was a corset that was made of black leather with whalebone running through it. It was apparently a very old thing that had been around the castle for some time. Perhaps it had been used by a previous count on some stubborn mistress who had deserved punishment.

It was only when the corset had been pulled very tightly around the girl's slim middle that she realized that there were two metal hooks that were protruding from the bottom of it.

They were like heavy metal fish hooks and they were positioned in such a way that they were pressed into her pussy lips. As soon as she felt the contact of the cold and very sharp metal against the delicate flesh of her cunt lips, she struggled to free herself.

But, every movement of her body only made the hooks stick into her flesh that much more deeply. Once the sharp heads were imbedded in her cunt lips, the girl realized that each time she breathed too deeply she was adding to her own torment.

When she inhaled and her stomach pressed against the confinement of the black leather corset, the whalebone frame moved out from her body and the metal hooks were angled in a little more sharply against her pussy slit.

She could feel the sharp points of the spikes pressing further into her cunt and she was sure from the warmth that was rushing through her pussy that she could feel blood.

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That was why the girl did not dare to move. Her body was absolutely stiff and erect in the black leather corset and so she could not move without inflicting horrible torture on herself.

As she felt a numbness rushing up her legs and as she felt the blood rushing down her anus and making her hands feel cold, the girl wished that she could pass out. But, she was still painfully aware of her position. She was painfully aware of everything that had happened to her.

Sarah could remember the fact that not long before this she had been an American girl tourist in Paris. Everything had been very simple for her at that time.

She had started college the previous fall, but she didn't like it. All through her life she had always gotten her way. Her parents were very wealthy and they felt that their daughter deserved to be pampered in every possible way.

When she was a teenager she had gone to a progressive school. There were no requirements in the school and she was able to do as she liked.

At one point, when a teacher had asked her nicely to answer a question in one of the informal 'rap’ groups that substituted for a classroom, the girl had snapped, "Go fuck yourself."

The harried teacher, knowing that he did not dare to offend any of his wealthy pupils had stammered a little as the class laughed and then he had said, "That's an interesting response on your part, Sarah. Let's discuss that for a little while."

But, when the girl had gone on to college, she had not been able to get into any good ones. She had ended up at a school that was in Southampton because she thought that would be a fun place to live.

However, she found that the beach community was very dull once the summer months were over. She also found that even though the college was geared toward rich pupils who were not very exceptional students, she was still required to do work.

That did not suit Sarah very well. She became petulant and she pulled the same sort of stunts that she had pulled through high school.

Despite the tolerance for their spoiled, rich kids, the college in Southampton flunked the girl in three of her four classes after the first semester.

They were perfectly willing to take her back for another semester. Considering the fact that they were collecting over two thousand dollars a semester in just tuition from the girl's parents, they were not very quick to kick out even the worst student.

But, it was the girl who chose not to return to school. She went home and lazed about the house. Then, her parents were a bit annoyed at her sitting around the house, being useless.

It was not that they would have suggested that she get a job or anything like that, but they felt that the girl had a future to think about and they were concerned with it.

"After all," her mother said to her. "What are you going to be when you grow up?"

"Rich'" the girl had snapped snidely as she lay on her bed, listening to her stereo.

"Yes, dear," her mother said with a little chuckle. "I know that. But, I had imagined that you would find some nice young man of your social class and that you would…"

"The guys around here are all simps!" the girl screamed to outshout the music.

"Well," her mother paused. "I'm just concerned. How does it look socially for you to be the wealthy Miss Sarah St. Cere? You have to be something in life."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" the girl said, turning onto her back and grabbing a rock magazine from her bedside table.

"Well," the woman said, taking another pause. "If you remain unmarried then people expect you to do something with your life. You should have a profession."

"Profession? What kind of… I'm not gonna go out and get a job! You have enough money!"

"No! No! No!" her mother was quick to add. "I don't mean a job. I mean something like… being an interior decorator and working in fine homes or being a travel consultant."

"Shit!" the girl said, flipping the pages of her magazine and looking at the pictures of the latest singing stars whose records were topping the charts.

"As you know, Sarah," her mother said, giving matronly advice. 'There is only one other respectable option. You should get married."

"Fuck that shit!" the girl said as she tossed the magazine down. "You want me to shack up with one of these creeps around here."

"The boys you associate with are all from the finest families in…"

"I know that!" the girl hissed, sitting up and facing her mother. "Maybe that's why they're all so fuckin' boring! I'll bet none of them even have cocks more than five inches!"

"Sarah!" the older woman cried out, finally shocked by something her daughter had said.

The girl was rolling back and forth, laughing, as she said, "Don't worry, Mother dear, I'm still a virgin and I don't know any of their cock sizes for fact! But, the reason that I'm still a virgin is that I won't let some creep with polite manners and sweaty palms get inside of my panties!" Then the girl took another magazine.

"Perhaps travel would be good for you?" the older woman said.

"Yeah!" Sarah replied. She had been around her parent’s house for less than three weeks, but already she was going crazy from the confinement of the place.

It was not that her parents would ever tell her not to do anything that she pleased, but the girl was thrilled by the opportunity of getting away.

Her mother was happy to have finally gotten a positive reaction from her daughter.

She sat on the bed next to the girl and said, "Where would you like to go?"

"There are so many places that I've never been to!'" the girl said, biting her lower lip.

"I know that you went to France once," her mother said. "But that was when you were only eleven and you went with me and your father. Wouldn't you like to go there?"

"France?" the girl said, her eyes glistening at the idea.

“You may recall that I have some cousins in the Brittany region. My family is a noble line that goes all the way back to Arthur the First and the Angevin line that ruled Brittany.”

The young girl, who had always been a poor and unresponsive student, had nevertheless looked up some information on the Angevin line and had discovered that the line ended in the thirteenth century so that no one was a descendant of that house. But, she allowed her mother that delusion. She knew that, in fact, her cousins were of royal lineage and they had an impressive castle that was on the Bay of Biscay.

She was not really looking forward to spending time with the boring old farts that she remembered from her last visit to France. But, she was excited about going to the country.

For the sake of her family and so that she would be able to boast about the castle that was in the family, the girl decided that she would visit her relatives in Morbihan.

As she was traveling up from Paris to the rocky country of the Breton peninsula, the girl looked around her. She had never been a very observant person and so she was surprised to see the strange area that she had never really associated with France.

When she had been eleven, she had been sleeping as her father drove from Paris to Morbihan and now that she was visiting again as a lovely young woman of eighteen, she really had a chance to see the countryside.

Sarah did not like it at all. When she looked at the water that was splashing to the left of her, she saw that it was rough and choppy. She could see some tiny fishing boats that looked like they were floundering out of control.

She tapped her fingers on the leather upholstery of the car that she had rented and she looked at the driver in the front seat. She was sorry now that she had planned the trip up to Brittany. She might just as well have seen some other castles and taken pictures and then told her parents and friends that they were shots of the family castle in Morbihan.

When the car arrived at the imposing structure of the horrible brick building, the girl was aghast. Apparently when she had seen the building as an eleven-year-old, it had been too large for her to appreciate and, besides, it had blended in with the dozens of other castles that she had visited during that trip.

This was hardly the castle of the girl's fairy tales. There were no shining turrets. There were no ivory pillars and gold filigreed gates.

It was a stark place of grey brick. The bricks were so large that it seemed impossible to the girl that serfs and peasants in the fourteenth century had managed to build it.

There was certainly something about the castle that made her think of the Middle Ages. She was determined that she was going to tell her dull old relatives in the place that she would only be staying for one night and that she would go on to Amsterdam the following morning. She waited in her car until a servant came to open the door.

When she stepped out, the servant was standing there, waiting for her. The count was expecting her and she was ushered through long, drafty hallways and up flights of chilly stone steps to get to the count's chambers.

Once inside of the chambers, she was impressed by the fact that the room was as lovely as any room in the Louvre. The ceilings were fourteen feet high and the room was filled with artwork that looked like a collection of family portraits.

As the count entered through a far door in the chamber, she looked up and was stunned to see him.

He was a tall man with a clipped black beard and black hair that was brushed to the side. His black eyes seemed to glisten and look right through the girl.

"You are my cousin. Sarah?" he asked with hardly a trace of an accent.

"Yes!" she said, raising herself up to her full height.

She had noted, correctly, that there was a note of disparagement in his voice as he spoke to her. He was looking at her in a strange way as if he were judging her.

"Your father is also of French stock?" the count asked as he stepped forward.

"Yes, he is," the girl said, feeling uncomfortable with the nearness of the man.

With a sigh, the black-haired man said, "Yes. But, undeniably your father’s blood is common."

"What is that supposed to mean?" the girl said, forgetting her proper deportment.

There was a little smile that played on the man's lips as he said, "Common blood will always tell, cousin. But, let us have no more, of this, I shall show you to your chambers."

She could tell from the tone of his voice that he was paying her a great compliment by showing her to her chambers. She decided to drop the argument that she had been preparing to have with the man.

As she followed him, she said, "I had expected the count to be older. When I was here last… that was when I was eleven, I remember that the count was…"

'"My father passed on about four years ago," the count said. "My mother has been sent to an institution where she can spend her remaining years in peace."

"Well,' Sarah said. "You are not at all what I expected to find here."

As she stepped into her chambers and the count followed her, he said. "You are quite a lovely young woman. I must give you credit for that."

"Thank you," she said, turning away from him and looking around her room.

"It is said that Marie Antoinette used to stay in this room. This was her favorite of all of the castles in Brittany and she used to love the cool breezes in the summer."

"How nice for Marie," Sarah said, bouncing on the bed and testing it.

"Dinner will be served at seven. We dress," the man said as he slammed the door.

She stuck out her tongue at the pompous count as he had left the room. She could remember the final warning that her mother had given her.

"I know that you're disappointed in the boys around here, dear," the older woman had said. "But don't let one of those foreigners with a title turn your head around! They've got their titles, but they don't have any money to speak of and they're all waiting for rich American girls who can come and get their families out of debt.”

Sarah got into her beautiful green satin dress that was tight around the hips and showed off her sensual figure. She went for a walk in the garden that she could see outside of her bedroom suite. She was bored, but she was interested in staying at the castle for a little while.

Although she had been offended by the count, she had also been excited about him.

She could not forget the image of the man with his perfect physique and his trimmed black beard that made him look like the image of the devil.

When she went down for dinner, it was already a few minutes after seven, but that was the closest that the girl had come to being on time for a dinner in months.

The count was at one end of the table, tapping his fingers on the white linen cloth.

When he saw the girl enter, he did not stand up.

When she sat down, he glared at her from across the table and said, "We have a strange custom in France. When one is late for dinner, one apologizes."

"We have a strange custom in America," the girl hissed. "When a lady enters the room, the gentlemen stand up to show a little respect."

The man began to laugh as the maid spooned out the servings of soup. He was laughing loud and long by the time that the maid had left the room.

"Would you mind telling me what you find so very amusing?" she asked, stretching her neck up.

"Sarah, I would stand up for a lady," the man said in a calm and even tone. "But I do not stand up for scullery maids and the like."

"Wh-what are you saying?' she screamed out as she stood up from her seat at the table.

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The man sipped his soup in a perfectly calm manner as he said, "I am playing host to you because your mother was very presumptuous when she called me from America and said that you were coming. She never gave me a chance to say that I had no wish to house you in this castle. The woman speaks very quickly.

"However, I am aware of your… mixed birth and mixed blood. You may have some of my family blood in your veins, but you are certainly not my equal."

“I've never been so insulted in my life!" the girl screamed out.

"I am merely speaking the truth," the man said as he continued to sip his soup.

"My father happens to be the president of one of the largest corporations in all of…

Why, he could buy and sell a hundred of these drafty old castles in a day!"

The count's eyes narrowed as he said, "The very fact that you are not in control of your emotions is one of the things that proves you are a child of ill-breeding!"

"You stinking bastard!'" she cried out as she reached out to slap him.

But, before her hand could reach his face, he grabbed her wrist and held it in place.

Then in a low voice that was a snarl, he said, "It may be true that your father in America is wealthy enough to buy this castle and many more like it. But he could never hope to deserve to live in such a castle! There are those who are regal and those who are not."

He was still holding onto her wrist and eventually he pushed her down to the floor.

With his hand still around her wrist, he tugged her arm around her back and said, "You show too much pride for one of your status and station. You need to learn some humility.

Clean my boots."

"You're crazy, you damn…" But, before she had finished the sentence, the man had pulled the back of her golden hair and tugged her head up.

"I told you to clean my boots and that is what you will do!" he screamed out.

Pushing her head down against the heavy riding boots that he was wearing, the girl inhaled and smelled the black leather. "I want your tongue on that leather!" he demanded.

Slowly, the girl thrust her tongue out and pressed it down against the black leather of the riding boots. The man leaned back in his chair and enjoyed the subservience of his beautiful American cousin.

"Now you are beginning to learn your proper place!" he said in a low, pleased voice.

When the girl went back to her chambers, after a meal eaten in silence and utter humiliation, she was very confused. The count had informed her that she would leave the following morning.

He made it quite clear that it was a mistake for her to be there in the first place. Aside from telling her that she was unworthy to occupy the suite in the castle, he went on to tell her that he had some very pressing matters to attend to around the castle.

It was without apology that he said. "You will kindly remain in your rooms until tomorrow morning, at which time I shall have someone to help with your bags and see that you leave.''

"When I get back to America I shall tell the family about the sort of welcome that you gave me!" the girl threatened in a nasty tone, still rubbing her tongue against the roof of her mouth to try to get the flavor of the man's boots out of her mouth.

"That is all well and good. It will be fine on my part because then I will not be bothered by other distant relatives who wish to come here and soak up local atmosphere and it will be good for you because your family might realize something very important to help them."

"What is that?" she snarled out of the side of her mouth.

"It would be good for them to realize that their station does not meet that of their European ancestors. Also, perhaps they will see that you are hardly the privileged angel who deserves all the pampering that you've received! I know that if you were under my charge you would feel some harsh brutality that would shape you into a decent… Well, it would shape you into something that you would be suitable for! Kitchen work or maid service! Certainly not a social position!"

“Fuck you!" the girl said as she went back into her room and sulked. She could hear his amused laughter echo down the hall as strode away.

Once she was inside of her room, she kept looking for something to break. She didn't care about the value of anything. She just wanted to be destructive.

But there was nothing to hold her interest in that suite. This was a girl who had been raised on television and here on the rocky and barren coast of Brittany there were no television stations broadcasting their inane programs.

If her cousin had told her to go around and explore the castle, the girl probably would have remained in the suite throughout the night. But, he had specifically ordered her to remain where she was and not to leave that room.

That was all that the contrary girl needed to hear. She went out of the suite and started to go down the drafty hallway. She was looking for some adventure.

Most particularly, the girl was looking for a way in which she could make trouble.

Her cousin had insulted her in a way that she had never known before.

She stopped, in her tracks as she heard voices. She wasn't sure whether she was glad that there were people near or whether she was sorry for it.

Although Sarah didn't want to be caught in the hallway, she wanted to find something of interest so that she could leave some sort of mark in the castle before her cousin kicked her out the following day.

She proceeded in the direction of the voices and then she realized that they were coming from the room that was to her immediate left.

Leaning close to the door she tried to hear what was being said inside, but she could not make out the words. Then she leaned down toward the keyhole to try to peek in the room. That was not very helpful since there seemed to be a large object directly in line with the keyhole.

Then she moved down the hallway to look for another entrance to the room. In that sort of castle, rooms were never built with only one entrance.

Although she didn't want to chance being so close to the main entrance of the room, if she could find a side entrance, that might suit her well.

When she continued down the hall, she came to the next door. She listened at the door for a moment and she did not hear any voices.

Then she knelt down to look through the keyhole and she did not see anything in the lighted room. Slowly, she turned the handle of the door and found that it was open.

She entered quickly and shut the door behind her. When she looked around on the walls, she saw that the room appeared to be a dressing room that had recently been used by a group of men.

Their street clothes were hanging from hooks around the room as if they had used that location to change into some sort of costumes. There were also various articles of leather clothing in the room.

As the girl continued to look around, she saw that in the far corner of the room was an open door. But, on the other side of the door was a heavy velvet curtain.

She realized from the layout of the room that the velvet curtain hid the next room and that the next room was the one from which she had heard voices.

Now that she had seen this dressing room and the leather articles, she was even more interested in seeing what was going on in the next room.

Going up to the velvet curtain, the girl listened and she could hear the sound of a whip slicing against flesh. She moved along the curtain and then she was away from the doorway. She was inside of the larger room and behind the curtain.

Apparently the heavy curtain ran all around the walls so that it would deaden the noise in the room. As the girl moved behind the curtain, she tried to be careful so that she did not disturb or flutter the curtains in any way. She did not want to attract attention.

She knew that eventually she would have to come to a split in the curtain. No matter how well this whole place was constructed it was impossible to think that there was one piece of cloth that could cover the entire room.

Then she realized that she was standing right at the split in the curtain. She tried to move it very slightly so that no one would realize that she was there.

If any of the men had been looking at the curtain at that time, they would have thought that the wind was ruffling it a bit. A moment later, none of them could see the blue eyes of the girl that were peering through the parted curtains.

The sight before her eyes was both compelling and frightening. She wanted to look away and yet she could not bring herself to look away from the scene.

There was a woman with black hair who was in the midst of a group of five men. All five of the men were dressed the same way. They were wearing black masks and black leather jocks as well as high black boots that hugged their calves and came to their knees.

Instinctively, the girl could tell that the man who was leading all of the other men was her cousin, the handsome count who owned this castle.

The girl's heart was beating so that she was certain that the men in the room would be able to hear the thudding sound as it pounded in her chest.

But, they were too occupied with other things to care or hear her presence.

Sarah's eyes quickly went to the girl who was in the middle of the men. Her legs were spread and she was leaning against a little stool.

The black-haired beauty was not actually sitting on the stool. She was leaning on it.

Robert came up to the girl and reached into a cup. He spread some thick white cream all around her pussy lips and she did not move or protest.

Then he took out a razor. Without the help of water or anything to make the chore easier, the regal man ran the razor over the girl's pussy lips and quickly shaved her bare.

"That will make you a bit more sensitive!" the man said in a soft voice.

Chills went through Sarah as she watched this scene. Not only was she frightened because of this exotic setting and what the men were doing with the black-haired girl. She was also frightened because of what she felt inside of herself.

Now that she saw her cousin with only the black leather jock covering his private parts, the girl could tell that his body really was just as good as she had thought it would be. It looked like it was carved out of granite with the few black hairs on his chest and his armpits looking like the moss that was natural to the rocky terrain of Brittany.

Once the black-haired girl's pussy slit was shaved, another of the black-masked masters came to her with a towel and wiped her cream-covered slit.

Sarah could see that there was still a bit of pussy hair on the girl's cunt lips and that there were some streaks of red because of the hacking job that Robert had done with the razor.

As the girl was led forward, Sarah's eyes trailed her to her destination. She froze on the spot when she saw the glistening metal spikes that were sticking up from a patch of granite block that was at one end of the room.

The granite rectangle seemed to have no other function than to house those spikes.

There was a pole that was shoved behind the girl's arms and then the masters pulled a rope in place around the pole, holding her arms where they were.

When Sarah noticed the pleased expression in the other girl's eyes, she realized that the men were all doing this with the approval of the girl.

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Robert took over the rope and pulled it in such a way that the girl's left leg was tugged up into the air. Then he pulled the rope back around her back and wrapped it up between her legs so that the thick and rough cord was burning into the girl's recently shaved pussy lips.

"You wish to be worthy of serving us?" Robert asked the girl.

"Yes, master,” she replied in a soft voice as she looked down at the ground.

"I want you to sit on that metal spike," he said, "nodding to the granite block.

There was no hesitation as the girl moved to the granite slab and tried to maneuver her body to the metal spike that the man had indicated to her.

She positioned herself so that the horrible weapon was up against her bottom hole.

She could feel it pressing against the clinging asshole and then she tried to relax her muscles so that she could impale herself.

Once she had the sharp point of the spike in the right position, she began to work her way down onto the thing, a little bit at a time.

Just then, Robert pulled on the rope and the girl's body collapsed down against the spike.

She could feel it spreading her asshole wide apart. But, fortunately, the spike was not long enough to impale any of her vital organs or to puncture her intestines.

With the spike all the way up her asshole and the rope running across her bare pussy lips, the girl could feel pain rushing through her body in both directions.

Then, Robert said. "I want to see you get your pleasure like this!”

“Get my pleasure, master?" the girl asked in a soft, low voice.

"If you ride up and down on that spike, then the rope will rub back and forth against your pussy lips. I want you to do that until you trickle juice from your cunt lips."

The girl nodded when she had heard that. She started to ride up and down on the spike and she could feel the rope rubbing against her pussy lips.

As Sarah watched she remembered an incident when she was in her gym class in junior high school, before she had gone on to the progressive high school where they didn't make her do work.

The teacher had insisted that Sarah should climb the ropes. She managed to get one hand over the other and then to pull herself up so that the first hand topped the second.

But, as soon as she had done that much, she was tired and bored.

She didn't want to come down slowly, so she slid down the ropes. By the time she hit the ground four seconds later she could feel a burning on her hands and on the insides of her thighs. She had burned herself on the rope and she had red marks that didn't go away for a week.

Now, as she watched the young girl working her pussy up and down against the rope, Sarah could see the red marks that were starting to appear on her pussy lips.

Sarah realized that this dark-haired beauty was getting the same sort of rope burns on her pussy lips that she had once had on her hands. As she remembered how horrible the pain had been on her palms, Sarah winced in looking at the girl's pussy.

As it was, all of the sensation in the girl's cunt was multiplied ten times because the hair on her slit had been shaved.

And yet, despite the pain and despite the fact that there was perspiration standing out on the girl's forehead, she was bouncing up and down on the metal spike that was up her ass.

The black-haired beauty had very little control over her movements because of the strange way in which she was bound. Although her right leg was stretched out and free, her left leg was still pulled up in the air by the rope that was around it.

Every now and then Robert would rub his fingers lightly over the girl's bare cunt lips.

He would take his fingers away with some disappointment.

It was clear to Sarah, who was still watching from her hiding place, that her cousin was waiting for something. She could see that the girl on the spike was exerting great effort.

Then the girl's body seemed to tense up wildly. The black-haired beauty tossed her head back and then to the side as she shut her eyes.

Her leg that was up in the air, arched straight up and grew very tense. Her body leaned back against the spike that was up her ass and the metal, now no longer cold because of the contact with her body, pressed against the bottom of her asshole.

With that increased tension that was in her body, the girl could feel the rope that was cutting across her breasts as it pressed more tightly into her left breast and cut at the flesh.

She could hardly get her breath and then Robert, still holding onto the rope with one hand, reached down for her cunt lips and pressed his finger against the burnt and raw flesh.

There was a deep-throated laugh that came from behind his mask as he said, "You are indeed worthy of serving us! You have cum!”

The girl was so ardent that she almost fell over as she turned to kiss his fingers and cried out, "Thank you, master! You are so good to me!”

As she was kissing his fingers, he stuffed his fingers in her mouth. She could taste her own pussy juice, which the man had just wiped from her cunt lips.

Then Robert let go of the rope and the girl started to untangle it from around her body.

Sarah, who was still in her hiding place behind the curtain, realized that the strange gathering might be breaking up very soon. She decided that she should leave.

But then she saw that one of the men went through the curtain into the little dressing room. Sarah tensed up. That means of exit was cut off to her.

She looked along the narrow passage that was between the curtain and the wall. She could see where the door to the room was, but in order for her to get to the door she had to go out in the open and reveal herself.

Now that she had seen what they had done to that girl, she did not dare to reveal herself in front of the men. But, she was tense and she wanted to get out of there.

Sarah might not have admitted it to herself, but a good part of her tension was sexual in nature. She could feel a tingling in her pussy lips despite the distaste that she felt for the scene before her.

Pressing her cunt lips together with her fingers, she decided that it would be better to wait before attempting to leave the room.

When she looked through the curtain again, she could see that the girl who had been bound one moment before was on her back on the floor with one of the masters on top of her.

The man had pulled off his jock and his thick cock was sliding in and out of the girl's overly sensitive pussy lips. He was ramming and cramming it into her as fast as he could.

Then there was an explosion and the cock shoved so hard into the girl that she was pushed six inches across the floor until her head hit the base of the granite pedestal.

It was clear from the contented expression on her face that she was being filled up with cock juice.

As soon as the man had finished shooting, he pulled his cock out of her slit and Sarah could see the dripping drool that was slithering from the girl's slit.

It was a mixture of the cock juice and pussy cream that had mingled together inside of her.

Then the girl raised her legs up over her shoulders and looked up as Robert pulled his black leather jock off. Sarah was also watching at that moment.

Her cousin had an enormous cock that was dangling down between his legs. It looked more like a firehose than a dick. And it was beautiful.

The uncircumcised prong had a clean foreskin that came just over the head of it. As he pulled the foreskin back and began to stroke his cock, Sarah could see that it was starting to stand at attention.

In a moment it was hard and it was even longer than it had been. Sarah could not believe that any man could have such a large cock.

She had never been fucked, but she was a sophisticated girl from a big city. She had seen movies with sex scenes and she had seen women's magazines that had supposedly shown off the best of male bodies. However Robert's granite-hewn form was better than any other.

He was certainly not like the boys back home in America; the ones that Sarah had been sure could not have been endowed with more than five inch cocks.

She wondered if her cousin's surly attitude grew from the fact that he had such a big dick. It was something that actually disturbed the girl for a moment.

But then her attention was drawn back to the scene before her. As Robert pressed his body down against the black-haired girl's sensual form, his thick cock head pushed against the opening of her bottom hole.

The girl grunted in reaction to the contact. Then the cock slammed all the way into her ass in one brutal move. Even though the black-haired beauty was trying to remain calm and obedient, Sarah could see the shudder that swept through her body.

No sooner had Robert shoved his cock all the way up the hot asshole, than he pulled the full length of his cock out of the girl’s bottom hole.

When he pulled his cock out of the hole, Sarah could see that there was blood on it.

She wondered if her cousin had caused the girl to bleed with his jabbing thrust or if the girl had been bleeding because of the metal spike that went up her bottom hole.

Robert did not seem to mind. He slammed all the way into the girl's ass again, using the blood as a lubricant for his fucking jabs.

Sarah shuddered as she watched the scene. Aside from the fact that the girl's cunt had been brutalized terribly so that Sarah could not imagine how she withstood everything, the blonde girl was amazed at the way the long dick fit all the way into the girl's bottom.

She watched the thick lance shoving forward and she imagined the way it would feel to have the enormous cock head slamming against the deep interior of her body.

Then, without even realizing what she was doing, the girl reached down and pressed her fingers against the outline of her pussy lips.

She could feel the cunt that was tucked inside of her panties and in her skirt and she was getting pleasure from the immediate contact with her fingers.

Working her skirt up, she pressed her fingers against the shiny satin fabric of her panties. She then reached her fingers into the clinging waistband of her panties and started to frig up and down against her pussy slit.

In less than a moment, the girl was breathing heavily and trying to catch her breath.

She could feel a minor tremor inside of her pussy and she knew that it was growing.

Her pussy flesh was undulating around her invading fingers and then she shut her eyes. She was out of control and she didn't even realize what she was doing.

Sarah's body was swerving and she leaned forward so that her body pushed through the curtains. All of the men turned to look at her as she opened her eyes.

And then she froze as she was. Her skirt was up and her hand was down her panties.

The leather-clad men were all looking at her.

Robert pulled his cock quickly out of the black-haired girl's asshole. His huge shaft was waving in front of him with blood and soil on it.

He pulled off his leather mask and looked at his beautiful American cousin. She tried to look away from the waving cock that was moving toward her ten inches in advance of the man.

His smile was broad as he grabbed her around the body and pressed his firmly muscled form against her delicate one. He grasped her tightly to his chest and kissed her.

She finally had the presence of mind to pull her hand out of her panties. She slapped her cousin on the shoulder, but he ignored it the way that he might have ignored a fly landing on his massive form.

Pushing the girl into the center of the room, he said, "I see that you are going to give me trouble! I don't like to have them give me any trouble! I like girls who are obedient!"

She tried to adjust her panties and her skirt as she called out. "I don't want to be obedient."

“Then why were you watching us?" he snarled, his hands crossed in front of his chest.

"I-I didn't know what was going on in here when 1 snuck in! I was curious!" she said, looking around at the other men and feeling very threatened.

With a laugh, Robert snapped, "Then why were you frigging your pussy?"

"I want to get out of here!" she screamed. But as she ran to the door, three of the men grabbed her and pulled her down to the floor.

"Let me go! You're perverts! I don't want you to touch me!"

"Let us see what charms my little American cousin might have!'' Robert said, his sly voice slithering around the words in a sensuous way. The men took that cue to strip the girl naked.

In a flash her clothes were torn to shreds and she was lying naked in the middle of the room.

Robert laughed and said. "I will try out that pussy first. Then the rest of you can…”

"I'm a virgin!" the girl screamed in a loud voice.

The handsome man furrowed his brows as he came around to the girl's pussy and commanded the other men to spread her legs wide apart. Then he worked his finger into her slit as she gasped with horror. When he pulled his finger out of her cunt, he was perplexed.

"You are telling the truth. You really are a virgin," he said in a low voice. "I have some honor. It goes along with my regal blood. Therefore I would not take your virginity unless you request that I do so."

"And you can hold your breath waiting for that to happen, asshole!" Sarah screamed.

“However," he snapped, turning toward her and still displaying his huge erection.

"Because of all of the orders of mine you have disobeyed and broken, you will have to face some punishment!”

The girl’s eyes were wide with terror as she looked around at the brutal men who had been terrifying the other girl. What was her punishment to be?

Then, the black-haired girl, slid on her knees and rubbed her hand along Robert's leg as she said, "Please, master. Leave that wench to the others. I beg you to satisfy me."

“Get away!" Robert snapped, kicking the girl in the breasts. “You should know your proper place."

When the black-haired girl looked at Sarah, there was bitter hatred in her eyes. As Sarah looked around the room, she realized that there was no one for her to turn to.



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