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I don’t know how long he left me like that, trussed to the gills, literally, with my nipples tied quite effectively to my collar.
I was his total sexual prisoner.
And now, just as I was weeping, it seemed uncontrollably, he left me there hanging, against the pole, and walked out of the room.
Just like that.
I had no idea where he was going...
Or where I was...
Or for how long I was going to have to endure being like this.
I looked down at my own tits...
They were magnificently trussed... I had to admit...
Every part of them was tortured.
He certainly knew what he was doing... beginning with the ropes, then on to the boards, and the clamps, and now the hooks.
And because I had such gorgeous ones, I’d been picked by him... picked, and charmed into coming back here... so that I could endure all his lustful torture...
What an unspeakably mean and arrogant thing to do...
But somehow he must have known...
He must have known that I’d love it... that I’d give anything to have him do this to me again... that I’d love to be his sexual slave forever...
Those, indeed, were the thoughts that were going through my mind as I waited for his return.
And finally, after what might have been hours, or only minutes - in my condition time seemed itself a form of perversion, unable to be judged by normal standards - he reappeared.
Totally nude!
Except for his cock and balls, which held a peculiar harness... as if he were a horse (he was certainly hung like one) and had to be bridled...
But he did it in such a way that it made his balls seem even bigger than I’d imagined them...
And his cock was wrapped in lovely, thick leather straps... with studs on them...
Not the normal, usual types of studs...
These were different...
These were little rubber jobs... the type that would make a girl’s pussy cream better than a blender...
And of course, that was the first thing I thought of..
My own pussy being fucked by that equipment.
He was incredibly well-hung, as I just knew he would be...
And now...
He came over to me, and that’s when I saw the battery device for the first time!
It looked something like a transformer from a set of children’s electric trains, a little black box with a dial on it that twisted to increase the flow of juice... a rheostat I believe it’s called.
And then..
Then, finally, I saw the other thing...
The thin wire that was going to be put across my tits...
And attached to them...
He did this with that cruel smile still on his face.
He knew exactly what he was doing...
He clamped the end of the wire on one of the hooks that was through my nipples, and the other end to the other one.
„There,“ he said softly, satisfied, giving it couple of light tugs, that it was firmly secured to me.
„Now... let’s apply the third rail!“
A cruel joke!
One that left me breathless with fear.
I didn’t think he was actually going to... go through with this.
He was just trying to scare me...
That’s what I told myself...
Just trying to frighten me is all...
Well, that was fine.-.
Let him try...
I wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of giving in...
He could scare me all he damn pleased...
I wasn’t going to fall for it...
I wasn’t...
Not even when I saw him take the long extension cord and plug it into the wall...
Well... maybe then...
I stared at him.
„What... what are you going to do,“ I said, my voice sounding as sheepish as the poor victim that I looked to be in his eyes.
„Stimulate you,“ he said, calmly.
Stimulate me!
More than I already was?
Was it possible, I was going to get it even more than before?
I didn’t think so.
He was bluffing.
He had to be.
„Now... this might feel a little... painful at first, but I’m sure you’ll survive... „
He smiled and then even chuckled once.
He wasn’t kidding!
He wasn’t bluffing at all...
I was the one who was kidding...
Kidding myself!
I was going to get juiced..
Through my tits...
Oh... God... God...
I twisted and turned in my bonds, hoping that I could somehow get free...
Please don’t do this to me.
Enough of your tortures...
Let me instead suck your dick...
Wouldn’t you like that?
Wouldn’t you like me to suck on it... to make it come... sweetly... in my mouth...
To make it shoot out so good...
Wouldn’t you, baby...
Yes... I know... I know you would...
If only you’d give me a chance...
If only you’d give me one little chance...
But no...
There were no chances...
There were no chances to be had...
There was nothing...
Nothing but oblivion ahead...
That much was obvious...
Obvious oblivion...
The plight of the victim...
All of these thoughts went through my head in a matter of seconds... colliding with each other as they did so...
And as they did, I knew I had no chance...
No chance at all to convince him of doing anything differently than he was going to do... If he wanted to juice me than he would do just that...
I waited.
More eternities passing quickly.
He was so good at this kind of thing... of building the suspense along with my hopes, up to a point where I thought perhaps he wasn’t going to... he was going to give me a break... he was going to spare me...
But no!
I saw him reach for the dial as he held the box up in front of my tits...
With his eyes staring at them...
And his mouth watering for it...
His tongue came out and licked across his lips in anticipation...
He couldn’t wait to see me brought to new heights (depths!) of pleasureful pain.
Or was it painful pleasure?
I was having such trouble figuring it all out!
Believe me... I couldn’t tell what the situation was anymore...
And now I was drooling again from my mouth, only this time I had no gag...
It was strictly out of fear...
The fear of having to take the juice through my hooked tits!
I looked at him with pleading eyes. Please... don’t... don’t do this to me... not this... anything but...
But, of course, you know, don’t you... I don’t have to tell you...
My pleas had absolutely no effect on him whatsoever...
He was going to take it...
He was going to give it to me as well...
And I was hardly able to breathe I was so frightened...
And then...
Then, I watched, bug-eyed, as his hand went to the zapper, and he started to apply the juice!
He moved that switch just a little, and I thought, aha, it was all a trick... there is no juice coming out 0f it...
It’s a trick!
„OHHH... GOD... NO... NO... „
No trick... not trick at all...
The juice now started flowing... and I could feel it in my tits!
At first it wasn’t so bad..
Really... it kind of felt like when I lie in bed by myself and take a vibrator and kind of lazily run it across my tits...
Like that...
Only maybe a little stronger...
A little more juice...
Maybe even a little more...
And he knew it!
He was staring right at me as he started to increase the flow.
And then, with one motion he really turned it on!
And my entire body jolted, just like in the movies when the bad guy gets the chair!
I thrust my chest forward... it was the only move I could do...
And when it was like that, heaving, holding up those wooden slats and heaving... he took it as a sign that I was liking it...
I could tell...
Just from the way he was looking at me and talking to me...
„Yes... baby... it’s so good... so good... you love it... I know... I’ll give you all you want...
Crazily, I could see his cock getting bigger and bigger, as he stood there harnessed... and now the thing was like a wild stallion’s cock, harnessed and trying to burst free.
He was enormous!
I’d never seen sexual equipment like that on a man.
I swear his cock was big enough to fuck the pussies of the biggest girl in Las Vegas choruses... the kind that you can drive choo choos through...
And still, he was watching me... with his hard-on and all...
And increasing the juice...
It didn’t seem to matter to him... not at all... he was content to juice me... to juice the shit out of me...
And now, I had a burning sensation in my tits...
As I smelled the smoke rising... the black smoke...
He was a fiend!
A heartless fiend!
To punish me this way...
And then, friends, finally... I was able to faint...
I was relieved of the awful torture I was being subjected to by the sweet sensation of fainting away to what appeared to be for all intents and purposes, my death.
I don’t know how long I was out... as I say, time had lost it’s reason for me.
But when I awoke I was no longer attached to that pole.
Oh, my tits were still being tortured, but everything had been removed except the hooks.
And they were enough.
My breasts, my lovely, beautiful titties were feeling the effects of all that had been done to them.
They were incredibly tender and bruised...
I looked down at them and saw the marks of brutality painted with blacks and blues... and the rope marks that were so distinct, wound around my tits...
Would they ever return to normal? Would I ever have the sensation back in them?
It was a hard one to figure...
A really hard one...
As hard as his cock had looked to me just before I blacked out.
I was in a bed...
A big, comfortable bed.
With no other furniture in the room.
I tried to get up and that’s the first time I realized that my arms and legs were secured...
In such a way that my arms were bent at the elbows, and tied down my head, on either side of the bed...
And my legs...
Good God!
They were bent!
They were bent up at the knees, and held that way by clever ropes on either side of my thighs...
Ropes that kept me spread apart...
And I was wearing nothing now...
Under the one sheet that covered me I was totally naked.
I tried to get free... I thought I’d test the strength of the ropes.
They were tight all right.
And strong...
There was no way...
No way that I was going to be able to get out of it...
I knew that now and resigned myself to that fact.
So I waited for Gustav to come back in and show me what he had in store for me next.
A little while later the door did, indeed open...
And Gustav came in.
The first thing I noticed about him was that his cock still had that studded leather harness on it...
and it was still hard...
Gorgeously so!
And he came over to the bed and sat down next to me... putting one hand on my face.
„How are you, darling... „
The nerve of him, calling me darling!
„I’m... fine... „ I said, choking back tears. „Why... are you doing this to me... „
„Because,“ he said calmly... „Because you’re the lucky lady of my choice. When I’m finished with you... „ His voice trailed off.
I shuddered to think what was going to happen next...
I couldn’t quite put it together...
But now, He was starting to straddle my body...
Starting to come around, putting a knee on either side of my face...
And squatting down on my poor tits.
He bounced once, as if to make sure he was comfortable.
„There,“ he said, smartly. „That’s better... „
„Ohhh... „
„It hurts... you’re heavy and my tits... my tits are so sore... „
I thought perhaps he was going to understand... and sympathize...
But of course I was wrong...
Dead wrong.
He didn’t seem to care at all about my plight... he was only interested in watching me suffer...
If only...
If only I could have him trapped sometime...
I’d show him what suffering was!
That was a promise I made to myself... a promise that I hoped to keep.
Now, he was leaning forward, and I suddenly could feel the hot head of his fat prick working on my face...
Rolling all over it...
Rolling over it and rubbing me good, on my cheeks and my chin and my mouth and my eyes...
He was pushing his cock up against my nose!
His little prick-hole was inside my nostrils!
With him watching all the time...
Watching me and making me do these things...
I was being humbled by his cock...
His leather sheathed cock...
And, Jesus, but wasn’t I loving it!
Wasn’t I loving every bit of it...
He continued to work me over... to make sure that I was feeling it so good...
And then, he gently made me open my mouth.
He was going to make me suck his prick.
„You’re a cocksucker, aren’t you,“ he said to me.
„Yes... „
I couldn’t help but tell him what he wanted to know.
„And you’re going to suck mine, aren’t you... „
„Yes... „
„Deep in your throat... „
„Yes... „
„To show me how much you loved the way I punished you... right?“
„Ohhh... God... yes... yes... give it to me... give me your prick in my mouth... let me show you...
please... „
I was on fire...
I couldn’t take it anymore... not with that gorgeous hunk of sexmeat right on my face...
He was teasing me...
Teasing me and driving me crazy...
I knew that...
And I was going out of my mind with it...
I needed it...
God, I needed it...
And I was going to get it!
I was going to get it all right...
He slowly slipped the head in...
Just the head...
„Now suck,“ he said, and I did as I was told... like the good little girl that I was... like the good little girl he wanted me to be...
And I was only too willing to comply.
Perhaps it was the punishment I’d taken... or the size and taste of his dick...
But whatever it was, I wanted to suck that thing dry... I wanted to suck the life out of him...
If only I could use my hands...
If only I could use my fingers on him... I’d work that shaft up all right...
And now...
Now he was gently holding his cock in his own hand... and what a sight that was!
He was holding it and forcing it deep into my mouth...
So deep that I could taste the rubber wrapped around it...
And it tasted so good...
The way those nubs hit my mouth...
And worked it up and down...
I could only imagine...
And then it hit me!
They were going to be used inside my pussy!
He was going to fuck me with it... and make me feel it in there...
Oh, God... what that would do to me... what a thing like this, with all these rubber spikes could do...
The mere thought of it made me suck him that much harder...
And now, he was starting to move his hips back and forth...
He was starting to move them, and to fuck my mouth.
He was so big!
I had to strain to open my mouth to get him all the way in...
And the more I did, the more I could feel him...
Until, finally, I was tasting his stuff, tasting his hot fluids...
He wasn’t exactly coming... but he was dripping with lube juices... the kind of thing a cock does as it’s working it’s way into a pussy...
How eagerly I sucked at the stuff... I gobbled it... I wanted it all the way down my throat... to taste that stickiness going in me...
Oh yes...
I was his slave...
I was his love slave...
And I was going to remain that way for as long as he pleased...
And didn’t I know it...
Didn’t I just know it...
„Yeah, you love it... you love sucking cock... „
„Ohh... baby... suck that thing... suck on it hard... give it your tongue... go on baby... give it to me...
He was fucking my face so hard now... and I was loving it...
Just loving the way he was making me feel...
I would have done anything for him...
And he knew it...
He just knew it...
My beautiful arrogant sex master!
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