Bonnie Bound 3 | bdsm stories

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Now what?

I wasn’t really sure...

I had no idea what he was going to do to me next...

There was no use in trying to outguess him. It wouldn’t work.

No matter how devious I thought I could allow myself to think, he would outdo me.

He would make it so there was no way I’d ever be able to outthink the likes of him.

He was like no man I’d ever met before.

He certainly was the best looking, I’ll confess to that, eagerly.

After all, it was his looks that had lured me to his air... where I was then abruptly taken and trussed and tortured...

And all the while, he was working on my defenses, trying his best to break me down, working me to the bone, taking advantage of every one of my private parts...

And there was nothing I could do about it...


I was helpless...

Forced to experience this stripping away of my body... this stripping and abuse...

And the way he did it!

The way he was able to get inside of me like this...

It amounted to no less than a full-scale assault on my sensibilities...

And didn’t I just love it!

Didn’t I just love the way it felt as he continued to abuse me...

Wasn’t it a sheer revelation for me...

Because no one had ever done this type of thing to me...

Men had always worshiped my body and put it on a pedestal, and there was definitely something to be said for that too, don’t get me wrong... but to be taken, in the classic, timeless way, seduction by charm and brute strength... well, if I could franchise this stuff I’d make more money than McDonalds, I’ll tell you that...

Even now, with my tits in the most unspeakably tortured position, and my legs bound together and his fingers churning my pussy... I was helpless to complain...

Helpless to do anything about it...

There was really nothing I could do...

He was in charge.

He was my lord and master.

He was the king of my universe.

He was the captain of my soul.


You must have this done to you.

Encourage your boyfriends or your husbands (or your boyfriends even if you have husbands) to take advantage of you this way... I guarantee you’ll come like you’ve never come before...

Listen to me...

Believe me...

I know what I’m talking about.

Like now, with those incredible fingers doing their thing inside my tight pussy it was enough to make me crazy...


I couldn’t help it...

Now with that gag off my mouth, I was free at last to sight and moan with pleasure...

He put his face right in front of me and watched as I put on a show of delicious facial, expressions, all quite uncontrolled by me...

I couldn’t help it...

It all felt too... wonderful for words...

Even though my tits were bearing the pain of the abuse they were forced to take... like this flattening that was going on...

I didn’t care...

It hurt... but I didn’t care...

It could have been worse...

It could have been much worse...

And I knew that...

I also knew that somehow, from somewhere inside of me, that I was safe.

That he wasn’t going to hurt me...

That I was going to be all right...

In time...

After he was through with me.

He put his mouth on mine and forced his tongue between my lips...

I started sucking on it immediately... pretending to myself that it was really his cock...

That it was his hot cock going in my mouth, that he was forcing me to suck it... that he was going to come...

That he was going to make me swallow it...

That he was going to watch as it went down my throat...


Just incredible...

I was on fire now... and I couldn’t help it...

I really couldn’t...

No matter what I did, no matter how I felt, I was still in his charge... and there was nothing I could really do except go along with... ,


Without saying anything he took his finger out of my pussy...

They were drenched!

My pussy was running like a faucet and I could tell he was turned on by it.

„You’re so wet,“ he said softly...

And then he lifted his fingers to my mouth and put them in...

He was going to make me suck them, and suck on my own pussy juice!



I’m trying to tell you...

This was the best...

When I’d cleaned his fingers totally, to his complete satisfaction, he turned and went to the wall.

He was going to get some kind of device, I knew... something to add to the torture I was already feeling.

What, though?

What could he do to me now?

tentacle invasion

I thought he must have exhausted all roads by this time...

But I was wrong...

I was mistaken...

I couldn’t believe it...

I really couldn’t...

And now...

Now, when I saw what he had, I screamed, at the top of my lungs’.

„NOOOOO... „

He immediately clamped his hand over my mouth and looked at me, sternly, with those deep black eyes of his,

„If you do that again, I’ll give you the most severe punishments you’ve ever had. And I’ll keep you gagged for all of it!“

My eyes widened in fright.

I knew he wasn’t kidding.

I knew he meant what he was saying.

So I shook my head softly up and down, to let him know that I understood... and that I’d try, I’d really try to behave...

So there I was, tied still to that pole, with my knees and ankles still tied, about to get it, but good...

From him...

From him and his new devious device!

It was quite simple really...

And only because I was so attuned to what he was up to did I feel any sense of dread.

He was going to use a needle, thread and hook device on me!

How, I wasn’t quite sure...

But however, it was going to hurt, I could tell that...

You didn’t need a crystal ball to be able to read that kind of score...

You don’t need anything but a man like Gustav to give it to you...

A man who isn’t afraid of his own sexuality, and certainly not intimidated by yours.

And yes, Gustav was such a man...

And I was his victim...

His sexual victim...


He was so incredible...

I was so lucky...

So dreadfully lucky...

Even though I was going to have to pay the sexual price...

As I was doing now.

I stared with frightened eyes at that needle and thread...

What... what was he going to do now?

„Just try not to think about this.. Just let it happen to you,“ he said.

Now, he held the thread up and started to sew two pieces of the thick stuff to the leather collar around my neck.

He worked slowly... methodically, giving me the kind of treatment I could only dream about... yes...

he was so smooth... he was incredible smooth and delicate...

And the leather around my neck was supple enough to let that needle go through.

He was careful not to pierce my neck skin, by using a thimble on one of his fingers.

Now, I ask you, was he not the picture of consideration?

I certainly thought so...

You couldn’t tell me otherwise...

No sir...

He was the best...

Now, he had two loops of strong thread down into my leather neck collar.


Why would he want to do something like that?

I couldn’t figure it out at all...

That is, until I realized what he was up to.

Then it hit me with a shuddering reality.

I saw those piercing fish hooks in his fingers, and that wicked smile, and the way he was staring at my squashed, clamped nipples, and I knew...

I can still remember quite exactly the moment it hit me... how it came on to me... crawling through my skin... crawling like a million bugs taking their bites out of me.

He reached for a bottle of clear oil.

I couldn’t be sure, but it seemed as if it was that lovely, luxurious sexual oil... the kind you rub on private parts for sexual stimulation...

Oh yes, I was quite familiar with that.

Now, though, he took some and splashed it in his palm... holding it there while with the same hand he held his hooks!

Now, he put the bottle down and took the fingers of her free hand and pushed them around in that little pool of oil.

I watched it all, fascinated by the way he was working himself and me into a renewed sexual frenzy.

„Are you ready,“ he asked me, and stared into my eyes for the answer.

I swallowed hard and then shook my head yes.

„Good... „

Now, he took his oil-dripping fingers and rubbed them around my nipples, first my right one and then my left one...

„OHHHHH... „

I couldn’t believe it!

My nipples, still clamped, where nevertheless being pushed forward by those steel biters so that they were sticking at least a half inch out in front of the clamps... free and tight at the same time...

And now he was caressing them... using his hands on them... rubbing them up and down, moving them all around, pulling on them every so often... altogether sending me into a new state of sexual hunger I’d never previously known... with anyone... at any time!

„OHHHH... GOD... Gustav... Gustav... YOU’RE DRIVING... ME CRAZY... OHHHH... „

It was true...

He was...

Crazy out of my mind...

He was maniacal with precision...

But I already knew that...

And soon, I was lolling my head back and forth, lost in the reverie of this latest sexual delight...

The way he made me moan and sob... it was something I’ll never forget...

And then, when he was satisfied that he’d warmed me up sufficiently... that I was ready, once more for some of his treatment, he smiled cruelly and got himself ready...

For the next step!

He didn’t waste any time...

Instead, he took the first hook, and holding my left nipple in his hands, started to pierce it!


He was piercing my nipples!

He was piercing my nipples with fish hooks!

God, it was incredible... the pain was almost too unbearable...

Every free part of my body started to kick and scream...

I couldn’t get over how much that hurt...

And each time I tried to move out of it, he pushed it in further... slicing into the cherry red bud of my nipple...

Driving me crazy...

Making me scream with the pain...

And yes, girls, with the pleasure!

He was driving me simply wild...

And I didn’t know what to do about it...

I really didn’t...

I thought I was going to lose it for sure...

I was starting to go out... to blank out... thankfully... But he wasn’t going to allow that!


He was determined to keep me wide awake.

He clamped his hand on my face and held it rigidly at attention, watching my face...

And when he let go, he was satisfied that I wasn’t going to sleep out on him.

„Please... don’t... no more... I’ll do anything... any thing you want... I mean it... I’ll do any thing... „

And I did mean it!

I would have sucked on his asshole if he would have let me...

There was nothing that I wouldn’t have considered...

If only...

If only he’d let me have some!

If only he’d stop and fuck me...

But no... he had a game plan and he was going to stick with it...

That much was clear...

And now, with one final push, he got the fish hook through my nipple, piercing it through the curve, all the way to the loop of it...

And pulled on it slightly...


The pain, simply, was unbearable...

I was lurching with my body, uncontrollably... like a ship in a storm at sea... it was a nightmare the likes of which I’d never even dared to dream of before...

I couldn’t get over it...

It was so painful...

So awfully painful!

Even so, I had to try to endure it...

I wanted Gustav to somehow know that there was nothing... nothing I couldn’t do.. _nothing I couldn’t take for him...

And now, he looked at my face.

„How does it feel,“ he asked, softly...

„Ohhh... it... hurts... „

„Yes... I know... but how does it feel... „

He was standing before me in the dim light, and wanting me to tell him just what the sexual response was...

I could handle it...

I really could...

I parted my wet lips and he watched my face.

„It’s... like nothing else... I’ve ever felt... „

„I know... I know... you’re such a good captive... „

He was congratulating me...

And for some reason, that helped... that helped a lot... because it made me feel that I was getting to him, as much as he was getting to me... and that he was loving it along with me...

So we were joined...

Joined together by something other than hooks and bonds and leather and rubber...

We were joined by the mutual lust of our sexual obsessions...

And that was wonderful, really...

A wonderful thing to realize...

I sighed... if such a thing was possible...

And then I gasped...

Because now he was working on my other nipple, and he’d just pushed the hook through the part of the end of it... the fleshy underpart... the nether nipple, as it were, and was slowly forcing that widening hook through it...


I wasn’t screaming...

I’d promised both him and myself that I wasn’t going to scream...

No way...

I was going to try to control the pain and the panic as best I could...

While he worked on me like he did...

And God, he was working on me so good...

Now, both my nipples were hook-pierced.

My eyes were tear-filled... I couldn’t help that... but so what...

So what if I were feeling a little pain.

What was the big deal?

I’d felt pain before... and could handle it...

I knew I could handle it...

And now I was going to witness the next stage of this torture...

Even the boards flattening my gorgeous tits were no match for this new level of torture...

And the both of us knew it.

Now, he held the left hook in his hand, along with my nipple of course, and began to lower the thread that he had attached to that side of my collar.

I gasped.

I wasn’t sure what was going to follow, but I didn’t dare to look away...

Now, he took that thread and looped it through the bottom of the hook, where the little eyelet for it was...

And pulled slowly on the thread, watching my face all the while...


He was pulling on the thread and lifting it at the same time, so that he was hooking, in effect, my nipple and my collar, stretching my nipple until I thought for sure he was going to pull it out of it’s socket...

God, what a torture!

What a mean, unspeakable display of cruelty...

I was openly sobbing now, and there was nothing he could say, no threat or cajole that would make me change...

He had me and he knew it...

I was bawling like a baby as he trussed my nipple up high, as far as he could get that part of it...

stretching it to a good three inches before tying it to my collar...


How that hurt...

How that hurt so much...

He was being mean and cruel and I could do nothing but weep like a baby...

And when I thought for sure that I’d endured all I would have to, he began on the other one...

Can you imagine?

I was going to have to go through it all over again...

Worse this time... I was sure... because I knew what was coming...

And then he began...

Reaching for the hooked nipple...

And the thread...

And looping it...

And pulling it...

And stretching me...

My God, my tits were being tortured every inch of the way...

And how they hurt...

How they so hurt...


I’ll do anything...


Only please stop...

Please stop what you’re doing...

I really can’t take anymore...

He started to smile!

I’d never seen that before...

He was smiling as he was watching me writhe in pain...

My tits were hooked to my neck collar...

Of all the fiendish tortures...

He was incredible...


There seemed to be no limits to the amount of cruelty he was going to make me endure.

And endure it I would...

As much as I could...

As much as I would have to take...

Until finally... finally... I was watching him step back.

It was a perfect tableau.

And he knew it.

Now, he was headed for the wall again.

What now?

What could he possibly do now?


He actually had a camera!

He had a camera and he was going to take pictures of me...

He was going to record the evidence...

I couldn’t believe it...

I really couldn’t...

How could he photograph me in such agony?

I didn’t understand it!

I really didn’t...

He was the meanest person I’d ever met...

But also the sexiest.

The hottest and the sexiest and the most fabulous lover, if you can understand that.

I know it’s difficult, but it’s true...

That’s the way I felt and there was no way I’d change...

No matter what he did to me...

No matter what...

Not even what came next.

Although, if there ever was a test, this was going to be it!

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