Amara vs Slavers 8 | warrior woman | free bondage stories
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The rogue, despite his best judgement, together with the warrior, walked the forest at night. It was getting late but he wouldn't dare return without any news. They were still very far away from where the girl fell and the search would probably take the entire night. Maybe even more.
Although, what was worrying him wasn't the night or the chance of being found by creatures. It was his companion. As the hours passed he was getting grumpier, angrier and very temperamental. Which in this case was more dangerous than anything the forest could throw at him.
At this rate I won't survive the night with this idiot behind me... I have to----
The rogue stopped abruptly. The warrior wasn't expecting it so he bumped into him, making almost fall on the ground.
"Watch out, idiot! Pay attention!" The rogue whispered but was clearly annoyed because of the warrior's carelessness.
"WHAT DID YA SAY?" The warrior screamed back. Not caring, or better saying, oblivious if his voice would give their location. He got even angrier when the rogue motioned for him to keep his voice down.
"I said keep quiet. I heard something." The rogue tried to persuade the man behind him somehow with little success but he was certain that he heard movements nearby. And it didn't seem to be from animals or monsters.
It has to be her! If it isn't... I'll let this imbecile kill them. Maybe that will ease his mood.
"Two guys. One big, splint mail, a worn out great sword. The other one small, light vests." Nadia quickly described the two men that she spotted, keeping her voice low enough for only Amara to hear her.
"Not three? The mage isn't with them?" Asked Amara, also whispering.
Amara looked at the direction that Nadia was staring but she couldn't see clearly. She then turned to Nadia and at that moment she was certain that she saw something strange. For a quick moment Nadia's eyes had a different shine on them. Almost as if they were brighter and a different color. She was sure that it wasn't the moon light reflecting on them.
What was that? Amara thought to herself.
"I'm positive, princess. Only two guys... What's wrong?" Nadia told her with complete certainty than asked as Amara was staring at her with a puzzled look in her eyes.
"N-no. It's nothing." Maybe I'm imagining things. "So... how do we proceed?"
Nadia immersed herself in thoughts for a moment. She wanted to avoid a conflict from the start. Specially because Amara was in a helpless position and she wanted to keep her safe somehow. And since the slavers were separate, it would stand to reason that one of them stayed behind at their camp or went back to the city and register the girls as slaves. She had to assume that it was the latter. Then, there was only one thing she could do.
"It can't be helped. I'll have to go there and negotiate with them. If it doesn't go well..."
Amara closed her eyes. She knew that the absence of the mage meant that she might be one step into being a slave. And there wasn't a thing she could do. Nadia reminded her of the plan of buying her. That would settle her as Nadia's slave. She had to get used to that. But that would only work if the slavers agree with negotiations. If not, she was worried that things would turn into a brawl and with her hands restrained behind her back because of the metal cuffs she would get in the way. And that hurt her pride. More than she imagined.
“All right, princess. Before we go, I’ll apologize to you first.”
“W-why? You did nothing to be sorry for.” Said Amara confused by what Nadia is saying to her.
Nadia petted Amara’s hair before standing up. She took a deep breath and walked out of her hiding point.
“Well... Not yet, I guess.”
He heard again, the sound of movements. This time, the rogue took his daggers out. One on each hand. He could had picked the sword that was resting on his belt but he was way more used to his usual weapons and took them instinctively. From where the sound came from he saw a woman coming out behind the trees. The warrior had his hand on the handle of his sword as well and a grin on his mouth, as if he had been waiting too long for a fight. The rogue stretched his arm to be stop the warrior from moving. He heard a ‘tsk’ from the warrior.
It’s not her. What the fuck is going on? The rogue thought.
The woman had a curved sword resting on her hip’s belt and was dressed oddly for someone who would be exploring the woods at night. She had also an annoying smile on her face. She came from hiding and appeared before them. She wanted to speak with them. And that made him think twice on taking his arm and unleashing the ‘mad dog’ behind him.
“Gentleman! You shouldn’t be so aggressive. I didn’t come here to fight.”
The girl removed her right hand from the handle of her sword as to demonstrate that she came in peace. The rogue wasn’t convinced and kept his daggers with him. His companion was ready to jump but his face was showing something other than anger. The little amount of cover from the woman’s outfit, and the lustful smile he had on his face showed clearly what he wanted.
“What a pretty lass like ya doin’ here? Lookin’ for some fun?” Said the warrior, already stripping the woman with his eyes.
The girl sighed and whispered to herself. The rogue clearly heard her calling the warrior ‘pathetic’ and he couldn’t agree more.
“Actually… I thought YOU were looking for something.” The woman said and yanked what seemed to be rope on her left hand. He heard a female gasp coming from behind the tree that the woman was previously using for hiding. Then he saw. The slave girl that escaped them. The rope used as a leash to her collar and was pulled by the woman dressed in red.
“You! ….. We were looking for you, slave.” The rogue talked with a mix of surprise and extreme relief on his voice.
He looked at the girl up and down. She seemed unscathed from the fall. The only thing from her restraints that were changed was the crotch rope they used to drag her around and the leather gag. Aside from that, she remained the same. The woman kept her cuffs untouched. That much he could see from the distance they were.
“So, she IS yours. I found this slave at my camp yesterday. Hurt and starving. You should thank me, you know?” The woman kept a smirk on her lips as she spoke.
The confidence that the woman had in front of them was unnerving. It was as if saying that she wasn’t scared of them at all. A two against one situation and she was taking it as if she was with the advantage.
If you think you have the advantage because you have our slave, you’ll be sorry bitch. Thought the rogue, keeping his eyes straight on both girls. “Well, thank you for taking good care of our slave. Now, if you please, return her to us and we’ll be on our way.” He extended his arm toward the woman, motioning for her to give him the leash.
The woman moved her arm as if to give them the rope. Which made the slave girl clearly worried. Then she retracted her arm quickly.
“Actually… I was thinking… Aren’t you gentleman interested in selling this slave to me?”
The warrior laughed after hearing the proposal. As if the woman said some joke. The rogue wasn’t laughing. More like puzzled by the weird negotiation.
“Why do you want that slave?” The rogue asked directly.
“Why? Did you look at her? Where will I find a slave as beautiful as this one… AND a virgin? A rare find that practically fell into my lap.” The slave girl’s face went completely red after hearing that.
“W-w-w-w-what the heck are you saying???” The girl stuttered when hearing about it her virginity so casually.
“Keep quiet! We’re talking here.” The woman yanked the leash, forcing the girl to stop talking, which made the girl look very surprised and even more worried than before.
He was pissed. He imagined that the woman ‘tasted’ the slave at some point and is bragging about it. The rogue and the mage agreed that it was better to leave such ‘examinations’ to the auctioneer staff. If they did that on their own, or anything that wasn’t strictly business, they would most likely have to deal with the warrior wanting to do it himself. And by that, he would practically destroy the girls. If the rogue wanted sex he would have a prostitute. Having their products being made useless just because of lack of self-control was... unpleasant to say the least.
"I see you... indulged yourself with OUR slave there."
"Couldn't resist. Sorry about that." Said the woman with a smile completely devoided of sincerity.
"Isn't betta tryin' me, love? Be sure to give ya better time than that bitch there."
It was getting more and more difficult for the rogue to stop the warrior from jumping on the girl. He went from mad of anger to lust just from looking at the woman in front of them. The woman in red, with that never fading smile, looked at him.
"No can do. If you aren't a cute girl, I'm not interested. Although, I heard that some mages were creating magic that can change someone's gender. Look for me after that and maybe we can talk. But no promises. I like them very cute."
The warrior screamed as he was being made fun at. The rogue's arm was getting sore from trying to stop him from advancing.
This is getting nowhere. I'll finish this right now or let him loose. Thought the rogue about the situation.
"Listen, ma'am… I don't know why you want to buy that slave and I don't wanna know. But, as you said, that one will fetch a lot in an auction. You can't expect me to-"
"I'll give you 1000 gold coins."
Everyone went silent after hearing that number from the woman. That sum could buy a small house in a city. A slave could be bought for 100 to 200 gc easily at any market. A good slave that could be brought into an auction might cost three to four times that value. But it was extremely rare. To hear such an amount, in the middle of a forest, was insane. The woman chuckled at their surprise and talked some more.
"Before you ask anything, yes, I have that much money with me. No, I'm not crazy for offering that much. In a month I can have this girl winning for me way more than that. Good businesses like this are hard to come by. So, are you guys interested?"
Amara wanted to deny what she was hearing. The way Nadia was talking and treating her. She was offering a huge amount of money for her. But also, treating her like an object that could be lent. No, like a slave that didn't have any say before their owner. It hurt to hear it. But also, she couldn't help herself but being worried for Nadia, saying that she owned that much money. The slavers might try to rob her. Or try to push the valor up just because. But what she was worried more was...
What will happen with that farmer girl? She's not into this... If I just could-
"As you said, it's an interesting proposal. But what's stopping us from doing the same and profiting on that slave?" The rogue spoke as if he had an advantage after hearing Nadia.
"Time. I have. You guys don't." Nadia gave a very cold answer. Amara didn't understand what she meant with that but she saw that it got the two slavers by surprise.
“W-what do you-" The rogue trying to deny what she said but he was cut quickly.
"You are in wild forest, in the middle of nowhere, looking for a slave that MIGHT be sold for about 600, maybe 700 gc in an auction. I know that she fell from a cliff so, for all things considered, she might had been dead. If she was, you guys would be coming all the way here for absolutely nothing. Into a forest filled with monsters. And after almost dying because of a rockslide. Anyone would play it safe by now. Register her, even if she was dead. And, in the meantime, grab a few slaves to cover your losses. And, if she ended being alive, some slave hunters would easily get her back eventually."
Amara couldn't avert her eyes from Nadia. Her reasoning this time was on point. The moment they came looking for her meant that they needed her. Desperately. But if the slavers returned to the city...
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She said that she would buy me. She really meant that. If they went back, she would get me in that auction and buy me there. One thousand gold coins. There was a risk but... I don't think anyone else would bid higher than that for a slave.
"You thought on everything, didn't you?" Amara whispered, only for Nadia to hear. Which made her tug again on her leash. She stopped talking and then looked at the slavers, waiting for their reaction.
The rogue was clenching his fist and gritting his teeth. He didn't like that he was read like an open book. But then, strangely, he seemed to relax and then laughed like a mad man. Amara nor Nadia liked that one bit.
"I'm... seriously impressed. Fine. One thousand gold coins for a slave. If you have that much then she's yours."
It was now the warrior that clenched his fists. His finger bones made a loud 'crunch' sound. The rogue raised his hand toward Nadia.
"Since you already tasted our product, I'll take the money now." He said with a smirk on his lips.
Amara didn't enjoy one bit as she was treated like an object, being 'hand-given' to one person to another. Actually, she felt very miserable at this point.
"Alright. Half now and half after I have the papers. I guess your missing partner will give them nicely?!" Said Nadia, taking her backpack and removing from it a leather pouch. Every time she removed something from that small backpack Amara would be impressed on how many things she kept there.
The rogue just smiled and confirmed. The deal was struck. After receiving the forged documents, Amara would be free from the slavers and be Nadia's slave. But she didn't know what to feel about it. At the same time that she felt relieved for not belonging to those three, Amara also felt a heavy weight on her feelings.
At... at this point, there is nothing I can do. I guess my journey is over...
Amara gave a long, sad sigh. She watched Nadia picking a dozen platinum and a bunch of gold coins from her pouch and walking toward the men. But then she felt a shiver running down her spine. A long arm holding a large metal blade moving behind the rogue and swinging toward everyone.
As Amara screamed, she was pushed backward fast and fell sitting on the floor. Nadia jumped and protected Amara before she could finish warning her. She almost didn't escape in time as the sword knocked her hood off, exposing her long black hair. A second too late and it could have been her head. Seemed like Nadia saw the attack as it was coming.
The rogue was also startled the scream and the desperate look Amara gave behind him. He made a quick judgment and jumped downward to his right. The great sword made a strong wind above him and the sound of it cutting the air was ringing in his ear. He wasn't expecting any attack from behind but the moment Amara screamed he made himself aware of the incoming danger and was dodged the attack.
"What the FUCK are you doing??" The rogue screamed to the warrior, the one who just attacked the three of them. But looking at the strong man's eyes he couldn't find any trance of sanity. Just anger.
"Sellin' the bitch? What's with that, HM??"
The rogue was frozen in place. But the warrior ignored him and walked toward the woman.
"Ya shits mocking me. Makin' me look like some muck. Ah'm done with ya."
"H-hey! Stop that. With that money we won't have any more problems. You can use all my share and pay the debt. We don't need to kill any-"
The sword that was swung before was now with its tip centimeters to his face. The rogue looked at it and then at the man holding it.
"Don' care anymo'. Ah wanna kill someon'. Ah'll gonna kill dis bitch. You grab her money and ah'll fuck that trash behin' her until she splits in two."
The warrior was seeing red at this point. He was deadly serious on killing Nadia because of his pent up rage. It was absurd to go to such extremes for something so stupid. But not even his companion was changing his mind. He then looked at the girls. That madness filled with rage made Amara shiver with fear.
Amara couldn't do anything. She was on the floor and struggling on her shackles. Each tug of her arms yanked the metal collar and was making her neck hurt but she didn't care. She didn't want to let Nadia face this madman alone.
Nadia must have heard the rattle of chains that Amara was doing with all the movement. She looked at her with that caring smile that she had with her before they started negotiating with the slavers. That smile made Amara understand why previously Nadia apologized to her. The way she talked and treated her.
"Don't worry, princess. I told you I would protect you. No one is touching my princess. And no one is killing me tonight."
The smile on Nadia's face disappeared. She had now a stare that could only be described as bloodlust. But different from the warrior, it was as if her eyes became of a hunting animal and those in front of her were her prey. And then, Amara witnessed, once more, Nadia's pretty brown eyes changing. But this time it was more apparent than before. Her irises were now a vivid red color. As soon as they turned completely red, Nadia leapt toward the warrior. It was a fast but graceful jump and covered the distance between themselves and the warrior in the blink of an eye. In midair she unsheathed her scimitar and slashed it at the warrior. If he didn't block with his great sword, holding the handle with his right hand and balancing it with his left arm he would have been hit cleanly by the smaller curved sword.
But Nadia didn't stop at that attack. Their blades clashed but she moved swiftly to her left, acrobatically curling her body like a ball. And as she soon as her feet hit the floor she jumped upward, using her sword sideways, aiming it to the man's side. Again, the warrior used his bigger sword as a shield and prevented a deep cut on his side. Then Nadia used the metal part of her hilt to grab on the blade of his great sword. That was enough to make a holding point for her to turn and kick him exactly where she wanted. The warrior couldn't stop a kick that came from a blind spot and hit him directly on his right temple. That attack made him stagger for a moment, which Nadia used to her advantage. Still in mid-air, she recomposed her stance and swung downward her sword. Unfortunate for her, or very lucky for the warrior, he stumbled on his feet as he was dizzy and almost fell on the floor. His body was bended enough so her sword missed his head entirely.
The warrior, who was on the defensive, remained at it. He tried to attack but his attacks had no logic nor clear direction. Just raw power. Sometimes it was all that was needed to win. But not in this situation. Although Nadia had two big disadvantages against him (her attacks weren't doing much damage and her sword was shorter in comparison) she was compensating those by attacking in between dodging his attacks. He would use his great sword diagonally and receive a cut on his arms as she moved in the opposite direction of his sword. When he attacked sideways Nadia would easily dodge under him and give his legs a hit. His armor was receiving most of the blows but Amara could see him bleeding on several spots on his body.
Amazing! Nadia, you're amazing...
Amara was speechless. This was the first time she saw Nadia fighting. But it was also the very first time she saw a fighting style like that. Nadia's attacks were relentless. Her breathing was perfect and her movements on the ground and in the air were as fluid and graceful as a dance. She could attack multiple times in the air and on the ground her footwork was fast and deceiving. She would put her sword over her head and spin her entire body so her attack would go upward when normally the attack should go downward. She would also switch where her weapon was behind her back and catch the enemy off-guard as he wouldn't know if the attack would come from left or right. And also mix her sword technicities with low and high kicks. It was a death dance and it was slowly killing the warrior.
Amara couldn't help but compare her own style to Nadia's. She could see years of experience being put into practical use. But it wasn't just combat experience. It seemed natural. Second nature for Nadia. Amara thought that that must be how fighting geniuses would engage in battle.
Yes, Amara had knocked-out that man before but he underestimated her completely at that time. If she received a full blow of that blade she was sure that she wouldn't resist. And she wouldn't be able to dodge so many times as Nadia was doing.
As the fight progressed, the man's attacks were getting more and more desperate. It was to be expected as he was already covered in his own blood and Nadia was unscratched. It was a frustrating development for him.
"This is getting boring." Nadia said to herself and everyone heard it.
To say that in the middle of the combat was beyond disrespectful. For the warrior, that was something that he couldn’t forgive. He took his sword with both hands, with every power of his body he struck the ground where Nadia was. But as his sword hit the mark, Nadia simply vanished. He lost complete sight of her. Amara also couldn’t see her anymore. And she had a better view of the entire field. It was night, yes. And the only light they had were the starry sky and the moon. But she vanished from their view instantaneously. As if she teleported. But without, apparently, doing any sort of magic incantation. A few seconds passed and the warrior was looking everywhere to find Nadia.
"COWARD. WHERE ARE YA, BIT-AARRGH!" The warrior screamed.
Amara looked straight at the warrior. He screamed like a mad dog being struck down. And there was a good reason. Nadia appeared behind him and struck him from behind with her blade. Since he was larger and taller than both of them, he completely covered her. But after being hit, he knelt before her. As he was on the floor, she removed her sword from his back. Seemed like she missed hitting his spine on purpose. Nadia whirled her sword fast and abruptly stopped it to remove most of the blood that was on its blade.
"Are you guys ready to surrender or-"
"NADIA, BEHIND YOU!" As Nadia was speaking, Amara cut her off to warn her.
She was fighting the warrior but, behind her, the rogue was waiting to make his move. The moment the fight was at its peak he hid himself. Amara had totally forgotten about him. He jumped from the bush he was under, grabbed his dagger and struck Nadia from behind. Amara could only watch with her mouth open. She would cover it if she had her hands free. Tears were forming on her eyes as such a backstab was definitely a fatal hit. Then silence.
"…I guess that means you don't want to surrender."
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