Ball tie part 2 - breast bondage illustrated technique
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Take the ends back up, and run them under the upper chest ropes again, forming a loop around the upper chest ropes.
Pull the ends tight, snugging the loops around the upper chest ropes.
Repeat the same procedure to loop the ropes around the lower chest ropes.
Stick your finger in the loops you just made, and pull out some slack. This will pull the upper and lower chest ropes closer together. Now pull on the ends of the rope to take the slack back out.
Run the rope ends up and under the upper chest ropes again. Pull on them and work some more slack out, bringing the chest ropes closer together. This will make it easier to anchor the knees to the chest harness, but more importantly, it will provide pleasant pressure on the breasts, making them more sensitive.
Take the remaining ends, and wrap them around the ropes between the upper and lower chest ropes. This will tighten up the ropes, and also make them look more tidy.
When you get to the bottom, run one end under the lower chest ropes, then tie a square knot in the ends.
Now we have completed the breast harness.
Have your partner put her hands behind her, with her palms together.
Take a 12-foot rope and double it. Wrap the loop around her wrists, and run the ends through the loop.
Reverse the direction of the rope, so it pulls against the loop, and wrap it around the wrists a couple more times.
Take the ends, and run them through the loop that was formed when you changed directions.
Now wrap the rope crosswise, forming cinch loops. Don't cinch the ropes too tight; you don't want to put too much pressure on the wrists and cause nerve damage.
After you do three wraps, take one of the rope ends and run it under the wrist wraps.