Crotch Ropes
articles and tutorials shibari and Japanese Bondage How to tie a crotchrope
Having bound the torso, wrists, ankles, arms, and pretty much everything else... we need to make sure to learn how to tie one last segment of the body —the genital region. Call it whatever you like—loins, groin, down there, forbidden fruit—it’s an area of the body that many individuals, for a variety of reasons, enjoy having rope on.
Some of those reasons include:- Direct genital stimulation
- Body decoration to enhance attractiveness
- Having hand-holds to grab onto during sex
- Tie-points for attaching wrist and ankle cuffs
- Sensual touch and sensation play
- Constant awareness of a lover’s presence
With all of these delightful reasons to choose from (and likely more that you can think of), each person who ties crotch ropes or wears them will make them their own. These forms of ropework come in a variety of styles, each with their own pros and cons, but we will focus on three styles in this book:
Are there options out there for these kinds of play made out of other materials? Absolutely! It’s fun to try out lots of different approaches to crotch play. But leather is a porous material that can carry bodily fluids and transmit some viruses, and PVC harnesses have to be bought for only the person who will be wearing them. Gain or lose any weight, and you have to buy a new one. Tying a crotch harness out of rope (whether for sex-play or decoration) allows it to fit perfectly for today, and be modified for the person wearing them. How fun!

Basic Crotch Rope
Also known as Matanawa (tying the groin), the Basic Crotch Rope can be a lot of fun, a great way to restrict access to the genitals, a lovely decorative detail, or a way to stimulate the clitoris or anus.
Almost any sort of rope is usable for a crotch rope, however I suggest using MFP or some sort of soft, washable line. For more advanced players, hemp, jute and other natural fibers are worth exploring—unless someone has an allergy of course. Having a Bottom bring their own rope for this tie allows for ease in keeping straight which ropes need to be cleaned, and lets the Bottom determine what type of texture they want on their genital region.
For this basic tie, I use 15-30ft (5-10 meters) of line, depending on the size of the individual being bound and how intricate I want to decorate after the base structure is on.

Choose a crotch. Identify anything that might require modifications to the tie, such as external genitals, piercings, or body hair. Just because someone has piercings does not mean you can’t tie a crotch rope on them; you just need to be careful doing anything quickly.

Having chosen your rope, fold the line in half. Hold the rope by the bight.

With the bight located just below the belly button, wrap the folded line around the torso with the ropes at the waistline. On individuals with rounded waists or with extra curves, consider wrapping under the belly, just above the hips.

By pulling the ends through the bight, create a lark’s head. Pull the ends through the bight, then pull the ends back in the direction that they came from, placing tension on the lines. The lines around the waist should be snug but not restrictive.

Lay the second set of lines just below the first set, pulling in the opposite direction of the first. When you come back to the first lark’s head, you will see that by wrapping a second time, you have created a new loop that rope can be tucked through. Pull the ends up through this loop, then pull down.

Using a half hitch, tie off around all of the waist lines. Pull tight.

Many individuals enjoy having a knot placed appropriately to stimulate the clitoris, anus, vaginal opening, or perineum (the soft region between the groin and the anus). Ask the person you are binding what would appeal to them. This step is optional if you or your partner are not interested in additional sensation, or find such knots uncomfortable. You can also tie a series of knots to stimulate a variety of points, hold in plugs, or to deny access to the region.

Make the line snug, but not painful. If working with individuals with external genitals, split the line apart as you place the line to avoid painful compression.

Having run the doubled line through the legs, tuck it underneath all of the waist lines at the center of the back.

Using a half hitch knot, tie off around the line that came up between the legs.

Once the line is tied off, you can do a wide variety of things with the leftover rope. Add decorative details. Begin a rope corset. Tie the line to a chest harness for a forced wedgie. Or, in this case, we chose to leave the line loose and use it to transmit vibrations. Rope transmits vibrations from your favorite vibrator, and natural fibers work even better than synthetic fibers.
Exposing the Cherry
Though many people enjoy the sensation of a crotch rope, what do you do if you want to gain access to what the crotch rope is covering up? Perhaps the rope has been rubbing the delicate skin too much, or you want to enjoy penetration after enjoying the Basic Crotch Rope for a while. Maybe you like the idea of being artistic, or binding around the ass itself. If Sakura (another pseudonym for a crotch rope) is to bind the “cherry,” then this is to “expose the cherry.”
It is easier to split apart the crotch rope if no knots are tied in the central line. You can expose the groin even if there are over-hand knots tied, but less will be exposed than would be if no knots were involved. Thus, if you know you will be splitting the lines later in a scene, consider skipping step 7 when tying the Basic Crotch Rope.
Follow steps 1-10 of the Basic Crotch Rope before moving on to steps below.
Construct Basic Crotch Rope.Follow steps 1-10 of the Basic Crotch Rope.
You can play for hours with a Basic Crotch Rope, and when ready to gain access to the nether regions, begin the steps below. The version shown below is shown with the knot.

Take one line in each hand. Pull both of the lines to the front, running one line along the hip on each side of the rump.

Pull ends underneath center front crotch rope. On the right side, take the line and tuck it underneath the right strand of the crotch rope. Repeat on the left side. Pull both lines snug, but not uncomfortably so.

Run one line along the lower hip on each side of the rump. On the right side, take the line and tuck it underneath the right strand of the crotch rope at the base of the ass. Repeat on the left side. Pull both lines snug, but not uncomfortably so. In doing so, you have exposed the "cherry".

Run one line along the lower hip on each side of the rump, immediately below the last hip line. On the right side, take the line and tuck it underneath the right strand of the forward crotch rope just below the last hip line. Repeat on the left side.

Lay the right line over the lower right hip line. Tie off using a half hitch. Repeat on the left side using the left line.

Take the ends and wrap them around something. In this spider-web pattern, lines were crossed over each other and caught at each side of the open diamond from the initial tie. Any rigging at this point is purely for decorative value, as the structure of the tie was finished at step 15. This concept is sometimes referred to as kazari-nawa, the use of excess rope to decorate a tie that has been completed.
Strap-On Harness Tutorial
Whether looking for a fun sex toy or enjoying genderbending role-playing, the Strap-on Harness is a way to attach a dildo to the pelvis in a secure manner. Tested and modified over years of exploration in the swinger communities and beyond, this harness was designed with a variety of body types and sizes in mind, and provides opportunities for use whether you already have external genitals or not.
For those of you who have never had a “cock” strapped on before, before you begin, hold the dildo in your hand and place it on top of your pelvis. What feels right for your center of gravity and how you thrust?
To begin, follow steps 1-9, except step 7, of the Basic Crotch Rope, using a 25-40ft (8-12 meter) length of machine-washable rope.

Split the line apart and run the lines back through the legs, one on each side of the initial crotch rope.

Having run the doubled line through the legs, tuck it underneath all of the waist lines at the center of the front, one on each side of the original crotch line.

Lay the right line across all four of the crotch ropes, and tie a half hitch around them.
The half hitch should not indude the left active line. Pull the line snug and tighten down knot.

Lay the left line across all four of the crotch ropes, and tie a half hitch around them.
The half hitch should not indude the right active line. Pull the line snug and tighten down knot.

Repeat half hitch knots 2-15 times on each side until you reach the point where the top of your dildo should rest. Use what feels right on the body that will be supporting your attached “cock.”
For individuals with a biological penis, it is usually easier to have the dildo rest directly above your biological equipment. This series of half hitches stabilizes the dildo, but may also act as additional stimulation for your partner in some positions.

Two lines will lie on each side of your “cock.” Using a dildo with a flared/flange base is recommended, since non-flange dildos have more likelihood of slipping out during active play.

As you tie the knots, make sure to snug them up to the base of the “cock” to make sure it does not slip out.

Run one line along the lower hip on each side of the rump. This placement of line can also be done under the ass-cheek, as it was done while Exposing the Cherry. On the right side, take the line and tuck it underneath the two right strands of the crotch. Repeat on the left side. Pull both lines snug, but not uncomfortably so.

Take the right line and tie a half hitch around the right two strands of the crotch rope. Repeat with the left line.

If there is any rope left over, wrap around the waist lines, weave up and down around the hips, or use up the rope in any other way you find aesthetically appealing. Your finished product? A strap on harness that is machine washable, fits you every time, and does not wobble from side to side. If during play the harness loosens up, just untie those final wraps and snug down the hip lines... and keep having fun.
Remember that some dildos are made of silicone and are thus easily deanable, but others are made of porous rubbers and “mystery materials.” You can slide a condom on these toys for enjoying them without worrying about bacteria or other concerns.
When playing with strap-on harnesses, lube is also important for a variety of orifices. Too much lube is better than not enough! Water-based lubricants are a great choice, though some folks prefer silicone lube if their dildo is not made of silicone. Oil-based lubes break down condoms and are thus not a great choice for this sort of play.
Enjoy your crotch-ropes... and all of the kinds of bondage you have learned! Make it your own, and come back to this book over and over again for instructions, inspiration, and a little bit of titillation too.