Free bondage stories - latex, rubber, leather corset

free rope bondage Gerda bondage stories VOL #1 Gerda bondage stories VOL #3

The story of Gerda part 23, free bondage stories
... With increasing misgivings, despite her words, Gerda dressed in the outfit Maria laid out. High black latex stockings, a number 6 rod chained up her bottom covered by thin latex pants, a short and skin tight black rubber dress, high necked and long sleeved, the hem barely covering the top of her stockings. Long black gloves and six inch high heeled patent shoes were added. A red belt in heavy leather pulled in her waist to a sexy 19 inches. She adjusted the neck of her latex mask over the high collar of the dress, and surveyed herself in the full length mirror ...

The story of Gerda part 24, free bondage stories
... The steel reinforced leather jacket was wrapped around her from neck to thighs, then tightened and laced up the back until her chest and arms were aching with the pressure, her head held rigid by the tight application of the leather neck over the other hoods and mask. She felt herself being lifted onto the bed, then straps were securing her to the wooden plank, the final waist strap being pulled so tight she felt she was being cut in two ...

The story of Gerda part 25, free bondage stories
... She brought over two heavy steel cops and fitted them over Gerda's straining nipples. Each cup had a small hole in the centre, with ratchet screws at top and bottom. After pushing each one tightly against a breast, she screwed up the bottom part of the cup until the steel shell compressed the rear of the breast and forced them even further forward, the nipples being pushed cruelly through the small hole on the centre. Then she tightened the top screw, pinioning the nipples forward. Gerda gave a faint groan of pain. The Executioner finished by giving each nipple a vicious tweak, causing Gerda to writhe in her bondage ...

The story of Gerda part 26, free bondage stories
... By the electric clock on the wall it was twenty six minutes later when Maria arrived, still heavily gagged through her tight latex hood, and carrying a variety of straps. She was dressed now in a thin grey latex suit and a short min-skirt which covered the cut out bottom. Grey boots and long gloves completed the outfit. Gerda wasted no time.
"Remove your gag, and lie down over the table in the bathroom," she ordered. When her maid was in position she took the straps and secured her to the narrow metal frame, her wrists stretched forward, ankles, thighs, and waist bound tightly by leather straps ...

The story of Gerda part 27, free bondage stories
... Masochistic thoughts flooded through her, and she strained against her bonds. She saw herself as a highly trained slave, ready and willing to obey without question any order of her beloved Master, revelling in his cruelty and begging for her punishments and trials. She was aware of her total addiction to the wearing of rubber, to the sight of its' smooth skin and exciting creak and rustle, and the soft yet constricting feeling of moulded latex, outlining to such good effect every curve of her body, the superb restraint of long thigh boots laced tightly up with high heels forcing her up on her toes, and above all to the feeling of her rods macking in and out of her with every step and movement. Even the horrors of suffocation were becoming a thrill to look forward to, and the searing pain of the whip across her rubber covered bottom which now swifly became the most ecstatic of feelings after all her training ...

The story of Gerda part 28, free bondage stories
... But Laura was in no hurry. "I want to explain to you exactly how this enema works, slave Gerda. The tube inside you is thick and open ended, giving maximum delivery. The tank is high on the wall, you are lying on the floor, so the pressure of gravity is considerable, much more than you are used to. I shall open the tap slowly to begin with, then gradually increase the flow as the pressure builds up. You will not be gagged, because on your honour I am ordering you to tell me every sensation you experience during this training. For your own information, you will be securely plugged afterwards, so don't worry about the immediate consequences ...

The story of Gerda part 29, free bondage stories
... Maria took a large ball gag from a cupboard and forced it into her Mistresses mouth, strapping it securely behind her mask. Gerda watched from her bent over position as Maria swiftly unlaced her hood and with some relief pulled out the large penis gag. After a couple of practise swipes, Gerda felt the stinging lash of the whip as it descended again and again across her thinly rubbered bottom, her screams muted by the gag ...

The story of Gerda part 30, free bondage stories
... First, a nice thick no.8 inserted up her bottom and held in place by a pair of tight rubber shorts into which she had to squeeze an entire tube of oily jelly. Then a very thin latex suit in a pale flesh colour, moulding her figure like a second skin.. Next, a long black leather corset, cupping her breasts and forcing them out outrageously against the latex suit. She pulled the corset breathlessly tight and tied the laced firmly in front of her waist. She sat on the bed and pulled on thin black stockings over the pink undersuit, attaching them to the suspenders on the corset. Next on the list was a pair of thin elbow length latex gloves, so fine she could barely feel them ...

The story of Gerda part 31, free bondage stories
... Gerda squirmed on her rod, glorying in the feeling of the viciously laced corset under her superb dress., holding her waist in to an agonising 19 inches and her bearing uncompromisingly upright. "I never thought I was," she said quietly, "I've had several affairs before I met you, but they never seems to involve me somehow. Sometimes I managed an orgasm - a weak one, I now realise - and now I know why. I need the pain and suffering and the - blam - it's like something out of this world !" ...

The story of Gerda part 32, free bondage stories
... Now she felt a heavy rubber hood being pulled over her head. Her two breathing tubes were passed through holes in the helmet, which was then was laced tightly up the back. Her face was now entirely covered, and she could only breathe through the tubes. The rubber hood, hot and laced to agonising skin tightness, was a terrifying threat to her existence if for any reason her tubes became blocked. She tried to relax, breathing slowly, remembering her Master's words. Already she was sweating with excitement inside the heavy rubber suit ...

The story of Gerda part 33, free bondage stories
... She felt the green rubber cloak rustle loudly with every step, aware of the steel handcuffs holding her wrists securely behind her, love for Guy flooding through her in spite of everything he inflicted on her ...

The story of Gerda part 34, free bondage stories
... "Don't say that yet." His words were slow and with a lot of deep feeling. "Slavehood is a state of mind and body, and desite what one reads in books, it can never be imposed unwillingly on another human being. The perfect slave is the one who makes that decision for herself ! There have been times over the past few years where I have made mistakes over the selection of trainees, and after a few weeks it has become obvious that the girl will never willingly accept he role or her punishments. She may obey to avoid the punishments and demerits, but in her mind she will never be a slave. A true slave is not one beaten into submission and just waiting for an opportunity to escape." ...

The story of Gerda part 35, free bondage stories
... Gerda could only nod, the thick rubber gag wet inside the two masks, her jaw now aching. He signalled her to go aboard, while one of the sailors wheeled the bike into a nearby shed. In two minutes the launch was speeding across the harbour towards the open sea and the Island.

There was no respite for the exhausted Gerda. Her wrists were locked behind her and she was securely strapped to the seat near the bows, the spray soon breaking over her crash helmet and streaming down her rubber outfit. She groaned as she felt the now familiar thrill, knowing she was completely watertight, her sex clamping once more around the large dildo. Her master came forward and sat beside her, his coat and boots glistening wet ...

The story of Gerda part 36, free bondage stories
... "Why do you want to be punished by me ? I am a woman, a vicious woman. Don't you prefer Guy to punish you ?"

"Yes....No....I want your cruelty...."

"Why Gerda ? You must hate and fear my cruelty !"

There was a groan. " it. Want you to dominate...." ...

The story of Gerda part 37, free bondage stories
... Maria greased and inserted the rod, padlocking the thin chains holding it in place to a thin leather waist band. next came a pair of thick vinyl baby pants, with a hole in the back to allow the rod's extension to protrude. Then high black latex stockings, attached by suspenders to the heavy leather corset which was the next item to be laced tightly on. She picked up a thin latex jacket and slipped it onto Gerda, zipping it up the back. The breasts were cut out, and somehow seemed more exposed then when she were entirely naked ...

The story of Gerda part 38, free bondage stories
... The 'apron' was a short black rubber dress, very tight and with no sleeves. Miss Dodds undid one of the wrist chains so she could slip it on, the zipped it up the back. It had a high collar and came down to four inches above the knees. It had been specially made for the occasion, however, because Miss Dodds carefully fitted the hole in the back over the protruding rod, so that it protruded even more prominently. And there were two small holes at her breasts so that the nipple clamps could emerge ...


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