Leather and latex - Self bondage gone wrong stories
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Twenty-years old, I dropped out of college last year after getting bored with one class after the next. So, now I’m working at Sparks, a local sports bar, mainly for tips, because it’s sure as hell not the $2.85 they pay me an hour. I’m a small girl. If I stand real tall, I can stretch to five feet one inches tall. I’ve got long auburn hair that look s read if I spend most of the summer outside and in the pool. My eyes are blue. If you want to get romantic, call them a vivid sky blue and I won’t complain. I wish I had lush curves, but the truth is I’m closer to a ripe juicy California orange in cup size than a grapefruit. My but is tight and firm and it sticks out, but it’s not going make Kim Kardashian feel jealous anytime soon.
Let’s see. My left nostril is pierced and I have a tattoo on the back of my neck under my hair that even my parents don’t know about. I’ve got an older brother. He’s wicked chill. When I get drunk, I like to talk with an Irish accent. Not a heavy one, but just enough to make people think I came over from the old country when I was younger. I’m kinky too. I’ve been fucking guys since I was fifteen, but one boy at a time. You know, serial boyfriends. But that’s not kinky. That’s just normal slutty Catholic girl fun. But six months ago, I got this white leather and latex suit. It fits me like a glove.
It’s hooded and I pull my hair through the back into a pony tail. The mouth piece is a ring gag. I didn’t even know I had a gag fetish until I got this suit. It forced my mouth open. You can set it up so that the actual harness that forms the gag has either a ring or a black ball. The physical act of having that ball in my mouth and feeling the straps around me, it’s literally an emotional experience. When I fasten myself into that tight suit and pull the blindfold down, so that I’m gagged, blind, strapped in place. I become instantly aroused. I just feel the wetness between my legs and I get this strong sense of surrender. My body and mind goes weak. If you’re a certain sort of girl, you crave that feeling of surrender. The suit, the harness, the gag, it all helps me achieve this sudden shift to submission. Sometimes, I’ll try and talk and this makes me feel even more submissive, because I can’t.
My speech is just this mumbling mess. I can feel my saliva running down my chin. The flaw is I can’t really bind myself in the suit. I can’t clip the arms behind me. So, I’ll sit there shuddering. I usually don’t quite orgasm as I’m in that white leather and latex suit. But God, the feelings are so intense. I’ll set up my cell phone on record and see how long I can stay in the suit in my upstairs room with the door locked, the windows and curtains closed. I’ve written out this white cardboard sign and I hang it around my neck. “LOST GIRL: FUCK, DISCIPLINE, & TRAIN HER. GIVE HER THE JOY OF KNOWING SHE IS A BEAUTIFUL, USEFUL FUCK DOLL.”
When I can’t stand it anymore, I’ll slowly remove the suit. I’ll hide it way and I’ll watch myself trembling on the ground on the video I’ve recorded while I masturbate. Then I’ll delete the video. I’ll force myself not to give in for as long as I can hold out. Then I’ll find myself reaching for the suit again. And this is why, I’m a kinky girl.