Pony armbinder troubles | illustrated self bondage story
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A rainy day made it impossible for Kim to go outside with friends to the mall. Instead of doing something fun with her friends she was now at home doing nothing. Her parents and sister were away visiting her grandma for the weekend. Kim was home alone and with weather like this is was hard to find something to do or play with. But there was one thing that immediately crossed her mind when her parents told her they would be leaving for the weekend. And that was the feeling of being tied and being submissive. Kim always dreamed of a life in which she would meet a man that would help or assist her during these sessions. Perhaps a master one day?... But for now she had to work with the stuff she had.
She prepared this weeks ago but she couldn't do it then because she wasn't sure if someone would catch her doing it or not. This time no one is around and because she has nothing to do she decided to put herself to the test. From her room she got some latex clothing and a reverse prayer armbinder. The armbinder had 2 special belts on it that could be used to tighten the binder without pulling strings or something else she couldn't reach. A special mechanism inside the belt made it possible to pull it tight and yanking it made it come free again.
Back in the house she got rid of all her clothes. Leaving them all hanging over a chair in the kitchen. She putted on her leather pony boots while she constantly checked the windows to see of no one was watching. It was exciting. Her heart was going crazy. The boots were tight. One squeezed her leg while she was trying to get her other leg into the other boot. Slowly now trying to walk on the hooves, she noticed that it might be painfull to walk on them for a long time. But she didn't actually care about it because she knew she would only be in there for a short time. At first she wasn't sure if she should go naked or not. What if someone was watching? What if someone would find her? The more she thought about it, the more she actually wanted it. Therefore she left her regular latex aside and squeezed herself into one with holes for her breasts and leaving her belly and crotch area exposed.
After it was all in place she already started to touch herself. It was hard to not think about it while being this far. She was especially turned on by the hood that she wore. The hood had no normal eye sight holes, but small vertical openings. Hard to see through and perfect for a pony since masters always want to block their peripheral vision. This made sure she couldn't see what was happening to her left or right. And she always needed to turn her head in order to see where she was going. The holes were small though. She could barely see through them and it made her vision blurry. She didn't care about that at this point. Her mind and heart were going crazy because of the feelings that the latex gave her.
She looked outside, nothing to see there. She had a hard time figuring out if everything was safe because of the hood she wore. After five minutes she gathered all her courage, stepped out of her backyard door and walked fast towards the shed they had. It was an old shed not really serving any purpose any more. It came with the land when her dad bought the house. There's all kind of stuff stored there that wouldn't fit inside the house. Quickly after entering the barn she tried to look back. At a distance she couldn't see anything. Her vision was all blurred and after looking back a few times she gave up and just closed and locked the door behind her. The shed was all cleared out. All the stuff was carefully stuffed away towards the side of the shed or hung up. She hung up a piece of rope with a large metal/wooden handle on it. This would help her to get herself tied up. She looked around, carefully kicking away any garbage that might make her fall. Her feet were hurting already, but she didn't care about it now that she came this far.
She looked upwards towards the ceiling. Seeing if the handle she hung up was firmly attached. She pulled it a few times making sure it was safe and stuck. She then got to the armbinder. Setting it up could be a little tricky but she managed to put it on once before by herself. She also managed to get herself free again using the same method as she was setting up now. She attached the belt of the armbinder over her shoulders. The other two belts were open and easy to get into. The armbinder now hung on her back, ready to recieve two arms to hold them tight together. Last thing she added to her evil scenario were two gloves that turned her hands into fists. The gloves were hard and easy to push them on top of her fists. The gloves tightened while she tried to push the gloves further over her hands. She was now ready to be turned into a fully submissive pony girl and move as far as her bonds let her.
She carefully placed her arms on her back, fiddling around with the armbinder here and there to get her elbows in. Once they were in she pushed her hands together on her back in a reverse prayer position. She looked around once more to make sure everything was set up good. The shed door was locked so no one could come in. The rope she hung up was also tight so it wouldn't fall off. She could easily reach it with her hand free on her back. With the armbinder it would be even easier she thought since her hands would be higher then. She positioned herself under the handle and took a deep breath." was she really going to do this..? Was it really safe?" Were thoughts that crossed her mind constantly. Eventually she gathered all her courage to push the belts outside. She looked forward when she suddenly yanked her arms outwards. This way the belts would tighten her arms and elbows together.
Her arms felt tight, but it wasn't over yet. Every inch she could move her arms closer to each other meant that the belts would tighten it to that point. She grabbed the handle with her two hands still stuck in the gloves. She started to crouch a bit while holding the handle. The effect: Her arms were pulled upwards together even tighter and the belts did their job excelent. Making sure that every moment her arms got closer to each other they were immediately tied tight. Now she had her arms in a full reverse prayer. Very tight but for her so very good. She tried to walk. Slowly making her first steps. (See image 1). It felt so good being tied up like this. She played around in the shed. Slowly walking up and down the corridor as if she was being led by someone.
She felt her breasts wiggling while she walked on the pony hooves. Her feet hurt, her arms hurt, and she couldn't see much. But it al felt so good. She was totally living her fantasy to the max right now, or at least she thought... She only wished that there was a way to come like this. She was all wet and her heart was going crazy. She wanted to touch and pleaŽsure herself right now! She tried to find the handle hanging on the ceiling. She wasn't sure if she was facing the right direction. She looked but all she could see was a blurry image of everything in front of her (image 2 and 3). On the roof she saw all kinds of things hanging. But she couldn't see where the handle was. In reaction to her blurry vision she tried to get her arms in front of her, which offcourse didn't work. "Damn pony hood, how am I going to find the handle now?" she thought while prancing around in the shed. She thought of herself how lucky she was that this didn't happen while her parents were home. Imagine what might happen if they found her like this. But that didn't took away the problem that she was bound naked as a pony in a shed where no one would come.
She panicked a bit while desperately trying to find the handle. Except for the fact that the hood gave her a blurry vision it also ensured her to look at all objects individually since she couldn't see all object without looking directly at them... More then an hour had passed since Kim found herself stuck in the barn. Still prancing around and trying to identify all the objects. She walked into several objects but none of which the handle. In panick she started to yank the armbinder, hoping the belts would switch to the free mode again. It was no use. Her arms were hopelessly stuck behind her back and she couldn't do anything about it... Later in the evening everything turned dark and quiet. Still in the barn is the pony she so desperately wanted to be. Now she couldn't see anything anymore and her feet and arms were killing her. Suddenly she heard something! It sounded like male voices? She thought of the house:
"Oh no.. I left the door to the house open! anyone could get in!". She listened in silence, waiting for anything that might come from the house. A whisper, a sound, anything!. She heard footsteps walking up and down from the house. A car sounded in the distance. She could see light through the cracks in the shed. "Who could come home at this time of the day?... unless... those people are not my parents" Kim thought. She kept quiet while waiting for what might happen.

She heard voices coming closer to her position. She tried to walk away but couldn't see anything. In panick she tried to hide behind some stuff laying on the floor. The door was rammed twice before it was kicked in. ImmediŽately a male voice said: "Anybody home?... We are here to steal your stuff..." Another man started to laugh while he searched through the shed. Kim lay in fear while waiting for what was about to happen...
One of the man grabbed her, "What have we got here?" Kim tried to say something but one of the man slapped her in the face and told her to stay quiet. "This might be the most valuable catch this week don't you think?" The other man replied: Take her to the van, we can ask for ransom. And if they don't pay then we have a nice little toy to play with". Kim started to scream for help, but both men immediately gagged her and putted her in the van. Now she was laying helpless and naked, waiting for what was to happen with her and what the men would do with her...