Leather Mistress | Tamara 3 | painfull bdsm stories
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The little van pitched and rocked as it drove slowly along a dirt track, the taciturn driver trying to avoid as many of the large potholes as he could. Having driven continuously throughout the night, they had finally arrived at a deserted beach just before dawn. Four men in duffel coats and navy-type peaked caps were waiting for them. The men had shown no surprise at the sight of Tamara and Aimee, and both Matt and the two naked girls had been quickly and efficiently transferred by dinghy to a large motor boat anchored offshore.
Tamara had thought they might be somewhere off the Scottish coast, but it was just a guess. It might be off East Anglia, Yorkshire or anywhere. In truth, she had absolutely no idea where they were. During the short sea voyage, both to her and Aimee’s extreme relief, they were allowed to use the sea-toilet before being fed and watered. One of the men brought them each a cup of water and then spoon-fed some kind of porridge-like gruel to them. The taste was awful, but they managed to keep it down.
Tamara feared rape by the crew but, though they were still not permitted clothing and their hands were kept cable-tied behind their backs, they were left alone in the cabin and no one took any liberties with them. Finally, a couple of hours later, they were brought up on deck as the boat was about to berth at a roughly-constructed, planked pontoon standing out from a small island.
Ashore, they had been bundled into the back of an old Land Rover and driven off. Matt had stayed on the dock, talking earnestly with the duffel-coated men. Tied hand and foot and firmly gagged with a mouth-stretching large ball gag, neither girl was unable to stop herself from being thrown painfully from one side to the other in the back as the 4 x 4 bumped its way slowly along the unmade roads.
The journey had not been kind to either of the captive girls. Tamara had accumulated some bruises, principally on her bottom and flanks, while Aimee now lay slumped on her back with a large bruise over one eye after being thrown against the side of the vehicle.
The Land Rover slowed almost to a walking pace over a particularly rough part of the track and Tamara finally managed to wedge herself in a semi-sitting position against the wheel arch, a position from which she could see partially out over the driver’s shoulder. They were approaching what looked to be a large manor house, a rambling, ivy covered, four-storey building set in the middle of a small valley. From what she could see, the place was surrounded by low, rolling, densely wooded hills. Around the large house were several large paddocks and adjacent to these, a big barn and other outbuildings. All the structures looked to be well maintained.
Tamara expelled a shaky breath. She wasn’t sure just what she had expected, but it was certainly not this. Despite its remote location, the big, ivy-covered house looked so, normal.
The Land Rover drew up at the front of large stone steps and stopped. The driver got out and Tamara heard his footsteps crunching on gravel as he walked around to the back. The doors opened easily and he reached in to take her under the arms. Unable to help herself, she was dragged out, a heartfelt groan escaping her gagged mouth as she was dumped heavily, facedown on the wet ground. Brutally, he took hold of her by her cable-tied ankles and dragged her towards the house, her bare breasts scraping painfully on the gravel in the process. „Nnnnnng!“ she groaned in protest.
„Well now, what have we here?“ said a cool, female voice as the dragging finally ceased.
Turning on to her side and straining her neck upwards, Tamara saw a tall, heavily built, almost Amazon-like woman in her forties. Standing straddle-legged at the top of a set of wide stone steps leading up to a terrace, the woman was dressed simply in a black silk blouse over a short black leather skirt. On her feet were shiny black leather riding boots. A slim plaited leather riding quirt hung carelessly from her right wrist.
Producing a knife, the driver cut Tamara’s ankles free, then dragged her to her feet and jerked a finger at the steps. „Up there, cunt!“ he rasped. „On your knees in front of your Mistress!“
„Nnnnnnnnng ... nnng ... nnng ... nnng!“ she gibbered from behind the mouth-stretching gag, trying frantically to say: ‚Please, don’t do this!’ The driver stared at her coldly and, sick at heart, Tamara realised that any protest was useless. Slowly and painfully she climbed the steps, dropping to her knees as she got to the top.
Tamara was shivering fitfully and still slavering around the jaw-breaking ball-gag. It was certainly not very warm on the terrace, but Tamara’s shivering was more from fright than the temperature. She saw how the Amazon was looking at her and, for a moment, her heart skipped a beat.
Brutally, the Amazon kicked Tamara’s knees apart, then bent to take her by the chin. „Kneel upright, you slut,“ she snarled, twisting her captive’s strained face upwards to glare directly into the widened, fear-filled eyes. „Come on! Straighten up while I take this gag out! No talking!
Shoulders back, stomach in and stick those big tits right out! It’s called kneeling to attention, and you’d better get used to it.“
Trembling, Tamara squared her body as ordered while the woman unstrapped and prised the disgusting, drool-sodden gag from her mouth. Gratefully, she worked her lower jaw from side to side in an effort to relieve the cramps that threatened it. The straps had left deep red marks on her cheeks and at the corners of her mouth.
Behind her she heard a thump and a deep groan as the driver also dragged a dazed Aimee unceremoniously from the van. Her ankles cut free, she too was frog-marched to the porch and forced to her knees at Tamara’s side.
„So,“ smiled the woman. „Like we thought. Two for the price of one!“ She looked dispassionately at the kneeling girls, then took Aimee also by the hair to tilt her face upwards.
With her other hand she unstrapped and removed the gag from the helpless girl’s mouth. „You as well, slut! Shoulders back, tits out and NO talking! You heard what I told your friend here.“
Reaching down to Tamara’s softly curved belly, she took a slim fold of flesh painfully between finger and thumb. She smiled contemptuously. „My, you’re a fat little cow, aren’t you? We’ll have to get some of this fat off before we put you on the block. Our buyers are used to the best slaveflesh. You won’t do at all.“
The words hit Tamara like a thunder-stroke. Fat, she? On the block? Buyers? Oh God, what was happening here? A frightened gasp of disbelief escaped her lips as the Manor House door opened and a young Negro stepped out. He was no more than sixteen and spectacularly dressed in a shiny black silk shirt over light grey jodhpurs and a pair of shiny black riding boots. His shirt was open to the waist, revealing a hairless, but well muscled, teenage chest; the skin slightly shiny as if it had just been oiled. He had what looked like two dog leashes in his hand and attached to his wrist by a leather thong was a vicious-looking plaited leather riding quirt similar to the Amazon’s.
„Now, pay attention, sluts!“ said the dominatrix in a soft, yet frightening tone. She flicked her wrist and the leather quirt leapt into her waiting fingers like a live thing. „This is Jason. He will be your overseer and trainer until you reach the standard we expect of you. You will address him as Sir and give him complete obedience at all times. This rule, of course, applies to all staff here.
Failure will bring swift and painful retribution.“ She looked down at the two naked girls contemptuously, then slowly walked round them as if to study them from all angles, while at the same time the young Negro slipped a leash over each girl’s head.
„Please, Madame,“ stammered Tamara, as the black settled the leather around her neck and snugged it tight, „my stepfather is a very rich man! Contact him! He’ll pay well for our release.
No questions asked. You won’t be sorry, I promise you.“
The Amazon laughed harshly. „I can assure you, young lady, that he is paying already; much, much more than you might ever believe. Also, you won’t be going home from here. And neither will your redheaded little friend. Best you get this firmly in both of your heads right now!“ She lifted the quirt and slapped it loudly into her palm. Tamara and Aimee flinched visibly. „Now then, a few rules. Firstly, you will speak only when spoken to by myself or by one of my staff. There will be no talking amongst yourselves at any time! You will address me as Madame or Mistress and all other members of staff either as Sir or Miss as the case may be! I trust this is clear.“
„Please, please, you don’t understand.“
The woman’s reaction was swift and merciless, the leather quirt lifted and brought down across the naked blonde’s defenceless, out-thrust breasts almost in one movement.
„Aaaaaaaargh!“ screamed Tamara, toppling over sideways as the excruciating pain flashed though her body. „Aaaaaaaargh!“ she screamed again as the next blow left a burning line of fire across her buttocks. „Please. Please, no more, no more!“ she yelled frantically as the quirt was lifted again. Then: „Aaaaaaaargh! Aaaaaaaargh! Oh God. Oh God. Oh God!“ as it came down once again, a new line of fire cruelly bisecting the last.
„Now then, slave. Kneel back up as you were and I’ll start again,“ hissed the Amazon, waiting until Tamara painfully got back to her knees. „First, as I said, you will speak only when you are spoken to by myself or by one of my staff. When you do speak, failure to address me properly will earn you nothing but pain. Now do you understand?“
„Yes, oh yes, Madame,“ whimpered Tamara through sobs and tears as she got back to her knees.
At her side, a shaking Aimee also nodded in confirmation.
Madame Annaliese smiled. „You forgot to address me properly,“ she reminded Aimee sweetly.
The tiny redhead shivered with sudden terror. She definitely didn’t want to feel the sting of the quirt again. „I’m sorry, Madame,“ she sobbed.
Madame continued to smile. The girl’s grovelling apology was certainly a good start. „Very well, your apology is accepted, slave. Even so, you will receive three lashes as punishment for your error.“
Aimee’s face blanched. „Oh no! Oh, Madame, please!“
„So,“ the Amazon continued as if she had not heard, „we will begin as we mean to go on. I am, as you will find out during your stay here, extremely particular regarding the proper slave rituals.
These will be shown to you and will be carried out absolutely correctly at all times. No excuses!
Any failure will be severely punished. This is the first ritual. Whenever you are confronted by a member of staff and not in bondage; you will kneel as you are now, thighs spread wide, stomach sucked in, shoulders back, tits pushed well out for display!“ She lifted the quirt again threateningly.
„Do we understand each other?“
„Yes, Mistress.“ The two faltering voices answered as one.
„Fine. There are a variety of other rituals, of course, just as important, which you will learn during your stay here; rituals concerning making your bodies completely prepared and available for your Master’s or Mistress’s pleasure. Sexual and otherwise.“ She stared down coldly at the two upturned, tearful faces. „Clear?“ she growled, brushing the business end of the quirt between Tamara’s open thighs to tease the lips of her vagina.
„Mmmmph! Yes, Madame,“ sobbed Tamara, her reply quickly echoed by Aimee.
With a satisfied grunt, Madame urged them to their feet. Madame took Tamara’s lead and handed Aimee’s to the grinning young Negro. „Take this one down to the cellar and secure her!“ she ordered. „Give her three lashes as a reminder to address me properly in future. I’ll be down a little later, after I’ve asked this fat slut a few questions.
„Sure, Madame,“ replied Jason, taking up Aimee’s leash. „Any particular way you’d like her secured?“
The woman shook her head. „No. I’ll leave it to your imagination. Have fun!“
Jason’s eyes gleamed. „Thank you, Madame,“ he grinned, „I will.“
Passing inside the Manor House, as Jason led the shaking Aimee away down a long corridor, the woman took Tamara into a large, comfortably furnished lounge. The room was luxuriously carpeted and furnished with a couple of deep, padded sofas and matching chairs. In one corner stood a large TV on a stand, under which reposed the usual video recorder and DVD player.
Tamara was still shivering uncontrollably. It all looked so normal, yet here she was, stark naked with her hands cable-tied behind her back, her breasts and bottom already red-wealed by the terrible quirt.
„Here we are then, young lady,“ smiled the Amazon, reaching over to the table to press the record button on a small tape recorder. She chuckled and swished the leather quirt through the air.
„Are you ready to begin your training?“
„Training? What training?“ Tamara whispered, completely subdued by the unspoken threat of further pain. „Training for what, Madame?“
„Don’t be stupid, you little cunt! D’you think all this has happened to you by accident? You and your friends, not to mention your precious stepdad, did your Master a very great wrong and now you have to be punished. Justice and punishment; maybe a concept you don’t know too much about, my girl.“
„But,“ interjected Tamara, „Aimee and I haven’t done anything, Madame. Honestly! And neither did Daddy. It was Matt. He raped Aimee!“
Totally ignoring the interruption, the leather-clad Amazon continued. „You have been tried and found guilty. You, Tamara Heys-Grant and your friend Aimee Foster, have been sentenced to life.
Life as slaves. Your stepfather will suffer a different, but still suitable punishment.“
Tamara’s eyes widened and her mouth formed a shocked ‚O’, but before she could say anything further, her captor went on: „Come to terms with it, Tamara; the quicker the better! While you are here, you are mine to do with as we like. I intend to train you as a slave. Believe me, I’ve had plenty of practice. You won’t find the training pleasant, but at the end of it you will be the well-trained little animal your Master wants.“ She chuckled again. „I’m going to beat any thought of disobedience out of you from the word go and I can assure you, by the time I’m finished, you will obey any and every command. Immediately and without question.“
Tamara was shaking with fear. „No, no, no!“ she sobbed. „Please! Let me go! Please, Madame, please! Don’t do this! Daddy is an important man. Everyone will be looking for me.“
Madame smiled, completely unfazed by the threat. „Oh yeah, we know all about your rich and famous stepdad. He’s always been a large part of your problem, you arrogant little tart! You’ve had everything on a plate up until now, haven’t you? Well, that’s all going to change. We know everything about you and him; why he treats you as he does. When was the last time you were fucked by Daddy, Tamara? Dirty fucking pervert that he is. How long after your mother died did he start having you?“
Tamara’s face turned the colour of porridge. „What do you mean?“
Wssshhhhht! Once again the quirt lashed down, this time catching Tamara right across her sweetly curved belly. „Aaaaaaaaaaaargh!“ she screamed, her legs giving way to send her slumping once more to the floor. „Oh God! Please, please. No more. No more! Please!“
„Once again you forgot to address me properly,“ said the Amazon sternly. „Remember in future and you’ll save yourself a lot of pain! That’ll be three lashes at punishment time. Now then, assume the slave position I showed you and answer my questions properly!“
Sobbing bitterly, Tamara struggled back to her knees and spread her thighs. „Yes, Madame. I’m sorry, Madame,“ she sobbed, squaring her shoulders with a supreme effort and thrusting out her breasts.
Madame Annaliese ignored the sobs. „You just listen to me, you little slut. We know what you and your precious stepdaddy have been doing together.“ She chuckled. „You didn’t know, but sweet little Aimee was also having an affair with him. We know everything, so don’t make me angry with any more of your lies. We know all about Daddy fucking you, and how you have capitalised on it by blackmailing him. Well, two can play at that game. Daddy is going to continue to pay and pay well for our silence. How else do you think a place like this is financed?“
Tamara stared at the sneering Amazon in dismay. Her whole world was crumbling and there was literally nothing she could do about it. „Please,“ she began.
„Shut up!“ snapped the Amazon. „Just answer the questions truthfully! I warn you, Tamara, you lie to me any more and you’ll wish you’d never been born.“ She scowled at the shrinking girl.
„The truth is out, Tamara. All I have to do is make one telephone call and Sir Richard fucking Grant will be in police custody faster than you can blink. We have his photograph collection, courtesy of a certain friends of your Master.“ She chuckled. „Those pictures of you and Daddy together don’t leave much to the imagination, do they? For a reasonably intelligent man, he really is a fool. Fancy keeping them in his house? Believe me, I only have to say the word and he will go to prison just as your Master did, but for a much, much longer time.“
Tamara stared at the Amazon with wide eyes as Madame Annaliese continued smoothly. Now tell me,“ she repeated, „how old were you when you and he started fucking?“
Tamara looked up at the woman desperately, tears welling unchecked in her eyes. The woman knew. She had the photos. It was no use lying. Slowly her head went down. „It was just after Mummy died,“ she whispered. „I was twelve.“ She put her head down and began to sob bitterly.
„Daddy said I had to take Mummy’s place because he needed me.“
Dispassionately, the Amazon took hold of the matted blonde hair and jerked Tamara’s head back up to look her in the face. „How long?“ she asked. „How long did it go on?“
„Until I was seventeen, Madame.“
„And that was when you began to blackmail him, was it?“
Tamara, chalk-faced, shook her head.
Madame shook her violently by the hair until her teeth rattled. „Was that when you began to blackmail him?“ she shouted, once more lifting the quirt threateningly.
Tamara was completely defeated. „Yes, yes, Madame,“ she choked, shoulders shaking and great sobs spilling from her contorted mouth.
Madame Annaliese smiled again. The sobbing Tamara was a fetching sight. Ignoring the sobs, she sat down in one of the comfortable chairs. „So,“ she mused, „how much did you know about the plot to send your Master to prison?“
„Nothing, Mistress. Honestly.“
Madame Annaliese shook her head. „You’re a disgusting, lying little tart, Tamara.“ I warned you, didn’t I? Not to tell lies.“
The sobbing girl nodded. „Yes, Mistress.“
Madame reached out to caress the heaving breasts of her prisoner, paying particular attention to the swelling nipples, taking one between each thumb and forefinger. Gently, she began to stretch them. „You know what I’ll do to you if you lie to me again, don’t you?“ she hissed.
„Oh yes, Mistress.“
„So. Was it your idea, or your stepfather’s?“
„It was Daddy’s,“ she stammered. „Daddy arranged it. It wasn’t me, honestly.“
Annaliese smiled. They were getting near the truth at last.
Tamara was gasping as the dominatrix’s cruel fingers stretched her nipples even more. „I didn’t mean to hurt anyone, Madame,“ she blurted. „I was bored and I’d met someone else. Daddy said we should get away for a few days. He had tickets for Paris, so I just went.“
„The note and the cheque from your solicitor, telling your Mr Ryan to vacate the house as soon as possible. What about that?“
Tamara’s face was a picture of confusion. „That was Daddy, not me. He arranged it while I was in Paris. He never liked Matt; said I should get him out of my life or he’d never leave me alone.
Please, it was Daddy, not me. You must believe me!“
„So, what you are saying is that it was all Daddy’s fault and that you allowed your Master to be betrayed just because you were bored and met someone else. That it?“
Tamara shook her head. „No, well, er yes, I suppose so, in a way, Mistress. I wanted Matt to leave me alone, but I never wanted him to go to prison, honestly.“ Tamara’s face and upper body was shiny with perspiration as her nipples were slowly and painfully stretched and manipulated. „I didn’t know about the rape charge until later.“ She gave a little sob. „Aimee was all beaten up and said Matt did it to her. And then there was the forensic.“
Madame Annaliese smiled grimly. „Faked, my dear, all faked. Someone did a first class job on the Foster woman. Maybe it was your stepfather or someone he hired, I don’t know.“ She reached out to caress Tamara’s breasts and large nipples. The naked blonde gave a sharp intake of breath but made no attempt to pull away. For long minutes the Amazon continued her fondling, at the same time thrusting a foot between the widely parted thighs to open and tease the puffy vaginal lips.
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Tamara was breathing heavily, her nipples and pussy lips quite noticeably swollen and the older woman smiled at the unmistakable signs of arousal.
Slowly, very slowly, the Amazon pulled her leather skirt high up on her thighs and gracefully parted her own thighs. She was wearing nothing underneath and Tamara caught her breath at the sight of the perfectly trimmed pubic mound and sex lips. „All right then, slut,“ she said coolly, her fingers travelling down to caress her own intimate flesh, „get your tongue down here and we will begin your first lesson in pleasing your betters!“ She tapped the kneeling girl on the shoulder with the quirt. „And you’d better do a good job!“
The woman’s meaning was quite clear and Tamara nodded. Very definitely she did not want another dose of that quirt. In any case, she had no real objections to girl-girl sex. Rather, it was the thought that she was being forced to do it that was causing an unfamiliar knot of tension in her stomach. Obediently, she shuffled forward, lowering her head slowly between the spread thighs until another fierce jerk on the leash brought her lips up hard against the moist flesh of the woman’s sex. The familiar, musky smell of a female in heat assaulted her nostrils and she felt a jolt of unsolicited lust kick in her loins. She was suddenly appalled. Slowly but surely, her own sex was oiling itself. This was wrong. Surely she shouldn’t be enjoying this?
„Lick, slut!“ rasped the Amazon impatiently, tapping Tamara’s striped bottom cheeks with the quirt. „Come on! You know what to do. Get that tongue right in there and lick! Do it right or you’ll feel this again!“
Trembling and breathing hard, Tamara began to lick and suck, forcing her tongue inside the moist passage as far as it would go, quickly finding the rapidly swelling clitoris and flicking her tongue around this, too.
Fear still holding her firmly in its clutches, slowly, very slowly, Tamara began to feel her own powerful arousal. Her mind and body were at war with each other. On the one hand she felt disgusted with herself at capitulating so easily; on the other, the unbidden yet exciting feeling of actually being forced to lick and suck a beautiful, dominant woman’s pulsating clitoris was driving all other thoughts right to the back of her mind.
Lying back in her chair, the Amazon tightened her thighs around Tamara’s head and began to breathe harder as the girl’s increasingly attentive ministrations began to get to her. „Oh yes, that’s good, that’s good. Oh you slut. You little slut.“ She pulled a little harder on the leash and it tightened frighteningly around Tamara’s throat.
„Mmmmmmmph! Mmmmmmmph!“ Muffled sounds of protest, or maybe increased passion, came from the kneeling girl as her breathing began to be threatened by the tightening leash.
Strangely, the act of semi-strangulation seemed to arouse her even more and she felt her own juices running. She bobbed her head desperately, trying to get her tongue yet further inside, fully aware that she dare not remove it from the Amazon’s now flooding sex channel.
„Yes, oh yes,“ moaned Tamara’s captor, hips beginning to writhe uncontrollably as her excitement built towards climax. „Keep licking! Keep sucking! You cunt. You whore. Yes, oh yes, oh yes!“ The cries grew shriller as the older woman approached her zenith, Tamara’s tongue continuing to drive her far up the sexual spectrum until, with a deep, deep groan, her thighs clamped around the kneeling girl’s head and she shook to a monster, monster orgasm.
The leash tightened until blackness interspersed with flashing lights threatened to overwhelm Tamara. Then, quite suddenly, it relaxed a little and the kneeling girl managed to take a breath just as she felt the flood of juices in her mouth. The blackness which threatened her receded and she managed to snatch a breath, and then another and another. It was over. The Amazon had cum.
Gradually, while her captor regained control of herself, Tamara lessened her oral ministrations to nothing more than a slow, deliberate lapping of the vaginal crease, occasionally gently caressing the still-swollen little organ situated just above the actual channel. Finally, after long minutes during which the reclining woman’s heavy breathing gradually subsided to something like normal, the leash relaxed enough to allow her to breathe normally.
„Mmmmmm!“ breathed the Amazon, pushing Tamara away so that she might kneel upright again.
There was a discreet cough to one side and Tamara’s eyes widened in shock. For one moment she froze. There, lounging casually against the cellar wall, was the cause of all her present woe, Matthew Ryan himself. Obviously he had come in quietly while her lips and tongue had been engaged on their delicate task.
Anger filled Tamara’s mind momentarily and she almost forgot her extreme vulnerability under an almost uncontrollable impulse to scream and shout at the man she perceived to be the villain of the piece.
Annaliese saw the furious anger plain on her captive’s face and immediately pre-empted any outburst which might upset her guest. „Position!’ she snapped.
Scarlet-faced, Tamara hesitated for one vital second, torn momentarily between fear of the whip and a strong sense of mortification that she should be seen like this by the man who now called himself her Master. Then the riding crop flicked painfully across her flanks and, with a strangled moan, she widened her thighs, threw her shoulders back and placed her hands behind her neck. Her face, still spattered with Annaliese’s drying pussy juice, burned with humiliation.
Yet she bore it. She had no choice.
„Suck in that fat stomach and stick your tits out, slave!“ snapped Madame, raising the quirt again.
„You want your Master to see you slouching like that?“
With a sob, Tamara obeyed. „No, Mistress,“ she whispered.
„Well then, Matthew,“ Annaliese purred, her voice smug as she relaxed back into the chair and readjusted her leather skirt. „What d’you think?“
Tamara heard Matthew get to his feet. „Well, not bad I suppose. I knew, of course, that she likes women. Maybe you’re right. Perhaps she’ll eventually make a passable slave. Only time will tell.
Like I told you, she’s an arrogant cow and spoiled rotten, but you know what I want. If you can train her, so much the better. If not, I can always sell her on. I know a guy who’d probably make me some kind of offer for her. He runs a chain of brothels in Marseilles.“ He gave a grim chuckle.
„A short life, perhaps, but a merry one. My friend Jacques would make sure he got his money’s worth.“ With that, he turned casually and walked away. „Not to worry, though,“ he said over his shoulder. „I’ll leave her to you for now. Let me know how it goes!“
Seconds later, Tamara heard the cellar door slam. Not daring to turn around to see if he had really left or not, she continued to hold her position; stomach in, shoulders back, breasts thrust out on full display. She felt humiliated to the very core of her being, reddening with even more embarrassment as she smelt her own arousal.
„All right, slut!“ growled the Amazon. „Your Master tells me you and the redhead were having something of a thing. Is that right? You Mistress and she your slave?“
Tamara hung her head. „No, Madame,“ she whispered.
„Don’t lie to me!“ snapped the woman, casually whipping the quirt across the defenceless, out-thrust breasts.
„Aaaaaaaaaaaargh!“ screamed Tamara. „Yes, yes, Madame. Please, Madame, no more. No more!“
„Well then? Have you or haven’t you? Been getting some practice at licking that red-haired bitch’s cunt in between servicing that fat stepfather of yours? Did you suck his cock as well?“
„Yes, Madame,“ sobbed Tamara, desperate to avoid any further lashes. „I’ve only done it with Aimee, though. Please, believe me!“
The Amazon smiled grimly. „All right, I believe you. But what about your stepdaddy? If those photographs are to be believed, you used to like sucking his cock, didn’t you?“
Tamara hung her head again. She had to answer; there was just no help for it. „Yes,“ she finally whispered. „I mean, yes, Mistress.“
The woman smiled and climbed to her feet. „Good,“ she sneered. „Now we’re getting somewhere near the truth.“ She jerked the leash and Tamara scrambled painfully to her feet.
„Now we’ll go and see what fun Jason is having with your friend. Come on!“
Encouraged by frequent tugs on the leash, Tamara stumbled out of the room; Matt Ryan’s words repeating over and over in her mind. Sold to a brothel in Marseilles and Jacques, whoever he was, would make sure he got his money’s worth! What else had he said? A short life and a merry one?
Please God, no, she prayed. She would do anything to avoid that!
At the end of the long corridor a heavy studded door opened to reveal a set of stone steps going downwards into the dimly lit bowels of the earth. Tamara followed her captor almost in a daze, almost as if she was following her down the steps to Hell.
She was not wrong!
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