Governor and commandant | Women's Prison 10 | bdsm stories

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The short ferry trip across the bay on the south of the island took only five minutes from the town of Masala. The small island was remote and beautiful, palm trees; ferns and other exotic foliage gave it the dreamy appearance of an island in the West Indies. Silent and sun-drenched, with the deep turquoise of the Mediterranean sea lapping at its shores the location was secluded and private.

“Guards stationed around the island with little to do,” the commandant explained as he guided the governor off the jetty and onto a tree-lined pathway. “Only one ferry and that is summoned as required -

as with your island - there is no escape.”

High Laurel bushes screened the approach to the tall building in the centre of the island that was just visible above the foliage; as they moved through into clearer areas a great smile broke over the governor’s face.

A wooded area to their left made up a shaded area of tall pine trees, tied between two of the trees was a naked young girl. Blonde and in her early twenties she had large breasts and a narrow waist and hips; a thick blonde covering of pubic hair nestled between her thighs. She was upright, her arms outstretched and pulled wide with the tension of the ropes and her legs pulled apart by the ankles.

“A new arrival,” the commandant explained s they approached her. “German and full of fighting spirit.”

“I’ll soon break her,” the governor offered cupping the girl’s breasts and weighing the heavy orbs in his palms.

The commandant laughed.

“Just what I don’t want - for her to be broken. Obedient yes but as you will see later - not broken.”

The governor was pulling and squeezing at her nipples, stretching the long rubbery talks painfully out from her breasts. He recoiled as the girl spat directly into his face wiping the slime from his face with his handkerchief.

“Have her!” the commandant chuckled.

A wry smile came to the governor’s face, a wicked and evil smile that made the young girl shudder.

“Your crop,” the governor asked and extended his hand to accepted the heavy riding crop from the commandant.

The startled birds scattered from the treetops as the girl screamed her agony. The crop had landed a stinging blow down onto the top of her ample breasts. Again she screamed as the second lash bit into her soft orbs.

“Does she speak English?” the governor asked, his face flushed and excited.

“Only a little - but I think she understands more than she would have us know.”

He gripped her mons hard, his thick fingers pinching cruelly at her soft puffy labia.

“You slut, will learn to respect your masters.”

The girl bit her lip as the chubby fingers squashed and crushed her tender labia.

The governor moved behind her, raised his arm high above his shoulder and lashed at her buttocks with all his might.

The girl gagged, her eyes and mouth locked open as the cutting pain tore through her. Her slight body jerked again as the second lash stung her silky flesh. At the third stroke she was able to scream, a long and pitiful wailing that portrayed the depth of her agony.

Seven more lashes were administered before the governor paused to release his hard erection. He moved close behind her, located his cock at the entrance to her anus and pushed hard into her.

The blonde girl sobbed her misery and discomfort as he gripped her hips and drove hard and cruelly into her light little entrance, a savage and frantic thrusting designed to hurt.

Her wailing and sobbing excited him more, he pulled her soft body back onto each of his savage thrusts and then he came and withdrew.

The commandant had believed the governor to be by his side as he walked toward the house, he stopped as he realised his absence and turned to watch.

The governor stooped to grab a hand full of pine needles and twigs from the ground; he cupped his hand over the girl’s pussy and forced the dirty material far up inside her stretched pussy.

In the silence of the island and above their loud laughter only the girl’s screams could be heard.

Pauline was more compliant now following her visit to the punishment block; whatever her friend ordered her to do seemed a far better prospect than being taken to that hellhole. She stood naked; her hands behind her back secured by the handcuffs and had to admit that Jenny looked wonderful.

The thick dark-blue serge of the policewoman’s uniform and the crisp white blouse gave Jenny an authentic and commanding air. The chequered tie and the hat that she wore framed her face as a vision of pure sexual attraction. Red painted lips and well-applied mascara gave her a more youthful appearance, one of clean and orderly presentation. The black stockings and thick-heeled shoes completed the outfit.

Jenny moved close, circling her arm around Pauline’s waist to pull her naked body hard against her. She looked deeply into her friend’s eyes and then kissed her full on the lips.

The feel of the rough serge material against her body made Pauline shiver in delight. The light scraping across her erect nipples and the feel of the thick material against her labia when combined with the thrilling feel of the kiss aroused her instantly.

For many minutes the kiss lasted, Jenny’s hands roamed her friend’s naked body to cares her buttocks and hips lovingly. Finally she broke off and stepped back smiling, her face flushed with excitement and her voice thick with arousal.

“Tell me,” she breathed urgently. “That you like what I do to you.”

Pauline swallowed hard.

“It’s wonderful,” Pauline said sincerely. “So horny and nice.”

“More bitch!” Jenny commanded as she circled her friend, the long leather hawse being weighed threateningly in her hand.

“The kiss,” Pauline breathed excitedly. “Was fantastic!”

She yelped as Jenny struck, a hard lash with the strap across the back of her upper thighs.

“More - and make it dirty! Filthy words - horny words. Cock-sucking - hard stiff cocks and more!”

Jenny’s clitoris ached, it jutted out to press tantalisingly against her thick regulation police knickers. Each movement of her body brought a new set of tingling sensation to add to her already high state of arousal.

“Cock,” Pauline panted. “I like cock - good and stiff - being pushed up inside me. To feel the thick rod in my hand and to feel it throbbing.”

“Better,” Jenny praised and shoved her friend forward. She guided her roughly to stand facing the dressing table and pressed down on her neck to bend her over.

The naked Pauline complied and leaned forward, her face close to the glass to watch her own reflection in the mirror and the lovely Jenny positioned behind her. It felt strange, to be naked and handcuffed, bent over and helpless; so strange and yet so exciting, she felt herself actually wanting the inevitable thrashing that would follow. Pauline shifted her legs apart in readiness and pulled her hands higher up her back so as to be clear of her buttocks.

Jenny allowed herself a long and savouring feel of her friend’s taught buttocks; letting her fingers dip in between her open thighs to stroke at the inflamed labia before stepping back and raising the hawse above her shoulder. It was a savage and stinging lash that she swung hard down on her friend’s naked buttocks.

“Fucking bitch!” Pauline cried out as the pain tore through her.

“Better still,” Jenny praised and lashed again.

Bracing herself, Pauline watched in the mirror, the flushed face of her friend behind as she beat her and quick glances at her own reflection and at the expression of sheer sexual pleasure etched onto it.

“Unnh!” She gasped as the stinging lashes moved lower to cut across the back of her thighs and to strike across her labia. “Wonderful fucking bitch!”

Jenny was lost in her own world of sheer sexual frenzy; each lash she gave brought new and more powerful surges of sweet sensation flooding through her. Faster still she lashed with a rapidly growing need to reach her peak, deliberately aiming the lashes now to sting at the puffy and exposed lips of Pauline’s labia.

Pauline grunted hungrily, arching her back and shifting her hips so as to offer her pussy for the exquisite pain it was receiving. She shuddered and tensed then came to a thundering orgasm that shook her slim body violently in racking spasms.

Jenny was taken by surprise at the intensity of her own orgasm; it charged through her like a torrent to tear at every nerve-end and sinew to pull sweet and ecstatic sensations with it. She cried-out and slumped against her friend’s quivering body to hug her as the after tremors rippled through her.

Released from her handcuffs, Pauline stood and hugged Jenny. She planted light kisses on the side of her neck just below her ear. Loving and meaningful kisses fired with deep and sincere passion. Her hand slipped up under Jenny’s serge skirt to seek the wet prize that offered greater pleasure still for her.

“I made the right choice,” she murmured sexily as her fingers slipped under the elastic barrier of Jenny’s knickers. “I think I’ll like here after all.”

“You kept this quiet,” the governor muted as the two men moved away from the house along the northern path of the island. The sheer scale of the commandant’s private enterprise had both astounded him and concerned him a little, perhaps, he felt, that he had after all underestimated the chief of police.

“Simply the beginning my friend,” the commandant replied proudly as they moved under a thick foliage archway that opened out into a cobbled courtyard.

To the right were vegetable plots, all neat and well tended, five young girls worked on the produce watched over by a smiling police guard. Each girl was naked except for a tiny strip of material around her waist that barely covered their buttocks and crotches; the split in the sides revealing delightful glimpses of long slender thigh as the girls pushed and worked the hoes in the soil. Firm little jiggling breasts and teasing movements of their hips and waists brought the governor to semi-erection once again.

The girls were shackled; long chains attached to padded wrist-cuffs gave sufficient movement to work but reminded also of their status as prisoners.

“Every now and then one of them tries to make a break for it,” the commandant explained. “I actually look forward to the stupid little bitches trying - the chase it provides us with is most entertaining and of course they have no chance of getting off the island anyway.”

The two men watched as the guard supervising the women pulled one of them to him, he pressed down on her shoulders to bring her to her knees and then forced his stiff cock into her mouth.

They moved on, circling the island by the narrow coastal path close to the low rippling waves the met the shoreline. Small groups of semi-naked girls worked at a variety of tasks in different areas of the island.

All were shackled and dressed similarly to those they had seen in the courtyard. Some cut wood whist others picked fruit from the olive and orange trees, building work and path mending all manner of routine work.

“We are self-sufficient here,” the commandant explained. “We need to be otherwise the redirected funds from the police budget would be noticed.”

The governor nodded his agreement as the two men walked on and through the shady foliage arches that the bushes of the coastal path provided.

“Greek and later Roman,” the commandant explained more about the island. “It was a thriving city in those times and many of those buildings still remain to this day.”

“What is in the centre of the island?” The governor asked as the path turned to the left.

A broad grin creased the commandant’s face; he slapped the governor on the back and guided him along the path.

“This afternoon’s entertainment for us - but first we eat, fine food and wine are good appetisers for what is to come.”

They walked casually in the bright sunshine.

“Several little routine matters to attend to first however,” the commandant said in a pained voice. “It won’t take long - Perhaps you’d like to assist.”


“Why my dear governor,” the commandant laughed. “To sit in judgement over the discipline breakers and to decide their punishments.”

“How very interesting,” the governor chuckled. “Glad to oblige.”

“I’m going to the main island with him at the end of the week,” Jenny stated as the two girls sat on the rocky edge of the cliff sunning themselves. “To be introduced to some of his friends he said.”

“So what happens to me whilst you are away?” Pauline asked nervously.

“You stay with the guards,” Jenny stated solemnly.

Pauline jerked herself upright. “What?” she uttered in horror.

“Just kidding! One guard anyway - Mandy, she’s been told to look after you and to keep you from the others.”

The girl sighed heavily in relief and lay back again snuggling herself comfortably on the huge marble rock looking down at the waves below them.

“Quite looking forward to it actually,” Jenny continued.

Pauline sighed lazily and rested her feet up on the jutting rock.

“Bet you are, if your last encounter with his pals was anything to go by you’ll be walking cautiously for a week afterwards.”

“Mmmm - Jealous?”

“You bet I am,” Pauline giggled. “Quite a lot actually.”

A moment’s silence followed before Pauline posed the question hesitantly.

“Are you still thinking of getting away from here?”

Jenny looked thoughtful and didn’t answer immediately.

“Yes and no is the answer I suppose. I’d like to be free to do my own thing but in a way I like it here.”

“The sex you mean?”

“Most definitely.”

Pauline became serious, her tone probing deeper than simple light conversation.

“With the sexual knowledge you have gained recently couldn’t you do better outside on your own?”

“That has occurred to me but the style of the sex isn’t what you find in the average semi-detached in England is it?”

Pauline had to agree and stretched lazily.

“How about you - are you still wanting out?” Jenny asked.

“Like you, a bit uncertain really. I’ve only just got here but in that short time I’ve had more and better sex than in my whole life added together.”

“Hallelujah to that!”

“It’s the fear of the guards that worries me - what if tomorrow the governor changed his mind about us -

he could give us to those...animals down there.”

Nothing was said for a few moments.

“You’re right of course. Perhaps we should enjoy things as much as we can during our time here but also use that time to try to figure out way a get out.”

Pauline sat upright, her hand clamped onto Jenny’s forearm, her voice anxious and pleading.

“Don’t leave me alone here please! If you get the chance to get away...”

“Both together or not at all,” Jenny smiled comfortingly.

Pauline sighed heavily in relief.

“Thanks Jenny.”

Jenny stretched her legs out and yawned idly.

“That will cost you one good licking and a sound thrashing.”

“Mmmm,” Pauline giggled closing her eyes. “A small price indeed - and a pleasant one.”


“How very true.”

Several moments passed before Jenny spoke again.

“Advance payment possible?”

“All part of the service bitch.”

“Immediate?” Jenny quipped. “If you’ve had enough sun for today.”

Pauline giggled and sat upright.

“Instant - I’ll go and prepare the bed?”

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It was in the open-air of the ancient Greek theatre cut into the hillside that the two men sat. The many layers of stone steps in the semi-circular theatre provided comfortable enough seating and perfect acoustics. Looking down into the dusty dirt arena below from the third tier of seating the commandant and the governor seemed all commanding in their presence.

At the wave of the commandant’s hand the first of the female prisoners was led in from the archway to the left of where they sat.

Chained hand and foot the girl shuffled awkwardly to stand before them. She was naked save for the small half-skirt of material tied around her waist. With head down and flanked by to guards the girl’s body showed signs of a severe beating. Thick red welts criss-crossed her pale body portrayed the severity of it.

“Spat at a guard,” one of the policemen announced her crime loudly in the echoing of the theatre.

The girl shook her head slowly in disagreement.

“What do you think?” the commandant asked casually of the governor.

He smiled sardonically in response.

“Shouldn’t we at least give her a chance to plead her case?”

The commandant shrugged in indifference.

“What have you to say girl,” he asked coldly.

She shuffled forwards, her head lifting and eyes full of pleading.

“It isn’t true sir - I didn’t do such a thing - wouldn’t.”

The commandant lowered his voice and leaned toward the governor.

“I know this girl, she is probably telling the truth.”


The commandant chuckled heartily at the governor’s reply then announced loudly.

“Three days in the stocks and fifteen lashes.”

The girl screamed her disagreement, wailing the unjust harshness of the sentence.

“Three days more and an extra ten lashes for your show of disrespect,” he added.

The struggling girl was dragged away uttering every obscenity she could and silence fell once again in the vast open area.

“You are a hard master,” the governor commented.

“Pity is the weakness of fools,” came the reply.

The next girl was dragged in by the wrists, her body pulled through the dust covering of the arena as she wailed her misery; she was dumped in a sobbing heap at the feet of the two policemen.

“Attempted escape,” the policeman announced her crime and added. “This one is untouched - a recent arrival.”

“Ah!” the commandant sighed in recognition. “This one I remember, she provided me with an excellent afternoon’s hunt - cunning little slut. She runs like an antelope - my horse had difficulty at times keeping pace.”

“May I be permitted?” the governor asked.

The commandant nodded and waved his hand casually in agreement.

The governor stood, his chest puffed out importantly.

“What have you say slut?” He asked.

The girl looked up, venom and hatred burning in her eyes.

“Go fuck yourself!” she spat angrily.

He laughed loudly in response and pondered a moment.

“You will be released,” he said and paused.

The girl looked up in hopeful surprise.

“To be hunted each day for a week and if caught - the guards can have you.”

A moment only passed before she screamed and began sobbing. The girl pulled herself onto all fours and shuffled humbly through the dirt toward the seated men.

“Please no - sir please! Anything but that- please!” she begged pitifully.

The governor looked down at the commandant.

“Attractive slut wouldn’t you say?”

The police chief shrugged his disinterest.

“Yours if you want her.”

“But,” the governor announced immediately. “Your sentence is to be served on the ‘Isle of Women’.”

The girl’s expression changed to one of sheer horror and then she began screaming like a tormented devil.

The governor sat down again, his tone when he spoke was casual and matter-of-fact.

“Makes you hungry all this sentencing, my appetite is growing by the minute.”

The commandant laughed.

“Only five more and then we eat. How is your lady wife by the way?”

The governor was distracted by the tall redhead that was shoved brutally into the centre of the arena.

“Same as always - talks too much and never listens.” his voice tailed off as his interest in the abnormally tall girl grew.

“My! But what a beauty she is!” he enthused, his eyes widened as she stood arrogantly and proudly before them.

Defiant and bold, she smiled mockingly as the two men looked down on her slim athletic body.

“Refused to work when in the chain gang,” the policeman announced.

The commandant rose to his feet, his interest too roused by the stunning beauty and defiant manner of the girl.

“First to be taken to conditioning, then to training,” his excited voice boomed out and then added. “She is not to be further touched without my expressed consent.”

A wry smile creased the guard’s face as he gently took her by the elbow and led her away. The girl glanced back over her shoulder and beamed a simpering sexual smile that gave the commandant a jolt low down in his stomach and an involuntary twitch of his cock in excitement.

“Conditioning? Training?” the governor asked suspiciously as though the commandant was trying to conceal something from him.

The commandant smiled back.

“After lunch all will become clear - soon we eat, let’s get the few remaining sluts dealt with and then I have an excellent new wine for you to sample.”

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