Maddy becomes a ponygirl 4 | sheriff and cage | ponygirl stories

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Sheriff John Peabody was on the telephone in his office. He was not a happy man. It was the third time this week he had spoken to this particular caller and he'd just about had it, but protocol required him to stay calm.

"No, Mr. Bertram, we don't have anything new… Yes, we're putting all our available men on it… No, we don't have any suspects… Yes, we'll keep on the case…"

The sheriff slammed the phone back into the receiver. "That dick headed, pointy toed, New York, cocksuckin' sonofabitch!' he yelled.

Dotty, his secretary, cringed at the foul words. She opened a little notebook she kept and wrote it down. She had read an article about hostile workplace environments and figured pretty soon she'd have enough for her lawsuit.

The sheriff tried to calm himself. He had been Sheriff of Carter County for the last seventeen years, and a member of the department for over thirty. Nobody was going to tell him how to run an investigation. For all he knew the girl had run off with somebody.

Yes, there was the fact that her car was abandoned in the middle of nowhere, with her tote bag and her keys in the car. And yes, she hadn't told anyone she was going anywhere. But to say he was doing nothing … well that was a load of shit!

"Goddam mother fucking Yankee," he brawled out. Dotty reached for her notebook.

In New York, in his penthouse office, Michael Bertram, President of Bertram Enterprises, was fit to be tied. "That goddamn incompetent, lazy, ignorant, stupid, fucking cracker!" he yelled as the phone sailed across the room. It struck the finely decorated executive wall with a clatter and the plastic broke into twenty different pieces.

Sitting in front of Mr. Bertram's desk was Libby, his executive secretary and Paul, his administrative assistant. Paul made a little note on his pad, 'new phone for Mr. Bertram.'

Bertram looked up. He felt better. He always did when he smashed something. He looked at the wall. "Damn," he thought, "the new wallpaper."

Bertram was not the kind of man who took the disappearance of his niece lightly. Maddy was his shiftless brother's only child and he had none. He had offered many times to get her out of that one horse town where she lived and set her up at the college of her choice.

Being number seventy-three on the Fortune 500 'Richest Men in America' list, he had pull just about everywhere. But no, she loved the South, she wanted to make it on her own. "Fuck!" Bertram shouted.

Okay, he thought, time to quit fucking around. "Get me Haesler!" he ordered.

* * * *

Jacob Haesler was easing himself into a very willing, moist, hot cunt. He had felt like an afternoon fuck and had called Jackie, his favorite local call girl. He and Jackie went back a ways. He had helped her out of a big jam. She fucked him for free.

"Come on, baby!" she called out. "Give it to me, come on, give it to me!" Beads of perspiration hung on her shiny black skin. She wrapped long, muscular legs around Jacob's waist. He groaned as his cock pressed past the distended, flush lips of Jackie's pussy. He loved to fuck Jackie. She loved to fuck.

"Ohhhhhhh, baby!" she yelled as she felt the hot member delve into her yearning gash. "Oh, give it to me!"

Jacob, Jake to his friends and acquaintances, was madly humping the tall, beautiful black girl. Twenty minutes of fellatio and cunnilingus had primed his pump. He felt his cock explode at the same moment his cell phone began to ring.

"Oh, fuck!" he yelled. He wasn't always vocal when he came, but Jackie brought this out in him. "Yeah, yeah, yeah!" he shouted as he jetted a stream of cum inside the wriggling girl.

She felt his orgasm, felt his body tighten, felt the warmth of his discharge and she was off too. "Oh, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!" she yelled as she pushed her hips into Jake's, clutching at his broad naked back.

By the time the two-backed monster stopped its writhing gyrations, the telephone had long stopped ringing. Jake lay as limp as a sock on washing day. His heart was pounding madly in his chest. Jackie was cooing and smiling underneath him.

"Oh, Jake," she intoned, "what you do to me."

"Likewise, honey," Jake returned. "Likewise."

Jackie looked at the small pink plastic watch on her wrist. "Oh, baby, I've got a date. I've got to get going."

"Sure, honey," Jake whispered. He admired her stamina. He slid his body off hers and lay next to her in the king sized, plush, four-star hotel bed. When Jake fucked, he liked to do it right. Besides, Jackie deserved the best treatment.

"I'm going to shower quick, baby," Jackie said as she threw her legs over the side of the bed. She stood about six feet tall in her bare feet.

She had wide hips and large, pillowy breasts. Her skin was as black as marble and just as smooth. She had tight, sculpted muscles where it counted, and she was a first class whore.

As Jackie scurried to the bathroom, Jake pulled out his cell phone and checked his caller ID. It was his service. There were only ten or fifteen people in the world who had Jake's cell phone number. He had a program installed that blocked his ID on all outgoing calls. He speed dialed his service.

Jake didn't believe in voice mail. Voice mail didn't screen out the bullshit, and voicemail just lay there waiting to be retrieved. He had trained his service well. They knew what calls were important and they would keep calling him every twenty minutes or so until they got him.

A flat sounding female voice answered. "Messages," she said.

"This is Mr. Green. You called me."

"Yes, Mr. Green," the voice continued. Please call 212-555-2465

as soon as possible."

That meant the call had come in from one of his 'hot' numbers, a list of important callers he had given to his service.

"Thank you," he said and hung up.

A few moments later he was on the phone with Bertram.

"Jake, I need you. When can you be in New York?"

Jake was in Chicago, the home of blues and great jazz. He played a mean trumpet and when he wasn't working, he liked to get a gig with some of the boys and jam. On the music circuit he was known as Billy Boggs. He had other names too.

"I can be there in three hours." Jake knew if Bertram was calling there was a real emergency. As for payment, that would not be a problem.

"Okay, I'll have a packet sent out to you now. Tell my secretary where you are, if you can."

"No problem, Mr. Bertram," Jake responded. "I'll have a preliminary plan by the time I get there. This is a no holds barred matter?"

"Absolutely!" Bertram answered emphatically.

"See you around four o'clock your time." Jake rang off. He speed dialed Bertram's secretary. She emailed a set of documents to a confidential employee at Bertram's Chicago office who messengered it to Mr. Green at Jake's hotel.

By the time Jake got to New York, he was up to speed on the problem. He had made a few calls. Leon and Curley were booked, but might be available in a couple days. Tucker, Martinez and his tech guy, Irving Ostroff, would all be in New York at seven P.M.

At six A.M. the next day, Jake and his team landed at Carter County Airport. A rented silver Lexus awaited them there. The drive to the County Administration building was twenty minutes. They were at Sheriff Peabody's office at 6:30.

Peabody had told Bertram to go fuck himself when he was told Bertram wanted to send in his own team. Fifteen minutes later a telephone call from the governor's office convinced him otherwise.

The Sheriff was there at 6:30 along with his chief of investigations.

"Good morning, Sheriff," Jake said. He introduced his team, first names only. "I'd like to look over your reports. Please give Irving here a list of evidence you've found then let him take a look at it. I want to speak to the responding officer."

"The what?" the sheriff asked.

"First officer on the scene." You numbskull.

"Sure," the sheriff answered. "That'd be Corporal Johnson. He's off duty now, but he comes on at ten."

Jake gave the sheriff a cold look. "I'd like to see him at 7:30."

The sheriff gave Jake a dirty look, then he remembered the governor. The sheriff was up for reelection. "7:30, okay," he said.

Jake sat in a conference room with Tucker and Martinez. They had all read the reports. There were some interviews with Maddy's classmates, her professor, a few friends, some guys at the bar and, of course, Harold, the former boyfriend.

"As I see it" Tucker said, "we've got to eliminate the boyfriend first."

"Right," Jake said. "I'm going to get a full write up on everyone in the girl's class. Martinez, I want you to stake out the parking lot at the college for a few days. If we've got a serial killer, he might come back to trawl for more."

"Sure, Jake," Martinez answered.

"What have you got?" Jake asked Irving.

"Not much," Irving replied. "They didn't do the girl's tires, it rained the next morning, they had the car towed without getting prints, and they searched it without any quarantine measures, so they probable shed all kinds of things in the car passenger compartment."

"Great." Jake deadpanned.

"They have her tote bag and keys. That's about it."

"Anything off them?

"Yeah," Irving answered. "There we may have got lucky. The bag was found in the back seat. Now if I was a college girl coming home from class, I'd have the bag on the front seat next to me. There's a small stain of mud or clay on the bottom of the outside of the bag.

Not something I'd expect from a girl who was as clean as this girl was, based on the rest of the car. I think somehow the bag got out of the car. Maybe she was going somewhere and took it with her, then the guy who snatched her threw it back into the car, and he got some mud on it first. I'll have some scrapings up to the lab by this afternoon.

We should have a report tomorrow."

"Good. Go take a look at the scene. I know it's been a week, but there might be something out there the rain didn't wash away and the dummkopfs missed."

"Okay. I'm going to have the car vacuumed and dusted anyway.

Who knows?"

"Fine. I'm going out to the girl's apartment. It's been gone over once, but I want to see it for myself. There's always the chance the sheriff is right and the girl ran off with someone. It's doubtful, but we need to exclude it for sure."

The men broke up without further ado.

Herman pulled his dick from Maddy's mouth. A line of cum dribbled over her lip. She licked it in. She had been taught.

Although she had vowed to do everything she could to avoid the fierce bite of the electric wand, it was Herman's policy to make sure all the girl's got a taste of it. Maddy had been right, after the third one, she was willing to do anything he or Louise wanted.

Maddy had become Herman's favorite. She looked forlorn and pitiful scrunched up in her tiny cage. He liked to watch her eyes fill with tears as she pleasured his stiff prick. She was good at it, too.

Probably had some experience.

Maddy had had some experience. She had been a little wild before she moved to Carter County with her dad. Blow jobs were the staple of Jefferson High student sex life. No one wanted to get 'preggers', and it kept the boys content. Besides, she liked it.

Harold, her local boyfriend, had been startled the first time she placed her lips on his tool. He was a mild mannered country boy, just the opposite of what Maddy had known in Cleveland, but he got used to it real fast. She had finally convinced him to reciprocate just before they broke up. Maddy wasn't completely sure that wasn't the reason.

Sucking this fat man's wad was nothing like sucking a muscle-bound halfback's tool in the front seat of a Mustang convertible. He smelled, and he pulled and pinched her tits while she worked on his rod. He was crude and he held that three-foot wand in his hand the entire time.

Herman left after his morning bj and Maddy knelt, re-gagged, in her small prison. The old lady would be by soon with their food and to clean their wastes. She made Maddy present her rear to her so she could wipe and apply lotion to her twin portals. She would kneel with her head to the bottom of the cage, her ass hanging out of the cage's door. The old witch got off on bringing Maddy to the edge of orgasm.

Maddy would be panting and swaying her ass, unable to resist the expert manipulation of her tender canal and its button of pleasure.

Just as she approached her crises, the woman would stop and laugh.

She would then slap her ass and tell her to "pull it in". Maddy would draw her rear end back into the cage so the woman could lock her up again, then she would do the same thing to the other girls. Only once had the old lady gone too far. Maddy had begun to shake and quiver as she felt the pulses of pleasure run through her. The old lady had gotten mad and shoved her ass back into the cage with her foot.

Maddy lay there, letting the echoes of her orgasm subside. That was when she got one of the jolts from the wand. After that, she knew better and held her orgasm back with all of her might.

When she was done cleaning the girls' pussies and asses, the old lady poured their waste into a bucket and used a hose to wash out the pans into which they shat and pissed. There was a drain in the middle of the floor that apparently led to a pump somewhere. After replacing the pans, the old lady would placed some kind of fixture on the hose that injected soap into the flow of water. She hosed down the girls, covering them with cold, soapy water. After rinsing them off, she dropped some disinfectant on the floor and then left.

At least once a day she came back and tortured Maureen, the fat girl. She was a little thinner now. She screamed and pled for mercy as she was beaten. Her tits were crosshatched with lacerations, as was her ass. Herman often watched, then fuck her up the ass standing there, or in the cunt while bent over the stool. He liked to make Maddy clean him off when he was finished.

Peggy Ann seemed to have been forgotten by the pair of cruel kidnappers. That was all right with her.

On the sixth day of Maddy's captivity, they brought another girl down into the 'hole'. She was a tiny blonde thing. Her hair was long and wispy, almost like gossamer. She had a thin but shapely frame, blue eyes and a pretty face. She moaned and whined almost constantly in her cage. Maddy wanted to kick her to get her to shut up, but the bars of the cage prevented her. She felt guilty, but took a small amount of satisfaction when she saw the girl zapped several times. That didn't shut her up though.

On the eighth day, there was a change in routine. It was late in the afternoon, and there had been an ominous lack of activity. No morning blow job, no hosing down. No food. It was always light in the dungeon, but when the trapdoor opened the girls could see whether it was day or night by the quality of the light that filtered in.

Maddy didn't know it was the afternoon, only that her last meal had been a long time ago.

When Louise and Herman came down the steps of the ladder, they carried hoods and a bag of soaps and lotions. Peggy Ann was first.

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Louise dragged her out of the cage and had her kneel in the middle of the room. She took the hose with the soap attachment and shoved it up Peggy Ann's rectum. Peggy Ann was greatly discomforted by this new development, but she remained silent. She felt her stomach distend and a queasy liquidity in her bowels. Louise took the hose away and slapped Peggy Ann's ass. "Okay, out with it, shit for brains," she said caustically. Peggy Ann was directly over the drain and she let loose a gush of brown stained water. Louise repeated the process and Peggy Ann reciprocated. Louise ran the hose over her ass and the floor, washing the wastewater down the rain.

Standing the girl, her hands folded under her neck in an attitude of prayer, Louise hosed her down. She augmented the soapy water by scrubbing her body with an oversized sponge. She scoured the girl thoroughly and washed her hair. For the first time in days, Peggy Ann's long brown hair was washed and brushed. She cried and complained through her gag as the brush ruthlessly detangled her rat's nest. All the while, Herman stood watching. He was enjoying the show.

When Louise was finished, she had Peggy Ann crouch over the drain and pee, wiping her afterward. Herman attached a leash to Peggy Ann's collar and unlocked her wrists, then led her up the ladder.

Peggy Ann had a little trouble negotiating the rungs as her legs hadn't gotten much use for almost three weeks, but she was eager to leave the dungeon no matter what fate awaited her upstairs. With Louise pushing her ass from underneath she was able to mount the ladder and disappeared from view.

Louise did the blonde girl next. When she was up the stairs, it was Maddy's turn.

Maddy submitted to the cleansing with trepidation. Although she enjoyed the prospect of being really clean for the first time in a week, she knew that whatever the purpose had been in kidnapping her, she would find out what it was once she had left the 'hole'. She had been blindfolded when brought down and so had no idea what was up there. The fact that the other two girls hadn't been blindfolded when brought up meant their captors didn't care what they saw. Maddy wasn't sure what that meant, but was sure it wasn't good.

When she had peed in the drain, Maddy allowed herself to be guided up the stairs. She reached the top and saw that they were in a tired old barn. Herman held her leash and the wand. She thought momentarily of attempting an escape, but as soon as she breached the top of the stairs and crawled onto the barn floor. Herman attached a set of hobbles on her ankles. She couldn't get far in them.

What Maddy saw as she was pulled to her feet startled her. The blond and brunette were standing in the middle of the barn. Behind each of them was a wooden frame. Each frame had a wooden arm that extended forward from the top. A steel bar was set horizontally to the top, perpendicular to the wooden arm. On each side of the bar were chains that descended to the ends of a wooden yoke. The girls were standing there, their necks and hands locked into the yokes, as if on display. There were black bags over their heads. The skinny blond girl was whimpering as usual.

Maddy was dragged over to the third frame. She didn't want to be displayed. Her hands were free and she tugged on the leash Herman held. The thick limbed, heavyset man had no problem drawing her toward him. Holding the leash with one hand he placed the electric wand between Maddy's legs. He gave her a jolt and she collapsed. If not for the chain which held up her head and neck, Maddy would have fallen to the floor. Choking, she regained her feet as soon as she could. She looked with fear into the smiling man's face. He held the wand poised at her sex. Her gag had been removed when she was cleaned and she was able to croak out a desperate plea. "No, please, I'll behave, please."

"Then cut the shit," Herman snarled. "Get over here!" he commanded.

Maddy allowed Herman to remove her bracelets then place her hands and neck in the yoke. The yoke passed just above her collar and held her head high. Since she was taller than the other girls, Herman adjusted the chains that held up either end of the yoke so Maddy's body was fully extended. Herman stood back and admired her. She was a little taller than him, even barefoot. Herman congratulated himself. She was just what the doctor ordered. He caressed her breast, squeezing the nipple until Maddy grimaced. He laughed.

Herman took a black rubber ball from his pocket. It was slightly smaller than a Spaldeen. "Open your mouth," he commanded.

Maddy complied meekly. The ball was pushed in, distending her mouth and effectively silencing her. Pulling a black cloth bag from his pocket he placed it over her head and drew the string.

Maddy was now effectively blinded and gagged. The nakedness of her body, exposed below the yoke, was somehow intensified by the hood covering her head. It was if there were two parts of her – her head and hands, the parts that expressed her humanity and individuality, above the yoke, imprisoned and confined. The other part, the objects of men's lusts, was free below, free to the hands of anyone who cared to touch her.

Maddy felt the man release her ankles from the hobble. Her feet were pulled apart and something attached, first to one ankle then the other. It was a three foot long bar. Her legs were now spread wide, the lips of her sex parted and exposed. Since she had been pulled almost to her full height by the yoke after Herman adjusted it, Maddy felt the pressure of the yoke on her neck as it pressed on her chin. She had to stand on her tip toes to avoid choking. Herman noted her discomfit and slightly adjusted the chains to the yoke. It was better, but Maddy was still extended and stretched out almost as far as she could go. It didn't take long for her to feel the cramps in her feet and calves as she arched her foot to relieve pressure on her neck.

Down in the hole, Maureen awaited her turn at being washed and removed from the dungeon. She was surprised when she saw Louise packing up the sponges and brushes and putting the hose away.

Louise looked over at her, a gleam in her eyes. "You're not going anywhere, little piglet. You're staying here so we can have more fun."

Maureen moaned in despair. She tried to plead with the woman to let her go with her friend and the others. Her words came out mumbled and distorted by her gag. Louise paid no mind as she finished cleaning up. She climbed the steps and closed the door.

Maureen heard the door slam as if it was a death sentence.

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