Pony girl training 3 | slave bdsm stories
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The street was quiet, a few days now they had looked at the building and nobody seem to be at home, the police was becoming inpatient and they wanted to storm the house to see if there where any leads there to bring them to the “Old man.” After a lot of deliberation the “OK” was given to enter the house, the door was forced open and the special police unit entered the house they looked left and right when they entered the house cautiously.
Max had seen the entering, he had spend a lot of time lately on his surveillance system, he saw the police enter the house. He had primed the fuel in the attic and in the cellar already. One push of the button and the whole house would light up. There were TV
reporters on the seen now and Max could also see his house on TV. He did not wait too long after the police entered to push the button. When the explosion occurred the whole rooftop blew away debris flying all over some of the police outside got some debris and some of the fuel on them and set them ablaze, the police inside tried to rush out as fast as possible. When Max saw that the police had left the house he detonated the charge in the cellar, the whole neighborhood shook widows of neighboring houses shattered, everybody started to run away from the place, a mushroom like cloud came from the site.
The blast and smoke could be seen and heard for miles. In no time the fire department came and started to hose down the building with water, the hot oil and water made the fire blase even more and they called in for foam after seeing their mistake. Four houses burned down with Max’s house. And not a clue was found of the old man or any other lead.
Anne was at Max’s townhouse at the time of the fire and realized now that this was very serious. She went over all her data and notes she had taken, and compiled them like a true detective, “The old man was not an old man but a man of about forty years old, a sadist, somebody that trained hookers, somebody that trained pony girls, what where pony girls exactly?”. She was thinking. Anne went on and searched all the internet for pony girls, learned about BDSM. It revolted her to see how some women where treated, tortured, whipped even beaten how was this possible? She never knew about it and was surprised it was so big. Most of these so called slaves even enjoyed it, participated in it, got overwhelming good orgasms out of it! And all where proud to be a Master’s slave. She asked herself the question why somebody would go through all this trouble to get a pony girl why Belle, then she realized that Belle was a very good runner, and a pony girl must be a good runner, but why? She looked and looked days and night she looked through the internet and finally she found an article about an event that had happened a few months earlier, a pony event with a purse of one million dollar. Anne printed the article and showed it to the police. The police was still shaken by the explosions at the house, first they thought that a gas leak had caused it but forensic experts in fire had found residues of black oil and gasoline, the ingredients for a home made Napalm bomb. That had sobered them some. They where eager to get this bastard. Anne had already found him in the first place, she was considered a hero now within the police community and the press.
Max had seen her on TV recognized her from the times he had staked the family. He knew where she lived, he knew she was on to him and only a matter of time till the police would find him. They did not know his true identity yet but that also would only be a matter of time.
Max was planning to kidnap Anne but knew the consequences, most likely police would protect her somehow, and that made it even more dangerous to be cough in the act. He had to trick her somehow. Max went to his bedroom and ordered Eve and Michelle in the room, Eve sat next to him in the kneeling up position and Michelle lay on her belly in the worship position, Max had his cane in his right hand and lay a good set of canings on Michelle’s back while he was milking Eve with is left hand. Eve was massaging his cock while Max enjoyed laying the cane on Michelle and milking Eve. Michelle muffled her screams in the bed she knew she could not cry out loud or worse punishment would befall her. Max felt good when he was in a power situation like this, the last days had given him a lot of stress with blowing up his town house and the whole thing on TV. He was thinking what his best next move should be. Max was smart and before thinking about revenge on Frankie and Anne, he lay out a new escape plan in case the police, Interpol and other organizations to protect mankind from people like him, would be on his tail.
With the money he had now he could go anywhere in the world and live like a king. If he got the money of the Arabian pony event he would be untouchable Max thought, he only had to protect his identity. So far nobody had a clue of who he was only a handful of people had known him like Frankie, he could take Max out a lineup if it came to it and he had rat on him already. He would be his first hit.
Max made the sign for Eve to cocksuck him and for Michelle to lay and spread. Eve went right to work and took his hard cock deep in her, Michelle lay on her back with her legs spread widely, her bald pussy stretched open, Max felt her wetness the caning gave Michelle a good “gut feeling” she got more wet now after a caning than ever before.
Perhaps it was the fact that she knew she would be fucked by her Master, that her Master needed to give her a caning to get ready for her. Anyway she felt ready to get fucked she smiled at Max with her ever so lovely French face. Max looked at his slave and pushed Eve away, he didn’t want to come in her mouth but in Michelle’s tight pussy, so Max mounted his slave put his big hard cock in her tight pussy and started to ride her rough.
For Michelle getting laid by her Master was always a wonderful experience she felt so woman well used, meaningful when she felt the weight of her Master on her. While Max was giving Michelle a good ride, Eve sprayed some milk on Max’s back and let her nipples and tits glide over the back of her Master, she knew he particularly liked it and it was one of the ways she would serve her Master the best she knew. Max pulled one of Michelle’s nipple rings hard the sign that she could come, and she did so, the pain shoot through her breasts and she saw white before her eyes she came and came again in waves, Max felt a gulf of hot moisture engulf his cock, that was the sign she did not fake the orgasms, he came also accordingly and much cum was absorbed by her pussy. Some leaked out and wet the bedspread underneath her ass.
Tanja was running in the pony walker when Max came in, she put on her nice smile pressed her tits forwards, and ran seemingly happily her rounds. Max sat in his chair looking over the controls of the pony walker. This pony was more than ready, he had trained her to run in the hot climate using a heater instead of the air conditioning, Tanja lost a lot of body fluids when running in the desert like climate and he designed a drinking system so she could drink a mild sugar water with minerals trough a tube from a small backpack. He had already tested the system and it had worked fine, it helped his slave from dehydrating in the hot desert sun, Max also had designed protection gear to protect her skin form the harsh sun rays in the desert. He had leaned everything possible about that environment so that he could to make his pony win.
Max shouted “Sprint” Tanja started to run like the devilling herself was behind her she looked graceful while running and Max was enjoying the sight. After a few minutes Max turned off the titty shocks and he let her stop and she walked a few rounds catching her breath.
Max was in his workshop, assembling the last of a handful of components for a mobile electric torturing device. It had most of the devices he had installed for his electric chair but then build in a small suitcase, the suitcase was an old type, worn and dirty. The case had all the electric torture devices build in and also the ECT headset to give electric shocks to the brain. Max drove later that day to the city. Now he had lost his house, he hired a room in a small “cockroach hotel” in the slums of the city. Max dressed like a bum he wore a lot of clothing it was autumn and getting cold already, that was good for him, his disguise worked better with a lot of clothing on. Max walked the streets he found a shopping cart and he pushed it around, collecting old bottles and other garbage to fill his cart. He hid the suitcase with the garbage. He went to the area where Frankie lived.
He stalked Frankie’s house and finally got rewarded for his patients when Frankie and Sylvie came home. They went into the house, Max followed them. He went into the building and saw where they lived. Max waited a few minutes and went up the flight of steps to the door where Frankie lived. He knocked on the door, Frankie opened the door and before he could say anything Max was on top of him and knocked him out with one swift jape on his chin, Frankie was knocked out, Sylvie was in the bedroom, she heard some commotion and went into the living room when she saw Max in his disguise, she wanted to scream but Max was on her before she could make any sound. He took a roll of duck tape from his pocket and taped up her mouth and tied her arms behind her back with the tape he also tied her legs and then hogtied her up by tying her arms and legs together behind her back, it all took less than a minute. He lifted the unconscious Frankie up and sat him on a chair, he tied up his hands and feet with duck tape also, he put a kitchen rag he found in the kitchen in his mouth and then put enough tape around his mouth so he could not push it out of his mouth. Max slapped Frankie’s cheeks, and Frankie woke up.
Sylvie was wrestling to get loose and making a lot of noise in the process, Max went to her and said “I’m Max, remember me? You are going to be very quiet or else, you know what I mean.” Sylvie nodded her head affirmative, Max made a knot with her long hair and wound duck tape in it, it would be hell to get that out sticky tape out of her hair. He then tied her hair to the hogtie so her head was forced up by pulling the hair. She could see good what Max was going to do with Frankie. “So…” Max said. “You all had to go to the police and tell the stories right.” Frankie wanted to say something but could not with the rag in his mouth. Max opened the briefcase and took out the ECT headset and set it on Frankie’s head. Sylvie was making noise again Max gave her a hard blow in her face with his hand, Sylvie saw black before her eyes. Max was a strong man, in his young years had done marshal arts. He could brake somebody’s neck in a split second. Marshal arts had also thought him how to behave, how to control his temper and sometimes it worked well. He went back to Frankie, Max intention was to blank Frankie’s head, so he could not be a witness if it came to that, and also a punishment. He could also have killed both of them, but Max was a sadist not a killer he had never killed a person nor anima Max set the wires in place and then started to send hot current through Frankie’s brain, his eyes went in all directions, he was screaming in his own mind. Screaming without voice. Max did a thorough job that took several hours and Frankie passed out most of the time. After, he also gave Sylvie a set of brain shocks, and cleared her mind of whatever memory she might have had of Max. Frankie and Sylvie both didn’t remember anything what had happen, they did not know where they were when Max left. He cut them loose and lay them on their bed next to each other, they would not recognize each other when they woke up. Max knew he had overdone it but it was their punishment. They lucky he didn’t kill them but Max was not a killer. Max put on back his disguise and left the building. A police unit saw the bum leave the building and took no further notice, they where looking for another “distinguished” man altogether. Max put the suitcase in his cart and left the area to the hotel he rented there he changed. He left again for his mansion.
Anne wanted to talk again to Frankie and the police unit was informed to pick up Frankie and Sylvie. When the police entered the house they where bewildered by the state of the two, like they were on drugs or something and they brought them to the police station.
Anne saw that there was something amiss, she felt a panic befall over her, she went to the chief and requested that the physiatrist would come immediately. The man was there in half an hour and examined Frankie, he saw some slight burn marks on Frankie’s and Sylvie’s forehead and temples. Now he knew what had happened he saw all the evidence of ECT and explained to Anne and the chief “The story of electric shock therapy began in 1938, when Italian psychiatrist Ugo Cerletti visited a Rome slaughterhouse to see what could be learned from the method that was employed to butcher hogs. In Cerletti's own words, "As soon as the hogs were clamped by the [electric] tongs, they fell unconscious, stiffened, then after a few seconds they were shaken by convulsions.... During this period of unconsciousness (epileptic coma), the butcher stabbed and bled the animals without difficulty. "At this point Ugo felt he could venture to experiment on man, and instructed his assistants to be on the alert for the selection of a suitable subject." Cerletti's first victim was provided by the local police - a man described by Cerletti as "lucid and well-oriented." After surviving the first blast without losing consciousness, the victim overheard Cerletti discussing a second application with a higher voltage. He begged Cerletti, "Non una seconda! Mortifierel" ("Not another one! It will kill me!") Ignoring the objections of his assistants, Cerletti increased the voltage and duration and fired again. With the "successful" electrically induced convulsion of his victim, Ugo Cerletti brought about the application of hog-slaughtering skills to humans, creating one of the most brutal techniques of psychiatry. Electric shock is also called electro-convulsive
"therapy" or treatment (ECT), electroshock therapy or electric shock treatment (EST), electro stimulation, and electrolytic therapy (ELT). All are euphemistic terms for the same process: sending a searing blast of electricity through the brain in order to alter behavior. ECT is a common cause of severe retrograde amnesia, i.e.. Destruction of memories of events prior to an injury. The potency of ECT as an amnesic exceeds that of severe closed head injury with coma. It is surpassed only by prolonged deficiency of thiamine pyrophosphate. Bilateral temporal lobotomy, and the accelerated dementias, such as Alzheimer's. After ECT it takes 5 to 10 minutes just to remember who you are, where you are, and what day it is. In the first weeks after a full course, retrograde and, to a lesser extent, amnesia are evident to the casual observer. But as time passes compensation occurs. As in other forms of brain injury. The subject is often oblivious to the residual deficit. Unless specific memories essential to daily living are discovered to be unavailable the victim may never know for sure the extent of memory loss. Unless sensitive tests for spontaneous recall of personal preshock data are employed no one else will know either.” The doctor explained. “So the person does not know anything or anyone even who he is” the chief asked. “Yes sir” I don’t think these two will even recognize each other, they will not say much to each other neither. It is as they have become plants.”
“Oh my God” was all that Anne could mutter, what where they up against. They questioned the two police guards on who had entered the building, they recalled the bum,
“The man in disguise” Anne had thought the sentence out loud. Anne came up with a new idea she wanted to become this man’s bait, she was going to bring a statement on the TV that would certainly get him after her.
Anne made the announcement on the TV that she would not rest until she found the kidnapper or her daughter or both. Anne had made the speech with the eye that she would provoke the kidnapper and perhaps he would go after her. When Max saw the news cast he was not very impressed, he felt it was some kind of a way to get him out, in the open, so he would expose himself. Max was smart enough not to get into it but he felt he wanted Anne, teach the bitch a lesson she would never forget.
When Max was training Tanja in the pony trainer he saw that she had moods that where very hard to control. She would flat out run terrible one day for no particular reason and he could use the whip on her all he wanted it was to no avail. That could be disastrous when it came to the big race, what if she saw Belle and got sympathetic with her and let her win? It was something that really troubled Max and he had an idea to control her. One day he took Michelle to the whipping post and whipped her hard with the hot cane, it was an extra long cane that made very interesting triple red stripe mark wherever it had landed on the soft skin of the victim. Michelle tried every move to avoid the punishment to no avail, she had no gag ball and her screams echoed throughout the whole dungeon, Tanja also heard it and she felt sorry for Michelle. They never spoke much but she had a liking for the girl. When Michelle had gotten her punishment and she had cached her breath, she thanked her Master for the punishment, as was expected, she lay down in the worship pose. Max ordered her to stand in the pony pose, that is bend over leaning on the whipping post with her legs apart, tiptoed and her back bend in, Max’s cock was hard like a bone of submitting the whipping and he wanted to fuck Michelle but he used her ass instead of her pussy, Michelle had not been buggered much before and her ass was tight like a glove, she had had a enema before as was usual for her to clear her bowels. Max felt Michelle’s pussy, she was wet of the whipping, her cunt was dripping with strong smelling juices, Max liked it he took some of the cum and lubed Michelle’s ass with it pressed it deep into her tight butty. Max held his hard cock in his hand and guided it in the hot hole. It pained Michelle but she also liked it, she loved to be used like a cheap slut and this was as cheap as it could come to be whipped humiliated and then butt fucked.
Max pulled her hair, and he slowly fucked her and he started to talk to her, “Slave, you will stay by Tanja in her cell from now on, you will call her Mistress even if she does not want you to. You will get very close to her and any lesbian fantasies you have you will use on her, Massaging her, suck her nipples, titties and pussy, do you understand slave?” with that last word he pushed his cock deep into her and she auwed while saying “Yes Master”. Max emptied his balls in Michelle’s ass, it was against his ways to spill good cum in an ass but he did not have Eve around, this was a secret mission between him and Michelle, he did not want anyone else to know.
After the whipping and fucking he brought Michelle to Tanja’s cell, there was only one bed in the cell. He went for Tanja after and she was somewhat surprised to see Michelle sitting on her bed. She was in a terrible state, Max said to Tanja, “Michelle here is going to be your masseuse from now on, to soften your legs after running, if she does not do her job well and you don’t run properly she will be punished severely”. Tanja glanced at Max she could not make out what was happening. And Max closed the barred sliding door of the cell and left. He went to his room and put on the surveillance camera for Tanja’s cell.
Normally they where not allowed to talk to each other but Max wanted them to become very close, so Tanja would do anything to relieve Michelle from his torture. That was Max plan anyway.
Tanja went to Michelle that was severely beaten she took her in her arms, Michelle was crying, she wanted to have a mistress, her previous mistress had been very good to her, and she needed the softness but also strictness of a woman, a mother to rule over her.
Tanja wiped the cane strokes with a cloth and water, it hurt but it felt good and relieving, Michelle said “Thank you Mistress”. Tanja looked and said “You don’t need to call me Mistress, I’m not your Mistress honey”. Michelle replied “Mistress, I want to call you Mistress and be your slave.” Tanja was somewhat surprised about it and said it was ok.
She didn’t want to distress or go into any argument with the tortured girl for now.
Michelle was crying she felt she was betraying this wonderful person as she had betrayed her Master she felt she was a no good slut. Michelle got up and said that she wanted to massage Tanja as she was ordered by her Master. Tanja agreed because it would only vex Max more if they went against His orders. Michelle poured some scented oil over Tanja’s legs and caves, Tanja was laying on her belly and she massaged them deeply, when she was finished she poured some oil over Tanja’s back first she used her hands and then she used her breasts to massage her back, Tanja felt it but did not do anything she just let go, Michelle’s whip lashed tits felt relieve from the massage too the oil and the rubbing made them feel nice again, take out the fire. Michelle asked politely to turn over, “Mistress your slave wants to massage your front now.” Tanja turned over and let Michelle go to work on her legs first then slowly went for her pussy, massaging between her legs and coming closer and closer to Tanja’s already wet pussy. Tanja’s pussy was like any other of Max’s slaves, waxed, and ever wet, Tanja was in fact due for a waxing her pussy hair was growing back but very furry and soft to touch. Michelle remembered the pain in her ass when she thought of Max words that she had to be as lesbian as much as she could.
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With her previous Mistress she had had very good teachings in lesbian behavior, she liked the softness of a woman the smells and sent a woman has, her soft touch, knowing the soft spots on and in a woman’s body. She loved it in fact very much. She also needed the roughness of a man however, feel his hard cock deep inside her even the beatings that most men would give her, she felt good about that too, but having a lesbian relationship with a woman was very special to her. Michelle had come to Tanja’s pussy now, Tanja let it all happening she thought it was one of Max’s tests and did not want to spoil it, she was not a lesbian per se, but to feel that soft touch of a woman was special to her too. She had already been with the pony jockey on Max orders and she had liked it she had been the slave then and the jockey the mistress. Now it was the other way around. Michelle started to lick Tanja’s pussy and licked all around her clit until Tanja came, she came a lot and wet the bed, Michelle went for Tanja’s mouth and she started to kiss her very gently. Tanja felt good, she looked at Michelle and she felt a strange love for her something she had never felt before. All of a sudden the lights went off and Michelle said nothing and lay on the carpet next to the bed, Tanja search for her with her hand, Michelle was laying on her slave mat, Tanja pulled Michelle’s arm to come and sleep on her bed, they kissed a little more and then both of them fell asleep exhausted, tomorrow was another day in Max’s dungeon.
By the time the lights came on both slaves where in the worship pose awaiting for their Master. Max took Tanja to the showers she had a strong smell of pussy on her he felt her between her legs and smelled her, Tanja was embarrassed by that but she was a slave and let it happen she even bent forwards a little as she was thought, so her Master had better access to her privates. He went back for Tanja that had her shower and she had put on her pony gear to start running, Tanja was not in the mood and her accomplishments were not good. Max let Tanja run and he went for Michelle. He pulled Michelle on her hair and went straight to the whipping post with her and lay twenty hard lashes on her. Tanja could hear her screams and she felt very heart broken. When Max was finished with Michelle he let her hang on the whipping post, put a stick between her legs so she had to stand tiptoed stretching herself if she was to rest her tender pussy parts would sit on the tick with the hard edges and hurt her something terrible. The same night Michelle and Tanja were in their cell together again. Max had told Tanja that if she did not run as he wanted he would give Michelle more and more pain every day. It was up to her he told her. But the threatening was not enough, it seemed like. There was only one week left before the big event. The millionaire had called him and had a private jet ready to make the trip to the Arab country for the big pony race. Max had to think about something and fast.
Tanja and Michelle had been for a week together now and Tanja had run good for the last week, but sometimes it was just too much she did not have the strength to push herself over the limit again, but now with Michelle suffering if she didn’t push herself all the way and over, it became a different story, she couldn’t stand to hear the creams of her best friend and lover. They slept together and Michelle was like a wonderful sister to her, she gave her such an relaxing and lovely evenings before sleeping she could not live without it no more. Tanja did her very best but that was not good enough for the never satisfied Max.
A few days before Max and Michelle had to leave for the pony race, Max took both women to a place in the dungeon they both had been only once before, and that was when they had gotten their branding. There were several atrocious looking branding irons about and some big pliers used by iron workers to cut steel plates, all irons seemed to be heated before they looked black and slightly rusty. The small smithy’s fire was blazing and a few of the irons and clamps where in the fire heating up. Max let both slaves sit in the kneel up pose with their hands bound behind their backs. Both slaves had their eyes lowered but they where aware of the creepiness of the room with these dreadful obvious torture devices surrounding them, they did not know what to expect and both had a very bad gut feeling that the worse would happen to them. Michelle knowing Max’s wrath best could barely hold her stool she was about to shit herself of fear. Max started to talk to Tanja with his dungeon voice “Slave today I’m going to make a deal with you, in the next few days we will go on a trip and you will run in a race that is very important to me you win.” Max always paused between sentences to let sink in the words. He had all the time and this was a very important speech. He continued; “When you win I will set both of you free, you will be free to go but you will not talk about me or anything you have done or I will come back for you, punish you and everybody around you. Do you understand slave?” Tanja responded “Yes Master, thank you My Lord.” This was very good news to her. She could not believe her ears, be free again even she had started to think it would never happen she always had longed deep inside to be free again and out of this dungeon. Max saw that both women looked relieved, and he continued “Now in the remote chance that you don’t win..” Max again paused a while and he took one of the irons from the fire and he continued with his low deep voice “I will torture Michelle first with these devices, “ showing the white hot iron from the fire he held it close to Tanja’s eye she felt the immense sparking heat coming from it, few fine sparks fell on her, it burned her a little, he then held the iron close to Michelle and touched her tit with the hot iron just a slight touch it made a sizzling sound for a split second and Michelle screamed, Max put the iron in a bucket of water where it boiled for a few seconds. “We won’t use that again for now.” Max said, then he took the large pliers and continued in his low bass voice “When these are hot like the iron you just saw they will take off anything from the body, like the nipples, he clamped Michelle’s nipple with it, she jumped and let a short gasp go, even it didn’t hurt but the coldness of the steel felt like the pliers where hot already. “It would be a shame to disfigure his beautiful body, you will witness it if you chose to fail. Do you understand slave?” Tanja shaken of the surrealistic display muttered
“Yes Master, My Lord”, Max looked at Tanja and felt he needed to rub it in a little more,
“I will start with taking off her nipples, then her fingers and toes, then burn out her ears and eyes, cut off her tong with a white hot knife while pulling it with the pliers. She will not see or hear anymore or can scream only feel the pain of the repeated burning, the hot iron peeling away her skin” Max showed them all the tools while he was speaking and demonstrating both slaves where more than convincing that he would do it. “And when I’m done with her and she might die after a thousand silent screams, I will start with you and do the same. I don’t want any failure do you understand?” Max almost screamed the last sentence. Tanja replied again “Yes my Master My Lord.” After that he let both slaves go back to their duties. That night the topic in bed for the two women was the morning experience, and Michelle was shaken with it, she had the small burn wound on her tit, Tanja licked it a little to give her lover some relieve, they didn’t sex only kissed each other gently, Tanja assured her that she would win, if it was the last thing she did, she would win the race. Michelle said “Please do Mistress I don’t want to die that way, I’m so afraid.”, Tanja assured her “Oh sweetie I know, I won’t let it happen, we will be free, Max never broken his promises so far, good or bad one, I’m sure he let us go when I win.
We will be free and live together and love each other.” She started to kiss Michelle tears away and had a long tong kiss. Max was looking and hearing the conversation on his surveillance system and smiled, his plan and latest show had paid off he thought it was good, he went for Eve, milked her gently his mood was relaxed now. Eve had sensed the stress in Max he would whip her more frequent for no particular reason. Eve was happy now that he was happy, and she was ever so gentle to him feeling in high spirits.
The police was arresting every bum they encountered, one they found and resembled the description was a young man, an ex-infantry man that had been in some lost war and was totally spooked out. He first admitted that he was the “Max” they where looking for. The police was eager and overjoyed to have found their subject and roughed him up some, but it didn’t fit, Anne also was involved in the interrogation and she realized this was just another nut that they found on the road. Weeks passed and the whole affair was pushed aside, the police that guarded Anne’s house was relieved, Anne was given a special device, a beeper like device with a panic button, when she pressed the button it would send a signal to the police and they would come immediately to her house, Anne was also advised to report where she would go out to, in a way she had become a prisoner now and was not free to move around anymore, but they didn’t hear a word of Max nor heir beloved Wendy. The whole thing was very upsetting to Anne and she lost confidence in ever finding her daughter, she would gladly give her own life for hers, she had the gut feeling that her daughter was alive but where? And what had happened to her?
Belle was in a large bathing room, the Sheik had send for her and she was being prepared for him. She was somewhat relaxed she knew that she would be taken sooner or later, did not understand why it hadn’t happen already, really she wanted it to be over, she wanted to loose her virginity because it gave her some kind of venerability that she didn’t like anymore not being a captive and being a virgin, it was not right. Hopefully this Sheik would take her and fuck her hard, she had been fantasizing how it would feel, being fucked, she had done some masturbating feeling her clit and she really had wanted Max to fuck her but he chose to save her virginity, now she realized it had something to do with her sale, but was not aware of the fact that it brought Max many extra dollars in her worth as a virgin. Belle was led to a wonderful decorated room it was large and there was a big king-size bed with posts and canopy, the bed had a lot of throw pillows on it. Belle had a brand new outfit on that was very silky and look through, yet it covered most of her body, it was like she was wearing a garment made of air it felt very nice, she had been long bathed and she felt pleasant and clean and the perfumes they had lavishly put on her gave her a slight high. There was nobody in the room and the Eunuch that had led her to the room had pointed to the bed and she went and sit on it, the Eunuch had left the room in his silent way. It took a long time before anything happened, outside the night fell rather quick, she was close to the equator and the sunsets didn’t last long, lights came on automatic, the light was very dim a very relaxing music came on also and Belle lay down on the bed, she felt asleep. When she woke up her sheik was laying next to her and slept as well, he was facing her and she looked at him and studied him, he was a good looking man, in his late forties she saw he was getting grayish but looked strong, he had a white Arabic looking suite on, a vest buttoned up to his neck. Belle started to unbutton his vest, the Sheik did not wake up at first. When she had all the buttons open she opened the vest and then he woke up. He smiled at her, Belle smiled back at him. They took off their clothing, and didn’t speak, the Sheik was taken with Belle, he felt like a teenager in love, puppy love, he hadn’t felt like this in many years and did not want to spoil it any way, he was glad she had made the first move. When he looked at Belle and saw the kindness in her eyes he felt a sensation he never experienced before. They kissed tenderly, the Sheik was an experienced fucker he had many wives and slaves and had taken many a virgin in his life so he knew he had to prep his love in a special way, he gave her some wine it was spiced with a local sedative that would take away the pain of the de-virgining, Belle drank the wine, she started to laugh silly, like the teenager she once was, she got a little drunk, the Sheik massaged her pussy till it got very wet he knew the “sweet spot” very well, she wined her buttocks while he massaged her then he climbed on top of her and put his large cock ever so gently in her wet hole, she looked at him while he looked at her and pushed his cock in very gently, a sharp pain came at first and Belle bite her lip a second, she grabbed his strong shoulders, the Sheik kissed her gently and started his fucking action, the pain relieved and she felt a wonderful feeling in her pussy, “So this is fucking oh my God” Belle thought for a moment and then after a few moments Belle came in waves, wave after wave of orgasm she closed her eyes and saw beautiful colors, smelled perfume got into trance. She held her Sheiks neck and pushed her strong pony thighs up to accept his strokes, his cock was big and it fill her pussy, it still hurt a little but it was a good hurt to her. She loved it and she fell in love with her Sheik, her capturer, her Master.
The next morning they woke up and saw that the bed cover had a red blood stain on it, the Sheik was very happy and he instructed the Eunuch to keep the sheet as a trophy. The Sheik was happy with his new slave, she was still an outsider and did not know the Koran so she couldn’t become his wife. Belle was happy to be his sex slave now, she enjoyed every moment of it. The Sheik had already decided not to enter Belle as a pony. He had very good ponies that could outrun any other in his land. Year after year he bought the best ponies and trained them to be great, he had seen Belle run, she was very fast, the fasted of his whole stable by far, but he had a special feeling for her now and would not put her through the dangers of running this hazardous pony event. Sheik Alli had always loved his ponies and see them run, it dated back from his grand father that already had some women to run, it was like with the horses, men liked it and to bet on them and the whole excitement of it. Seeing all that wonderful naked flesh run for their lives. One day Sheik Alli heard through the Millionaire that the Master that had trained Belle was entering another pony in the upcoming event. Sheik Alli started to worry, he talked to Belle one evening in bed and asked her. “This Master that trained you to become a pony, did he have other girls that where like you?”, Belle was somewhat puzzled by the question and she explained about Tanja that Max had trained also. The Sheik wanted to know if Tanja could beat her, and Belle had answered that it would be possible. Belle saw that her Sheik, her lover, was worried, not in 150 years his house had lost a pony race and now it could happen. Belle looked at him and promised him she would win, she would put up her own training schedule and would run the race herself and win, there was still a good time left. The Sheik was happy, he would let his love, his pony “Run like the wind.”
He was telling everybody concerned. From that day he followed her training personally with an enthusiasm he hadn’t experienced in many years if ever. He spend every spare moment he had with her, canceled some of this important appointments in his very busy schedule just to be with her and oversee the training. Belle started to work hard and she was given a free hand, she trained with the other ponies but they where too slow for her and she just left them behind in embarrassment. Belle had a lucky advantage, she knew the course that was going to be run and that was a big benefit she had over Tanja. Belle knew that Max would train Tanja cruelly because he knew he had to beat herself to let her win so Belle trained herself brutal too she did not want to give Max the pleasure to walk away with the price. One day the Sheik, came to her and they made sweet love as usual, the Sheik was still laying on top of Belle with his hard cock deep in her and he said, “My love, when you win you can choose anything you want, what would you like to have?”, Belle looked at the Sheik, she clamped his cock hard with her well trained pony pussy muscles and said, “Master more than anything in the world I would like to be a free woman again and see my family, if you really love something set it free, it might come back to you.” The Sheik looked at her, knotted his head he rolled off her and then left the room speechless.
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