Amara vs Slavers | gag, chains, daughter | free bondage stories

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It seemed closer but it was a bit far away than she anticipated. The rope on the ground got stuck a few times on several rocks and bushes. She felt that painful tug but she was glad that she didn't fall. Amara was at a small glade. The trees were making a natural shelter ad the leaves covered the sky. It was night and she couldn't see the stars from where she was. There was a backpack resting on a tree, a fireplace arranged with rocks in the middle and on top of it some sort of cooking structure crafted with sticks and large leaves. There was a small animal being cooked on it. Probably a rabbit or any other animal of equal size. Amara couldn't tell.

“…. No one is here?!”

Amara saw every sign that there was someone here mere moments ago. But the place was empty. No one around besides equipment and the fireplace. She took a deep breath and tried to scream.

“Please! Is anyone there?!

But her throat was still dry. She wasn't able to yell. She didn't have an answer either. The people responsible for the camp weren't nearby. Amara looked around one more time and her eyes met the meat cooking over the fire. She was so hungry. She would never eat food from someone without permission but she was in dire circumstances.

“For the person who made all this, please forgive me. I promise, it’s just a small bite.”

She felt very guilty for doing this act of thievery.

I promise to repay somehow. I'll wait for them and explain what happened. Amara thought.

She approached her mouth toward the meat. Slowly, so she wouldn’t get burned. As she was closer to the food she sensed something. Danger. By the corner of her eyes, Amara saw something flying toward her. Her instinctive response was to jump backward. Away from the danger.

She dodged something, she was sure of it. The object flew by her and got stuck on a tree. Seemed like some sort of knife. Shaped like a needle but much bigger than one. Amara quickly moved her head to see where that knife came from. What she saw was a shadow coming from the forest. It was fast and came toward her. She couldn't act quick enough to dodge that one. She took a blunt force on her chest. She fell backward and hit the ground.

Amara closed her eyes when she hit the ground. As soon as she tried to move she felt something pinning her on the ground. She looked up she saw a strange but beautiful woman wearing an attire that she only saw in books. She was sitting on her hips and preventing her from getting up.

She tried to speak but, as soon as her mouth opened, a curved sword was struck on the ground, millimeters from her face. Amara’s eyes were stating at the sword and cold sweat ran on her forehead. That was probably a gesture for her to stay quiet as her assailant analyzed her. She did the same. She finally took a detailed look at the strange woman. Her skin was an almond color, brown eyes that were glaring at her, like a wild animal, and she was wearing a skimpy outfit showing a lot of her skin, resembling a dancer get-up but clearly modified for journeys. There was a hood protecting her black hair and covering most of her face. The woman removed the cloth covering her mouth, showing her face to Amara. The woman had a rare beauty that wasn't normal from these lands. She was clearly foreigner.

“What's a slave doing here, walking in this forest? Who sent you?”

Her voice was of a young woman. Amara thought she might have around her age, maybe a bit older but not much. But her tone was a commanding one. One that if she answered something she didn't like it would be the end of Amara.

“N… no one sent me! And I'm not a slave! Please, I'm sorry for intruding! I… please, I need help! I was kidnapped! I escaped from three men and ended here in this forest! It wasn’t my intention to scare you.”

The woman’s eyes told her that she wasn't believing her words.

“Kidnapped and escaped into a dangerous forest. What do you take me for? Stupid?! Besides, anyone wearing a metal collar is a SLAVE. That's what you are. Now, who sent you?” Answer quickly!”

Amara took a deep breath and tried to scream. She couldn't speak loud enough but she just wanted to speak her mind.

“No one sent me! I swear! I’m lost! And saw your camp’s fire. That’s all! Please, believe me.

The woman didn’t seem to be convinced. But she looked at Amara head to toe. Cuffed like she was, didn't present any kind of threat to her.

“I think I heard enough. The forest is no place for slaves. Escapees or not.”

The woman stood up. She put her sword back in her scabbard.

“I… I’m not a slave! At least let me OOOWW, IT HURTS!”

The woman stood up and grabbed the rope that was tied to Amara's crotch rope. She just tugged it and Amara saw bright spots on her eyes because of the pain. The woman looked at her sternly.

“… Get up and follow me! I don't want to pull this again but I will if you don't obey.”

Amara wanted to cry. She escaped being enslaved to be captured by a stranger. And another woman. When she pulled that crotch rope it hurt. It hurt a lot. She was in danger. And she couldn't escape. When she tried to stand up it took a lot of her. But she managed somehow. The woman was watching her every movement, although she was waiting patiently for Amara. The leash was loosely on her hand.

“Move closer to the fire and sit there!”

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Again, that annoying commanding tone. Amara looked at the woman, angry and frustrated but she did as told. She approached the fire but wasn't close enough. It made her remember how chilly it was, and her dress was humid. Staying next to the fire was warm and her body was cold.

Amara turned around, to face the woman who captured her now.

“Please, at least let me explain…”

The woman didn't say anything. She didn't have to. She just menacingly tugged the leash on her hand. Amara stopped talking immediately. Then she slowly sat on the ground. The crotch rope rubbed on her again and she felt another sting of pain. She glared at the woman in front of her.

“Cross your legs and put your ankles together in front of you! And stay like that until I say so!”

That tone of voice again. The woman did that every time she wanted Amara to obey an order. It was weird but also seemed natural for her to do it. Maybe it was a habit of hers. Amara obeyed in the end. Her right ankle on top of her left one. It wasn't an uncomfortable position but not one a girl wearing a dress would pick to sit down.

The strange woman went to her backpack. But never let go of the leash. She got two ropes from it and returned to where Amara sat down. She then tied her ankles together, crossing some rope between round and between her ankles. She then got another, passed around her hips and then tied the end at her ankles. Her legs were now trapped in a triangle position and her thighs spread apart. She wouldn't be able to stand up unless she was untied. The woman looked at her rope work and seemed to smile. Amara saw that and got immediately angry.

“What’s so funny?” Asked an angry Amara, who was almost crying from anger and frustration.

“You look cute like that, princess. “

Amara heard the nickname the woman gave to her. She decided to ignore it. It was pointless at this point. She couldn’t save herself in the end. Nor she had a chance to save the other girl, who still was a captive from those slavers.

“This is humiliating. Why won’t you listen to me?”

The girl just sat on her ankles and looked Amara straight in the eye. Now a serious expression on her face. One that made Amara worried.

“Because this is an old trick. And one I'm not falling.”

Amara was confused. She understood now that the woman was being careful to avoid some sort of trickery. But…

“What trick? What are you talking about?”

“Someone sends a frail person up front. Distracts a poor bastard on the road and when they have their guard down they are attacked. I’m not falling for that.”

Now Amara just wanted to scream. She had been explaining that she escaped and was alone but the woman didn’t believe a single word she said. She was crying at this point. The frustration was too much and she cried. Tears running nonstop on her face. The woman seemed staggered as she saw the girl tied up crying with those angry eyes.

“I’m not trying to deceive ANYONE! If you don’t believe me, why all the trouble to tie me up? If you believe I’m a slave or I’m trying to fool you, leave me be! I’ll find someone else and save her! I don’t need your help!”

The woman was listening. Amara’s word was filled with her emotions. It was a reaction from a person who has never felt so helpless in her entire life.


Amara again glared at the woman. She didn't care if she would be punished or not at this point. She just wanted to speak what was in her heart.

“There is another girl. She’s still captive of those thugs. I just wanted to help… and yet I…”

The woman just stared and heard Amara's crying explanation. After Amara finished, she stood up.


Amara heard and retorted.

“You have no right to judge me!”

The woman just walked back to her equipment that was laying down near the fire. She seemed to look for something on her backpack. It was impressive how many things she had inside that small leather bag. Impressive and weird at the same time.

The woman took out a small grinder and some herbs. She didn’t seem particularly used to doing that but tried either way.

“You put yourself in danger on purpose. Now look at you. If that’s not stupid, I don’t know what is.”

Amara looked away, as if trying to run away from what the woman said. It wasn’t reasonable to risk your life carelessly. She knew that. Although…

“… I just… couldn’t look the other way. Is it wrong to help someone who needs you?”

The woman stopped for a moment what she was doing. She pondered for a minute or two and then resumed grinding the herbs into powder. She made a warm smile, as if she remembered a happy, distant memory.

"Maybe. I don't know. Maybe not."

Amara blushed seeing that smile. She thought the smile was pretty and suited the woman's face.

W.. What am I thinking?! That woman is no different from those slavers… but…

Amara stopped her thoughts when the woman returned next to her. She didn't say anything. And Amara was still blushing a bit. The woman looked at her for a bit as if examining her. She moved behind Amara, sat on her ankles, same as before, and touched the crotch rope. Amara flinched thinking she would feel pain again. But it didn’t come. She opened her eyes and saw the woman untying the rope. She never felt so relieved. But the woman didn’t seem to stop there. As she removed the rope, she was putting her right hand under Amara’s panties.

“W… wa… w...wa… what are you doing??? D… don’t touch meemmmmghh!!!”

Amara protested, her face was burning from embarrassment and she tried to struggle. But the woman was holding her mouth shut tight with her left hand. She was holding Amara’s jaw and hand-gagging her. She struggled as much as she could but the woman was strong. Stronger than her. The woman's left fingers were now touching her under her panties. She felt that pain again.

It hurts! It hurts! Please… I never touched myself there… please, don’t do this…”

Amara was helpless. She was being abused. She felt way more helpless than before. Hand-gagged, touched. It was shameful. And the touching hurt her. But, after a few seconds, it wasn’t as painful as before. Actually, the pain was subsiding. And then, it wasn’t hurting anymore. The woman kept touching her. Between. Rubbing her fingers. It wasn’t hurting but now she felt something else. Pleasure. She was almost screaming before because of the pain but now she was moaning and couldn’t stop.

Aaaah… W…what’s happening?! W… why is she doing this?! Why… if feels good… please…

The woman still hand-gagged Amara's mouth. And was still touching her. She even smirked as Amara’s protests ended and was now breathing heavily through her nose.

Amara felt something coming. The woman has been touching her for a while. Each touch of her fingers was soft and sent her wave after wave of pleasure to her body. Amara was sweating, her breathing was erratic her whole body shivering. And suddenly, it stopped. The hand under her panties disappeared. As the one on her mouth.

“… don’t stop…”

Amara whispered those words but it wasn’t something she thought. It just came out of her. When she realized what she said her face had a deep red color. She tried to hide her face. She wanted to dig a hole in the ground and hide there. The woman just chuckled.

“I’m glad you enjoyed, princess. Next time, I won’t stop.”

Amara kept her face down and her eyes closed. She didn't want to see anyone or anything that reminded her of such embarrassing moment in her life.

W… what she means with ‘next time’???

She muttered enough strength just to speak.

“W…why did you…?”

The woman stood up and cleaned the dirt from her clothes.

“That rope was tied too tight. And seems like you had it for a long time. You had a wound there because of it.”

Amara finally understood why it was hurting so much. When the woman tugged the rope, it was really painful. And it wasn’t like that hours ago. She also remembered the herb the woman was grinding.

“Then… that herb?!”

“Healing herb. A basic ingredient for a healing potion. It’s not very effective but if you rub it’s powder over the wound it will heal faster. Specially if it’s something minor. If left untreated, it would probably had evolved into an infection.”

Amara was surprised. Astonished even. The woman took care of her. It was very invasive but it might have been necessary.

“T… thank you for…”

Amara couldn’t even finish her sentence when her stomach growled again. This time louder than before. The woman laughed. Amara just sat there, tied and embarrassed. The woman went to her improvised grill. She cut a few slices of meat with her strangely shaped knife. Next to the grill was a cylindrical piece of wood, made of bamboo. An improvised cup. She also grabbed. She ate one piece of meat and offered another for Amara, which she stared at it for a bit than opened her mouth to accept the food.

The flavor of the smoked meat on her mouth was something she would never forget. Amara was very hungry. The taste was delicious. She never had eaten something so good in her entire life. The woman offered the cup to Amara as well. It was fresh water. Amara definitely needed that. It was refreshing and reinvigorating. Amara felt alive again.

After a while what was left from the dead animal was just it’s bones. The two girls ate everything. Amara had to be fed as she couldn’t use her hands but the woman helped her.

“I never tasted something so delicious. Thank you!”

Amara thanked with all her heart. She was sincere. The woman thought It was strange but blushed a bit.

“You’re weird. Thanking the person who holds you prisoner. Besides, leaving someone without food or water… that would leave a bad taste in my mouth. But... you’re welcome anyway, princess!”

Amara heard her being called that a few times. She ignored it first but now…

“Why are you calling me that? My name is Amara!”

The woman just chuckled.

“Because you’re wearing something that seems appropriate for a princess of some kingdom. And also, you are as pretty as one. Maybe more. I’m Nadia, by the way.”

Amara blushed again. It felt like a teasing and also a compliment. Even if she was all tied and restrained. Not very ‘princess’-like.

Nadia was picking another thing from her backpack. Seemed like a bed roll. She put it next to the fire at a perfect spot for a warm night sleep. Amara sighed as she would sleep tied and chained. Same as the last couple nights. Nadia finished preparations and got back to where Amara was. She looked at her. To be more precise, Nadia looked at the gag on Amara's neck. She touched it and unwrapped it from Amara's head.

“I see… Well, this is convenient. You won’t be able to call for anyone and I can sleep without worries. Open your mouth, princess!”

Again, that same voice tone again. And she still had that idea that this was all a plan to rob her or something like that. Amara turned her face away.

“No! I’m not wearing that.”

Nadia just bent over to look closer at Amara after she heard her.

“W… what? You can't force me to…”

“Actually, I can. I can pretty much force you to do anything I want. But I don’t want to unless I need it. You want me to believe you? Obey me like a good slave and I promise to think about it first thing in the morning.”

Amara sighed, giving up on her stubbornness.

“I’m not a slave.” She whispered.

Amara closed her eyes and opened her mouth wide enough to accept the gag. She had been wearing it for days and had it removed in less than one. Now she was accepting it back on her mouth. When she thought about it was a bad irony.

Nadia put the gag on Amara's mouth. She strapped it behind her head and adjusted it until she felt satisfied on how tight it was on Amara's head. It wouldn’t come off unless she wanted it to. As she finished, she petted Amara’s head.

“Good girl.”

Amara sighed again. Her mouth was gagged but it wasn’t like when she had that piece of cloth as well. She could mumble and make some noise but that was pointless. What bothered her was the treatment Nadia was giving her. Or, how she felt when complimented after following her orders. She heard being called ‘good girl’ and the caress on her head, it made her smile.

Why am I happy??? What’s wrong with me?

She didn’t had time to understand her feelings. Nadia was untying her legs. When she did, she helped Amara stand up and also lay down on the bed roll she adjusted next to the fire.

Am I… sleeping here?

She was now resting over the mattress. Amara felt Nadia touching her legs and realized she was tying her legs again. She used rope over her thighs and ankles but her legs were now together. It was a much more comfortable position than before. She was still helpless but Amara couldn’t complain much.

Nadia brought a blanket. She laid next to Amara and covered both of them. Amara might be gagged, cuffed and tied but it was completely different from when she was captive of those slavers. Still, she was worried of what would happen to her. Then she felt something touching her hair. Caressing her head. Fingers softly caressing her hair.

W…why is she…? Mmmmm… This… is nice…

Amara was relaxing. Besides her conditions, it felt like Nadia knew how to relax her. How to touch her. Her eyes were getting heavier as the caressing continued. She didn’t sleep properly in days. Walked hours under rain and even fell from a cliff. She was exhausted.

“Good night, my princess.”

For a moment, Amara thought that she wouldn’t mind sleeping like this. She tried to answer back. But then, she felt some hands touching and fondling her breasts.

“Mmmg mmmmhg”

Nadia, who was laying down with Amara, was caressing her breasts. She was sliding her fingers toward Amara's thighs and slowly entering her hands under her dress. Amara tried to look behind her shoulder and just saw a smiling Nadia.

“You're so cute, princess. Definitely my type.”

The lust on Nadia's face told everything. She didn’t know when but she became interested in Amara. Amara tried to speak but…

“Mmmfgh. Mmmgh!”

Nadia giggled like a kid playing with a new toy. She then gave Amara's neck several kisses and nibbled her ear. Amara shivered and blushed uncontrollably.

“After I looked really closely, you’re very pretty. And I might never have another chance with such a beautiful slave. Besides, I promised you.”

As she spoke, teased her earlobes and kissed her neck, her hands found Amara bare breasts under her dress. Amara didn’t know what to do or how to react. She was just melting with each tender touch on her body. The gag muffled her moans.

Mmmmmh. Mmmmmm!

But what Nadia said last, Amara couldn’t figure out what she meant.

P… promise…Aaaah… w… what promise?

As if reading Amara's mind, Nadia's right hand ran through Amara's body all the way to her panties and touched her. This time, there were no herb powder on her hands... She just whispered in her ear once more.

“I promised that I wouldn’t stop…”

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