One bar prison bondage pictures - impaled girls
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There will be a few different construction options for the one bar prison (OBP) itself. So far, they include:
- Plain flat base or foot stands that slide closer or further from the pole, with adjustable minimum and maximum distance apart. It is a lot harder to stay on a OBP if you are maintaining a partial split with the risk of a wider split if you lose concentration and allow your legs to move further apart, causing you to sink deeper onto the top of the OBP.
- Standard pop ball latch and a series of holes (the traditional OBP style) or a one-way extension that requires lifting a collar between the 2 tubes to release.
- A one way spring option that pushes the upper half of the pole upward (but does not allow it to go back down) once several pounds of pressure have been applied to the top of the pole from body weight - in other words, it starts out like a regular OBP but if you take your weight off the device, the pole and sex toy will rise up to close any gap between you and the device. So trying to stand on tiptoes to escape will just mean that the pole gets taller and you have to stay on tiptoes or have deeper penetration - very evil!
- Optional attachment point for user-supplied leg spreader bar,
No fancy tools will be needed to assemble the parts - screwdriver, pliers, hacksaw and tape measure should be all that is needed.
However, please be aware that once you're on one of these, you are NOT going to be able to escape. This goes double if you build the version with the one way spring option. If you put it far enough inside yourself that you can't wiggle off it, you are on it until someone releases you. So you need to have a trusted person who will release you when you're done. Arranging that will be up to each user. Note that for women it will be harder to tell when you've gone past the point of no return as 2-3 inches feels a lot like 5-6 inches when using a traditional sex toy and you are already wet from excitement. The first may be escapable if the one way spring option isn't used, but the second will definitely be inescapable. For guys, you will likely have a better idea how far something is up your butt, however even with that it is difficult to tell exactly how much is inside you.

The shaft is aluminium i think and it goes about 5 cm into the dildo. But I cant really tell because its bought. There is a spreaderbar at the bottom end that can be clipped to a Metal baseplate.

Why always the really painful looking toe-pointing boots? There are LOTS of types of footwear that disallow changing the angle of the ankle joint. Think ski boots or (more comfy) snowboard boots.
There’s no need to wreck someone’s toes just to immobilize their pelvis.

I have always had this fantasy of having my girl friend wearing a long ball gown at a fancy party but underneath she’s locked in a one bar prison, all without anyone else knowing but me. No idea how that would work but damn does it get me going.

I'd be more worried that the simulation might make her lose her balance or something and cause her to be impaled. I wish there was some safety device they could use.

If I put the wife on ours she is wearing heels. Once adjusted so the dildo is deep inside, I then take her heels off so it is even deeper. As she is normally gagged that really makes her squeak in frustration!

You could have a rope going from her harness to the ceiling so that she can't fall too low, or have the bottom of the vibe with a horizontal bar that could be "sat" upon.
With either option, you'd end up in a position where the vibe is very uncomfortably deep, but with no danger of being impaled!

If you do this right, her hands are locked behind her back and the prison is adjusted so she can stand flatfooted with her knees slightly bent. you can wiggle a little and not have serious balance issues.
Also someone should be THERE monitoring it all the time.

A normal prison has many things keeping you in, not just a set of bars. There’s walls, guards, cameras, barbed wire, fences. The bars are just an element of the prison.
This begs the question: is a “one bar prison” an entire prison composed of nothing more than a single bar? Or can it have other elements, but the number of bars shall not exceed one bar per occupant?

Wouldn’t that mean she’s imprisoned by the straps though? Don’t get me wrong, the straps are great for safety and they look hot, but it’s really just a mounted dildo in this case.

Wood or steel base (needs to be at least 30x30cm, wider the better)
You mount a 1” pipe with one of the stands I provide on thingiverse. But you could fix the pipe differently if needed.
For that 1” pipe there is a smaller pipe (guess it was 3/8 or something) that fits the bigger one. You want to have it sliding so you can adjust for body heights and be able to insert it. Because I found no way of designing a screw onto these pipes I figured, that a 3D Print that screws onto the pipe and just holds a nut would be sufficient to fix the sliding pipe in place.
...tried twist locking it but that can be loosened by the captive. So you really need a screw that needs tools to open.
Onto that smaller pipe I designed a screwable second part. It has two functions: first of the rod doesn’t slide into the 1” pipe all the way. Second it lets me mount anything on it (by changing the design).
Right now it fits the XLR Plugs from my toys and secures them with the same mechanism as the first adapter.
Hope that cleared up some thoughts. Happy to help moving this forward :)

It looks like she could just fall forward and get out that way. But if it was bolted to the ground and in deep enough, I don’t think it’d be realistically possible for her to get out unless she could jump super high lol.

There's a dildo piece inserted into the vagina. Then the shaft is lengthened so that the subject has to stand on the balls of their feet. As a result they can't extend their height any more to remove the dildo piece and get off of the prison. Assuming the base is bolted to the floor so it won't just knock over

This just looks like so much fun with the hitachi, and whips and crops, and so many more fun things.

I'm bound to say that the one bar prison is simple but effective.
But what will happen if the girl take of one high heel, turn around and the other foot step on it? Enough height can be acquired, and she could step out of the prison.
This is just an idea and it's dangerous, please don't try. How to prevent it?

Very hot. But this pic raises some questions for me. Questions that are almost certainly pedantic, but here goes anyway.
Does this count as a one-bar prison? It looks to me like Cameron Dee here is being imprisoned by much more than just the one bar. But the bar IS there and is clearly made a focal point of the pics.
I’m curious how others think about it. Does this count as a one-bar prison or is it some subcategory of bondage?