Raincoats, part 7 - free fetish story
Tight jeans fetish stories high heels training, shoes fetish raincoats and hoods fetish stories
The weather remained fine and dry over the next three weeks much to Jackie's great relief. School had resumed only a week later, and he was dreading the ordeal of having to wear that… thing to school. There were only one or two light showers during that time but both occurred during the late afternoon after school, much to Lourdes' annoyance and frustration. She was dying to wear her new pink vinyl raincoat out in the wet. Lourdes was also looking forwards to being able to wear it to school. She could not wait to be able to wear her lovely new raincoat and to show it off to all her friends. Jackie was disgusted when she took to wearing it indoors and said so. Lourdes just stuck her tongue out at him and Jackie had retaliated by hitting her. Lourdes promptly fled to the kitchen in tears and Carol Riley had warned him that just once more, and she would not only confiscate the Nintendo for a whole week but make him wear his yellow raincoat every day for the week too. She would personally tell his teachers to instruct him to wear it in class too, Carol said. Sensibly, Jackie left Lourdes strictly alone after that and contented himself with giving her what he called 'Looks' whenever she wore it.
Lourdes had no idea that only a few kilometres away from where they lived, that Renae, Melanie and Sally were feeling equally frustrated from the lack of rain. This was supposed to be the wettest time of the year. Yet it remained bone dry. The weather quickly became a hot topic of conversation. Even the farmers were complaining about not receiving any rain. Various theories were expounded by numerous meteorological experts as to why Melbourne and much of country Victoria was not receiving any rain. Others saw it as further proof of global warming, which scientists had long been warning about and which was now only being taken seriously by numerous governments. The bottom line was that it was not raining and that was that. Raincoat sales were flat at Myer, much to Renae's and Sally's disappointment. They had hardly sold a single raincoat since the Riley's visit.
Melanie was cross because she'd bought her boyfriend a bright blue vinyl raincoat (apparently it was his favourite colour) and she was waiting for it to rain so she could give it to him to wear. She also entertained hopes of getting him to fuck her while they wore their raincoats. Melanie had a gut feeling that Tony would prove receptive to wearing the raincoat, which she had bought him, and wearing it to bed too. It would add a great new dimension to their lovemaking. Melanie had jealously listened to Renae's graphic descriptions of her sex romps with Sally and she badly wanted to experience that same feeling which Ren already achieved almost every week with her best friend. She could not help wondering what it would be like to have it off with their raincoats on. Yep, Melanie knew Tony would do it. He had absolutely loved her pink raincoat. It wasn't half-obvious Tony liked it, the way he had been unable to take his eyes off it. Or the way he had kept touching it. Naturally, Melanie had ensured Tony had every opportunity to do so by snuggling up to him every chance she got that particular day.
Therefore, everyone was thoroughly frustrated by the mini draught. While Jackie, outdoor lovers, fishermen and joggers appreciated the unseasonably balmy weather, Lourdes, Renae, Sally and Melanie did not. The older girls eagerly watched the TV news each night hoping for a forecast of rain the next day but it stubbornly held off.
The only highlight during an otherwise dull fortnight for the threesome came towards the end of the mini draught when a group of country girls traipsed down from the parched Gippsland and Mallee regions of Victoria and performed a rain dance in front of the TV cameras in Bourke Street Mall in the heart of the Central Business District itself. They had all been clad in bright yellow vinyl raincoats, which Renae, Melanie and Sally happily recognised as having come from Myer. They were highly amused by the whole episode and wished they'd thought of it themselves. They all wore their raincoats indoors whenever they could (which was in the privacy of their bedrooms or when their parents were not home) but it was not the same as actually being able to wear them out in the rain. After all, that was what raincoats were for!
Startled, Jackie woke up as the alarm clock abruptly screamed its round little head off. He hated that thing! It was always the harbinger of yet another dull day at school. Wednesday. Maths. First up. His worst subject. The room seemed to be strangely dark and gloomy. Suddenly, Jackie heard that unmistakable noise up above. It was raining. Heavily. He could tell by the sibilant susurration above. His heart sank. He knew that his mum would force him to wear that… thing to school! Jackie shuddered as he glanced towards the closet where the as yet unworn yellow vinyl raincoat hung. It was going to be an awful day. Everybody would tease him. Everyone would laugh at him. As for Julianne, what would she say? She was gorgeous. Julianne was oh-so-sweet-sixteen, slim as a willow with a magnificent lion's mane of long blonde hair, which shone gold in the sun and Jackie had a major kind of crush on her. She was beautiful. Her body was as slim as a reed. Curves in all the right places… Those lovely emerald green eyes and that smile… The way she smiled… Her beautiful smile made Jackie weak at the knees. She would never want to know him again after she saw him in that thing…. He wanted to die. Jackie pondered his options. There were precious few. He lay back and moaned. His mum would be coming up in a few moments to find out why he was still in bed. She would make him get up – then wear that… thing!
Suddenly, Jackie realised that there might be a way out. He would plead that he had a headache. A very bad headache. So bad, that he would not be able to go to school. And he would not have to wear the raincoat – that… thing! Jackie smiled. He was confident his plan would work. He was sure of it. His reverie was interrupted by the door opening. It was his mum come to investigate why he had not gotten up yet. Jackie groaned loudly and theatrically as Carol walked in.
Alarmed, Carol rushed over, "What's wrong? Are you OK?" Jackie shook his head – no.
"I've got a really bad headache." He said. Jackie embellished the point by adding, "I don't think I can go to school today."
Jackie didn't normally get headaches. In fact, Jackie hardly ever complained of headaches. Carol was momentarily puzzled why he should suddenly get a headache like this. Another moan issued from just below, where Jackie was lying in bed. Nonplussed, Carol stared out the window. It was grey and cold outside. It was still raining heavily. Raining… It was raining. Real raincoat weather. Suddenly, something clicked in her mind and she made the connection. Carol remembered how difficult Jackie had been about buying the yellow raincoat. Her brow furrowed. She stared downwards at her son. It would be just like him to try to con her… Suddenly suspicious, Carol leaned over Jackie and shook him. "Jackie, tell me the truth," she said, her voice as cold as ice. "You haven't really got a headache have you?" She continued remorselessly. "I think you are lying to me. You don't have a headache. You don't want to go to school because you don't want to wear your raincoat." Her voice rose with each sentence.
Jackie moaned despairingly. Mums! They knew everything. Miserably, he attempted to burrow under the sheets, confirming Carol's suspicions. By now thoroughly angry, she wrenched the sheets off Jackie and growled, "You have three seconds to get up or I will drag you out of bed, then I will ring your school and tell them you are to wear your raincoat in class all week long." Jackie sighed deeply and slowly got up. "Get in the shower now and hurry up or you'll be late." Aware of Jackie's delaying tactics, Carol warned, "Don't be late or…" She let the unspoken threat hang in the air. While Jackie stretched his stiff muscles, Carol opened the curtains and switched on the light. Jackie's heart sank still further. Everything was grey and gloomy outside. It looked like it was going to rain all day. Water dripped from the eaves above and streamed down his bedroom window. There was no way out. He was trapped. As if to confirm Jackie's equally gloomy thoughts, Carol went over to the closet and extracted his school uniform and that… thing! It gleamed shiny and yellow under the ceiling light. His embarrassment coat. Jackie closed his eyes in utter despair. He would have to wear his new raincoat to school. That... thing! Gloomily, he went off to shower while Carol busied herself with putting out his underpants and socks.
Lourdes was already wearing her pink vinyl raincoat when Jackie walked into the kitchen. She'd even done up the hood. She was chatting excitedly to Carol while eating her cornflakes. Jackie closed his eyes. It was going to be an awful day. He knew it. "Where's your raincoat?" Carol said sharply. Lourdes giggled. Jackie glared at her as he went over to the fridge. Certain Carol could not see her, she stuck her tongue out and ostentatiously smoothed the folds of her raincoat. "It's raining." Lourdes maliciously added, as if Jackie did not know that already. Jackie wanted to hit her very badly but he dared not because he knew what the penalty would be for touching his sister. It was just not worth it.
"Upstairs," he muttered.
"Get it." Carol coldly said. Lourdes tittered loudly. Angrily, he stalked upstairs to fetch it. It felt strangely smooth to the touch as he picked it up. Why me? No one else has to wear yellow raincoats to school, Jackie mused as he carried it down stairs. They're for babies. Girls! he thought savagely. Carol looked up as Jackie reappeared bearing his new raincoat. She debated whether to make him put it on now but thought better of it. Surlily, he flung it on the chair.
"Aren't you going to wear your raincoat?" Lourdes teased. Jackie gritted his teeth. He would put off having to put it on for as long as possible. It was only delaying the inevitable but… He would also take it off once they'd left the house. Jackie knew that he would get soaked but that was infinitely preferable to the humiliation that he knew he would inevitably face once they reached the school grounds. Silently, he poured the milk onto his Weetbix (his favourite cereal by far) and slid it up on the bench. He didn't feel like joining his mum or Lourdes at the kitchen table today. In fact, Jackie could not even bear to look at Lard-Ass in her pink raincoat. It reminded him too much of his own very bright yellow vinyl raincoat and the rapidly approaching ordeal of having to wear it outdoors in public. He hoped that he would not meet Julianne on her way to school. She lived very nearby and much to his great delight, she had actually walked alongside him to school once or twice.
All too soon, it was time to leave. Jackie could not believe how fast the time had flown by. It always went quickly before school. Especially today. The beginning of the end of his life. Excitedly, Lourdes picked up her backpack and slung it over her shoulders. Morosely, Jackie picked up his lightly laden school bag. He pretended not to notice his raincoat hanging on the chair. Maybe Carol might not notice… His hopes were dashed seconds later when Carol coolly stared at him. Jackie gazed back and said, "Bye Mum."
'Aren't you forgetting something?" Carol said. Jackie sighed. She'd been onto him all along. Reluctantly, he picked it up. That… thing! Carol continued to stare. She abruptly nodded in the direction of the raincoat slung on his arm. Her lips pursed. Jackie could feel Lourdes' eyes on him. Mercifully, she remained quiet although a small smile played on the corner of her lips. Defeated, Jackie sighed heavily. "Put it on," Carol ordered. Slowly, Jackie let his schoolbag drop to the floor. Now he knew what it felt like to be hauled in front of a firing squad and shot. He took a deep breath and slid his arms into it but did not move to button it up. It would be coming off anyway as soon as he got out of sight of the house. Exasperated, Carol motioned him over. "I just don't understand why you don't want to wear it," she complained as she firmly buttoned it up all the way up to the collar. "It's raining! Wouldn't you rather remain dry?" Jackie flushed with embarrassment as Carol drew up the hood before tightly lacing up the drawstrings so that it surrounded his head. Jackie flushed angrily when he spotted Lourdes triumphantly grinning in his direction. "Don't take it off or else." Carol warned. "You are to wear it to school."
"But why, Mum?" Jackie wailed. "Do I have to wear it to school?"
Impatiently, aware time was running out for them to walk to school and still be on time, Carol replied, "Because it's raining and I want to be sure that you do not get run over by a car."
"But I'll be careful!" Jackie argued.
"You may be careful, Jackie," Carol pointed out, "but that does not mean others will be. A little boy and girl were almost killed a couple of weeks ago because the driver couldn't see them."
Jackie sighed. Mums had all the answers! Angrily, he kicked his bag before picking it up. He heard Carol instructing Lourdes, "Make sure he doesn't try to take it off. If he does, you are to tell me."
"Yes, Mummy," Lourdes replied. The malicious smirk which she was wearing upon her normally angelic face told Jackie that she would take a great deal of pleasure from carrying out her instructions.
Jackie closed his eyes. Even Lourdes seemed to be against him. Well, he was not going to wear it to school and that was that.
The rain and wind hit them as soon as they opened the door. It was raining, if anything, harder than ever. "Oh dear," Carol said as the icy cold wind assaulted her and sent her reeling. The rain was sheeting down in silvery torrents. Water was streaming across the road. Even the drains were having trouble coping with the downpour. Jackie could probably make it. Maybe… But certainly not Lourdes. She was too small to cope with these conditions. It was not only far too wet, the conditions were dangerous. She would have to drive them to school. "Jackie, Lourdes, its too wet out there. I've decided to drive you to school instead."
"Awww, I'll be OK, Mum!" Jackie pleaded. He didn't want Mum to drive them to school. It would mean being dropped off at the front entrance in front of all his friends and… The thought was too horrible to contemplate.
"Maybe you would be, Jackie, "Carol firmly replied. "But not Lourdes here. I'm driving you instead." She hastily shut the front door and said, "Come on, let's go." Hurriedly, Jackie walked to the kitchen to get the car keys. Fortunately, they all could access the garage from within the house so Jackie and Lourdes need not get wet until they got to school. It would only be a relatively short dash from the front gate to the shelter of the buildings. "Jackie, what are you doing?" Carol asked as she returned with the keys. He was already in the process of taking off his raincoat. The hood was down and half the buttons had been undone.
"But Mum," Jackie protested. "I don't need it if we're going in the car."
"No," Carol replied. "You leave it on."
"Jackie!" Carol snapped. "I said – Put it back on!"
By now Carol was getting really angry. Dame this tiresome boy! Sometimes Carol wondered what on earth had possessed her to get married and have children. Had she but known… He really was impossible. She just wished that he could be more cooperative like Lourdes. She advanced on Jackie and gritted, "You – will – put – it – back – on!"
Suddenly terrified, for Carol could be truly fearsome when she was in one of her rages, Jackie meekly slid it back on. "Do up the buttons," she ordered. Sulkily, he slowly began re-attaching the buttons in their slots. "Right up to the collar!" Jackie sighed and did up the last button and encasing him from head to toe in bright rippling yellow vinyl. Adopting a more conciliatory voice, Carol said, "It will still be raining when we get there. There is absolutely no point in taking it off, then putting it back on again." Wearily, Carol sighed and checked her watch. "Come on! Or we'll be late." They still had plenty of time but Carol always made it a point to have them delivered to school well before time. That way, they would rarely, if ever, be late for classes. Reluctantly, Jackie followed Carol and Lourdes. He had never felt so humiliated in his life. What were his mates going to say?
Miraculously, the torrential rain cleared minutes after setting out for school in the BMW. Only a relatively light drizzle remained. A weak rainbow poked shyly over the hills in the distance as the clouds began breaking up. Jackie cursed his bad luck. Why couldn't it have cleared like this before they'd had to leave? Well, at least he wouldn't need his raincoat now. He began unbuttoning it. "Mummy! Jackie's taking his raincoat off!" Lourdes exclaimed. Furious, Jackie glared at Lourdes who smiled sweetly and looked away.
"Don't you dare take it off," Carol icily said.
"But Mum!" Jackie whined. "It's not raining any more!"
"Shut up Jackie," Carol warned. While they waited for the lights to change, she turned to face Jackie. "One more word out of you and I will march you to the teacher's office and ask him to ensure you wear your raincoat all day for the rest of the week." Jackie closed his mouth. There was nothing more to be said. There was no appeal. He was a condemned man. He closed his eyes. This was a living nightmare. Carols voice again. "Now do it up again - yes, up to the collar, I said!"
All too soon, they were turning the corner. Jackie's school lay a few hundred metres ahead. "Mum!" Jackie entreated. "Can you drop me off here?"
"No." Carol said flatly. "Why should I? We'll be here in a few seconds." Jackie slumped down on the seat. How he hated that raincoat! His embarrassment coat. It had seemed to take on a life of its own. It had become the central focus of his life.
Several of Jackie's mates were waiting by the front gate. They waved when they saw the distinctive silver BMW approaching. Lourdes shouted with excitement when she saw a couple of her girlfriends waiting opposite. She could hardly wait to show them her new pink vinyl raincoat. There were dozens of cars dropping off other uniformed students. Jackie observed with horror that no one else was wearing anything quite like that… thing his mum was making him wear. His shivering mates were all sheltering under a faded old umbrella. Suddenly, he understood how the carnival freaks of old must have felt. He would be laughed and ridiculed. Mercifully, Julianne was nowhere to be seen.
Fortuitously, another car pulled out just ahead of them leaving a space metres away from the front entrance. Thankfully, Carol pulled in. She was looking forwards to getting rid of Jackie for the rest of the day. She could feel another headache forming… With a quick "Bye Mum!" Lourdes piled out of the BMW almost as soon they'd coasted to a halt. Jackie closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He could feel his mate's eyes on the car. Waiting for him. He slouched lower in his seat. "Out." Carol ordered.
Reluctantly, he opened the door and pulled his bag along the seat behind him, trying to delay the inevitable even if only for a few seconds. His raincoat crinkled and rustled as he moved towards the door. Impatiently, Carol exclaimed, "Hurry up!" Jackie felt as though he was approaching his doom as he slid out. He could feel his face burning.
There was a short gasp from his mates as Jackie alighted. Their eyes widened. All conversation stopped as they gazed disbelievingly at Jackie. Without a second look, Carol pulled out, leaving him stranded in his new bright yellow vinyl raincoat. Astonished, they stared as Jackie shamefacedly approached before erupting in raucous laughter. Jackie wanted to die. Everyone was staring… Lourdes and her friends stopped their chatter and giggled helplessly. All the girls were giggling and snorting with laughter. "Hey Jackie," one called out, "Whats that ya wearing?" He flushed angrily. His social standing would never be the same again.
Another girl exclaimed, "You look so cute!" They giggled. Loudly. They were all tittering and staring. Lourdes stared at her disconsolate older brother. She actually felt a little bit sorry for him but she was not going to tell him that!
"Shut up," Jackie muttered darkly as he walked over to where his mates, Robert, Nick, Plugger and Tommo were lounging. He was aware that everyone was pointing and snickering but studiously avoided their faces. This wasn't as bad as he thought it would be… It was… worse! Someone cat-called, "Mummy's boy!" between laughter. A chant went up. "Mummy's boy… Mummy's boy…"
"Mum made me wear it." Jackie explained as he reached the relative safety of his mates. They continued to stare.
One bluntly commented, "That's a girl's coat." Another added, "For babies."
Jackie nodded miserably. "I know." Suddenly angry, he exploded, "But Mum made me wear it!" Sympathetically, they nodded.
Jackie's best friend, Robert, reached out and thoughtfully touched the material. "It's very smooth," he thoughtfully remarked. Curious, the others crowded around to look. Robert, Nick, Plugger and Tommo formed a protective phalanx around Jackie and surrounding him as they hurried through the steadily increasing rain to the shelter of the main school buildings. An icy cold wind whipped around their feet. It made his raincoat rustle and flap. Jackie could feel the stares and whispers of the other students as they walked along. Fascinated, they watched the water stream down the smooth vinyl. "Your sister looks great," Nick said.
Jackie shrugged. So?" he said.
Plugger placed one broad hand on Jackie's shoulder in support. "It's cool, mate," he said. "Hang in there," he growled.
Jackie hoped that they would not run into Julianne. It was all he needed, to run into her. She would never speak to him again. Quickly, he moved to take off his raincoat. Too late. There she was and…