punishment (all posts) free tied girls blog

Free bondage photo blog

28 July 2021

26 July 2021
Brother lends a hand

20 July 2021
Wait till the boys get their hands on you

18 July 2021
Tiffany is so owned

16 July 2021
Remorseful intruder

14 July 2021
Her secret is out

12 July 2021
Merriweather gets his pound of flesh

8 July 2021
Waiting in the chair

28 June 2021
A little too late with your confession

27 June 2021
The boys are praying that she struggles a bit

24 June 2021
Justice will be served

23 June 2021
Her stomach is heaving in anxiety and humiliation

22 June 2021
Learning her lesson

21 June 2021
This time her punishment would be outside in the courtyard

17 June 2021
Katherine gets caught and punished

15 June 2021
That sun will be getting very hot

14 June 2021
She will have to be VERY good for the next week

2 June 2021
Days with the sybian on it's lowest setting

18 May 2021
Public secured to the cross

10 May 2021
That tongue

9 May 2021
Wedding night surprise

8 May 2021
Saturday at the Sorority house

7 May 2021
Bent across the front of car

6 May 2021
She waits, sobbing at the front door

5 May 2021
Shivering in shame and apprehension

4 May 2021
Naked and red-assed

3 May 2021
Getting Tracy ready to greet her former friends

1 May 2021
Play time for Mom and Dad

30 April 2021
Schoolgirl punished outside by the butler

28 April 2021
YOUR punishment will be much worse than what she is going to get!

24 April 2021
Guess it's time they learned!

22 April 2021
Leia in corbomite

21 April 2021
The true horror of her trap

17 April 2021
Maid wooden stosks bastinado

15 April 2021
This is worse than her worst nightmare!

14 April 2021

13 April 2021
Naked, penniless, and totally owned

12 April 2021
Marion tied to sturdy poles and tortured by ants

6 April 2021
Stripped naked and hung in a cell by her wrists and ankles

31 March 2021
The King's cousin, Lady Cecily captured and tortured

29 March 2021
When Olivia SWEARS to do something, she never backs down

28 March 2021
Woman trapped naked on her back deck

26 March 2021
Eighteen years blonde ponytail girl forest spanked

25 March 2021
Queen Thalia PLEADS for her husband's horrendous fate

24 March 2021
'Miss Piggy' is a humiliation junkie

22 March 2021
Making the fat bitch pay for her bitchiness

21 March 2021
Punishment session in black high heels

20 March 2021
She was caught sneaking into the house late

17 March 2021
Super secret spanking initiation ceremony

15 March 2021
Mrs Demitri and the Hook



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