Wench for a Weekend 4 | free bondage story
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I met Master, and we started off through the mall. I was surprised at the “click-clack” of the heels! It sounded like they were echoing off the walls! Were these tap shoes or something? I felt like everyone was staring at me; the sex object being practically led by this guy. We had gone only about a minute when I heard an “Urp!” coming out of my bowels. “Sorry” I muttered. Master seemed amused, and pulled out the pump for the neck brace. He calmly put it in, and pumped it back up.
“Wench, you are to go shopping for adult diapers. Buy a pack.”
“Yes master.” I wrote, dreading what ideas he would come up with for the diapers. It would mean I could be in bondage for a long, long time!
I quickly found the store, CVS. Looking down the aisle, I spotted the diapers on the bottom shelf, and went to check the size, brand, or whatever information is on them. I squatted down. “Urp!” went my butt again. People looked my way. Even squatting, I couldn’t see the brand or anything! I started feeling around blindly for the products. The first one was for babies. Oops. Wrong stuff.
“Do you need some help?”
I went to turn my head to see who was talking. With the neck brace on, nothing happened. I stood up on the towering heels, and turned around. There was a young female shopper, about 25 or so, who must have been shopping for pads.
I got out the pad and paper. “Yes. I’m looking for diapers.”
She reached down to pull out two packs to show them to me. “Luvs? Huggies? Do you have a preference? How old is the wee one?”
I would have hung my head, but the brace had me standing proudly. “They’re for me.”
“Oh my god!” She put her hand to her mouth and backed away. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t realize!”
I wrote out in large letters, so that she could still read it from her distance. “No. It’s OK. Really.”
“OK. Um. . . which ones do you want?”
“I don’t know – I’m as new at this as you are.”
“What happened?”
“Car accident. I was hit by a drunk driver. Cracked my spine.” I pointed to the neck brace.
“That’s too bad. And the. . . “ She looked down at one of the adult diaper packages. “Incontinence?”
“For how long?”
“For the neck brace? About 6 more weeks before I can get to a less restrictive brace if everything goes well. If not, it might as well be permanent.”
Her eyes nearly bugged out. “Permanent?”
“They said they may need to do a fusion – merge the bones together. It would be as immobilizing as this brace, and permanent“ I wrote. “Grrrllll Slorp!” went my bowels.
“Uh. I guess you need these quick! These say they are for “large adult”
“Thanks.” I wrote back. I was kind of doing the pee-pee dance as I took them and went to the cashier. I couldn’t look, but I’m sure the lady’s eyes followed me out.
I quickly paid for them, and Master met me at the exit. “Take them out of the bag. Carry them to the ladies room, put them on, and then we can go.”
I handed the bag to Master. Now everyone saw what I was holding; no secrets. I minced to the ladies room. I didn’t look anyone in the face. For once, I was glad that I had the collar on – I know that people stared at the diapers that I was holding, and I didn’t want to see them doing it. When I got to the bathroom, I opened up the package. Putting them on was odd, as I was doing it by feel only. I put on the 3 tapes on each side, and put my dress back on. I took a step inside the stall. It might be my imagination, but I thought I could hear the diapers. I felt down. They were huge!
I teetered out of the ladies room. Master was there. We started walking to the car. I was very conscious of the different sound and feeling of padding around my crotch. It might have been nerves, but I thought that everyone else must have known that I was in a diaper too! Just during our walk to the car, I had to go. I knew there was no hiding. I stopped walking for a moment, and another little bit of enema leaked out. We got to the car, and the trip home was odd – I had to let out yet another pint of enema. I just let loose. When we got home, Master immediately put me in the head harness. Blinded and gagged, I was lead to the traction again. I stood there, not knowing what was coming. I waited. And waited. After about half an hour, I felt Master take off the neck brace.
“Take a nice LONG shower to get all cleaned up. Inside and out”. I happily complied.
Master met me right after the shower. He had a different chastity belt in his hand, and showed it to me. There were a few changes to this one. There was a big hole in the front, lined up with my vagina. It seemed to defeat the whole purpose of the belt! The other change was the addition of thigh bands - two bands of neoprene-coated steel would wrap around my thighs, just above my knees. They were connected to the waist portion by flat ribbon-like cable that went up the outside of my thighs. There was a chain that went between the thigh bands, limiting my gait to about a foot. I dutifully put on his latest creation, and playfully modeled it for him, even dipping a finger into the large hole in the front. Master said, "You'll be getting lots where that came from." He picked up a 10" long smooth dildo with a rod attached to it, and approached. I was scared just looking at the thing!
Master carefully slid the dildo up my hole, but only about 4" deep. He attached the rod to the chain between my knees, along with a weight. I stood there, waiting for something cruel to happen to torment me. Nothing came. He took my left hand, put on a leather thumbless mitten, and put it behind my back. Quickly, a rope went from my left wrist, around my body, and he tied it off to a manacle that he put on my left elbow. One arm was secured. "OK. Time for you to make dinner, wench. Chicken, peas, tater tots, and some garlic bread. White wine with Muff's meal, some juice for myself."
This seemed easy enough. I could do it with one arm tied behind my back! I took a step toward the kitchen. As the chain went taut, the rod went up, pushing the dildo 8" deep! I let out a gasp. I put my legs together. The weight pulled the dildo out to only 2" deep. I was going to be fucked with every step! The bastard! On the next step, I tried to hold the dildo in, but it was too smooth, the weight pulled it out anyway. Master smiled as I sexed myself into the kitchen. As I was cooking, Master came up and wrapped a skirt around me. Twenty seconds later, Mistress Muff came in the door. I went to set the table. Silverware was one trip. Plates were another. Glasses had to be taken one at a time. I only had one hand! Master just watched as I neared orgasm on every trip. Next trip for juice. Next trip for wine. Mistress Muff and master made small talk.
Finally dinner was cooked. While carrying the peas, I almost lost it, and came close to spilling the peas. Two more trips later, and they were finally eating.
Master started up. "Wench. This chicken isn't cooked enough. Put it in the microwave for another minute." I complied, and gave him back his meal with deep apologies.
"Wench, salt!"
I returned from the kitchen, and gave the salt to Master.
He snapped his fingers. "Wench! Bring me pepper!"
I gave a quick whimper, but quickly went to comply. I strutted out to the kitchen, and retrieved the pepper - it had been right next to the salt. Master wanted to have me make the most trips.
Mistress Muff had pity on me. "You've made a fine dinner. Kneel at my feet, sit back on your heels, and spread your legs."
"Forgive me Mistress. I can't."
Mistress shot a glance across to Master, who smiled. She said "You’d better explain yourself wench."
"Master locked this devious device on me." I took off my skirt to show her. "As I walk, these chains are making the dildo go in and out with every step! It's maddening!"
"I like it. Walk around the table wench."
I took a tour of the table, as Master and Mistress watched the dildo go in and out of my privates. As I completed the lap, Mistress gave her judgment. "I like it. Wench, take off your skirt, and keep walking. It amuses me."
Humiliated, I started my endless torment for their amusement. Shortly thereafter, my one hand was released. I think it amused them to see me pulling and tugging at the belt, hoping for an orgasm, yet continually denied. They commented on the juices flowing down my leg. I continued my tour, being forced to stop and re-gain my balance a few times as pre-orgasm shudders rocked my body. As I stopped, the dildo stopped, and I just couldn't seem to go over the edge!
Finally, dinner was done. I was horribly frustrated, moaning to Mistress for relief on every pass. I think she was amused. She stood up. "OK wench, you've behaved - I'll take pity on you. Come here, and turn around." I gratefully came, and presented my back to her. In return, she grabbed my wrists, and pulled them up into some kind of a leather pocket or sheath! It extended from my elbows up to my armpits. My arms were held wrist to the opposite elbow behind my back! Master helped out, grabbing the two straps from the upper corners. They came over my shoulders, and crossed in front, nicely framing my breasts. From there they went to two rings on the lower corners, and turned back in front, where they were buckled together. Mistress smiled. This could only end badly for me. She pulled out a set of fierce-looking nipple clamps. I only cringed. I knew I had no choice. I finally grasped up the courage, and thrust out my breasts for the un-avoidable bite. Mistress was pleased. She grasped my nipples with both hands, rolling them until they rose from semi-hard to full hardness. Then . . . blackness. Master had snuck up behind me and pulled a blindfold over my eyes!
The bites on my nipples were simultaneous, just after being disoriented by the blindfold. A quick tug on my nipples forced me on. OW! The dildo pumped in and out. Was she going to take me on a tour of the house like this?? I was getting rather lubricated down below, yet the piston went with every step. I was getting very excited. I started to get weak in the knees. YOW! The pull from my nipples still urged me on! Yet. . . Did I just feel hands on my hips as I stumbled? With the sensory overload, I couldn't tell. Around and around the house I was led. The orgasm was forever building. Finally, like a mass of water breaking a dam, it burst forth. I stumbled and fell in orgasmic bliss as two large hands easily caught me, and broke my fall. My legs stopped moving, but the dildo kept going! In and out! Oh my GOD! I came, screaming like a wild banshee. I was hugged and caressed by four unseen hands, wallowing in the post-orgasmic glow. Finally, Master lifted me up, and physically carried me off to bed. He released me gave me a kiss on my forehead. "Goodnight. Sleep well."
I started to drift off. Just a few minutes later, Mistress Muff came in, putting her finger to her lips for silence. I was hurried into their bedroom, and Mistress had me grab my elbows behind my back, then put an arm sheath on me. This sheath was like a giant rectangular pocket for my arms, covering my arms up to just below the pits, preventing them from moving. A strap went from the right shoulder, across the front, through a ring in the left elbow, across the front, through a ring in the right elbow, back across the front, up the left shoulder. Mistress took out a piece of scotch tape, and taped a strip vertically from below my nose to my chin.
“Just a reminder – not a sound.” She kept the door open. I sat down.
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A few minutes later, I saw Mistress leading Master into the bedroom. His hands were manacled behind his back, and he had on a gag harness with attached blindfold. One strap ran under his chin, cheek to cheek, to hold his lower jaw, and two straps ran from his cheeks to the bridge of his nose, merging with the blindfold, before one strap ran from the top of his nose to the straps that ran around his head. Mistress was holding a pet leash, attached to the CB-2000, effectively leading master by the balls. She guided him over to the bed, had him sit, and then started tying him down, releasing his hands only to re-bind them. Master co-operated fully. Within a few minutes, he was spreadeagled.
She started teasing him. “So. You really wanted to have sex earlier on, didn’t you.”
Master nodded yes.
“And you really want sex now.” Master nodded yes.
“Should I give you sex?” Master violently nodded yes.
“Then I’ll give you sex. And lots of it!” Master started bucking up, but met with only air.
Mistress Muff unlocked the CB-2000, and took it off of him. He was visibly enlarging already. She grabbed some strappy thing instead. One strap went around the base of the balls, and buckled shut. From there, two straps went to a ring that encircled the penis just in front of the balls. From that ring, two straps went to a third ring. From the third ring, two straps went to a quite small looking fourth ring. Muff muttered to herself “Now, we’ll just snug the Gates Of Hell up tight. . . “
Master obviously had no clue what was coming, and neither did I. Muff pulled out a condom, and put it over the rings covering Master’s hardening penis.
She started gently stroking the penis, and Master was clearly enjoying it. After only 20 seconds, Master started to squirm and twitch. Then spasms started. Mistress looked at me and smiled.
“That’s right slave. The Gates are too small for you to get fully hard in. Quite small really. The harder you try to get, the more it will try to pull your balls off. But let it not be said. . . “ Muff straddled him, and started using his caged penis like a dildo, teasing herself into getting wet. Master struggled violently – he clearly wanted to cum, but the Gates were preventing him from getting hard. Muff slowly mounted Master, and Master started bucking for all he was worth. Mistress calmly rose up, and Master rose to follow. Mistress pushed a few pillows under Master’s butt, preventing him from coming down, then continued with slow motion sex. A few more times of this, and Master was stuck at full extension. Muff calmly continued slowly going up and down on Master’s shaft.
“You know, this feels wonderful. Nice and wide, and ribbed for my enjoyment, without the cold rubber feel. Yet it seems to last and last without getting soft. I could get used to this.” Master was struggling and struggling, trying to orgasm, but to no avail. Muff started slowly playing with her breasts, and taking her time getting off on the trapped penis. It must have been about 45 minutes or an hour that she rode him, smoothly gliding up and down, grinding in when it suited her.
She finally came, and collapsed on top of him. After a few minutes of one-way cuddles, she got up, and released my arms. With a pointing finger, she sent me to bed. As I left, she was already picking up the CB-2000 for re-installation.
I slept well, dreaming of being teased as well as Mistress Muff did for Master.