What exactly is self bondage?

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Self bondage is loosely described as tying or restraining yourself in some manner for a length of time until you can free yourself, either by simply removing the restraints or by obtaining the means to do so, either by natural or mechanical methods. These methods range from simple to extremely complex and systematic, and are usually very ingenious.

Self-bondage is practiced for many reasons; the person in question has an interest in bondage and has no one to oblige them, the person does not trust another to tie them up, or prefers to practice alone for the thrill and excitement of the unexpected. Personal fantasy often plays a very important part.

Okay, so how does one go about it?

Generally, he/she plans the session beforehand; this is extremely important to ensure a reasonably safe and systematic self-bondage session complete with release, and also one of the things that makes self-bondage so intriguing; the human mind is a powerful thing.

Levels of bondage are many; corsets and high heels are a passive form of bondage, preventing somewhat full capability while wearing the item(s), while chastity devices and restraints fall well into this area: all of these are possible tools in the self-bondage scenario.

The session itself can be spent lying down, sitting and sometimes while fully able to walk around, depending on the type of self-bondage session planned. The self-imposed bondage session may last from half an hour to several days.

So you've locked the handcuffs on, now what?

There are several ways of preventing easy access to the key when you’d like to be free of your self-imposed bondage; here are a few examples: Some of these are much more reliable than others...

(1) Handcuff key frozen in an ice cube. The key cannot be used until the ice has melted away. For this to work correctly, a small string or wire must be inserted in the ice cube tray before freezing, making sure the string or wire does not also retain the key. This wire will then be used to hang the ice cube out of reach so you can't speed up the natural thaw of the ice. The main drawback of this method is a single handcuff key can get lost too easily. Reliability - Fair


(2) Weighted key on string, held out of reach by anchor in ice cube or container. In this case, the measured string and keys can be easily reached once the second retaining device has thawed sufficiently and released the full length of the string. Reliability - Good

(3) Weighted ring of keys, above ice cube(s) in panty hose. An ankle-length stocking is filled with ice cubes, depending on release time, then the top end of the stocking is run through the key ring and hung out of reach. Once the ice has melted, the weighted ring will slip off the stocking and fall to where it can be reached. This method can be used to deliver a complete set of keys or knife instead of a single key. The greatest advantage to this method is there are no incriminating signs of your hobby to be found by anyone, like a key frozen in an ice cube in the freezer. :) Reliability - Excellent

(4) Keys in heavy ice, attached to hands by thread. The key(s) are frozen in ice, tied to a length of thread, NOT string. The other end is secured to hand(s) while immobile. The keys can be retrieved only when the ice has melted sufficiently and can be drawn in without breaking the thread. This method is definitely NOT recommended for solo play. Reliability - Poor

(5) Darkness and combination locks. A combination lock (possibly with a darkened face) can be used to secure cuffed hands or ankles, then a timer is used to turn the light(s) off. When the lights come back on after a period of time, then you can dial the locks and release yourself. This method should have redundant light sources as backups, meaning two lamps on timer(s) or simply waiting for the sun to come up. Blindfolds do NOT belong here for obvious reasons. Reliability - Excellent

(6) Distance, time or exposure in public. These methods usually only work for bondage items or accessories you wear under clothes or can safely wear in public. Reliability - Good to Excellent

The key(s) can be placed beforehand some distance from where you finally lock that final padlock. This would require you to walk or drive to this location to retrieve the key(s). Example: the keys to the locking corset you put on Friday night is in your desk drawer at work, which will reopen Monday morning.

The key(s) can be placed in a SASE and mailed some time before the session takes place, completely depending on the time it takes to get them back. This is good for chastity belts, assuming you have a backup in the unlikely event the mail gets lost.

The key(s) can be placed in the mailbox in the front yard or in the trunk of the car, forcing you to retrieve them only when it is sufficiently dark outside to avoid being seen. This method is very useful if you are able to lock away or prevent access to clothing or towels beforehand, and have to venture out in your ankle hobbles or stark naked in handcuffs to get the key(s).

(7) Clocks, timer boxes, and electromagnets. All of these can be used with a good safety, but generally it is recommended to use those methods described above, since some mechanical methods or devices will tend to fail, usually when they are needed most. Reliability - Fair to Poor

(8) Key(s) delivered by a friend. Another method which is extremely risky is having a friend or relative drop off an envelope or package to your address containing the key(s) for your restraints. There are too many variables in this method, but the risk potential and unknown circumstances in depending on someone else for your release is tremendously exciting. Reliability - Fair

(9) Posterboard. Another time-release design is a curved piece of heavy paper or cardboard on the opposite side of the door, so when the key drops from the ice cube it will slide under the door. This would work well if you wanted to be confined in one particular room for the duration. This assumes that you have a good-sized airspace under the door itself. Reliability-Poor

3d monster

(10) Key in wax on light bulb. The handcuff key is placed on top of a light bulb, then candle wax is dripped on to secure the key. Once in place, the bulb is turned on and the wax melts, dropping the key. The bulb should be tested thoroughly before use to assure the bulb will melt the wax. Remember, light bulbs may fail at any time. Reliability -Fair

So now you're tied up and waiting for the key. A little bored...?

(1)> Nipple clamps. A note here; nipple clamps HURT! If you've never tried them, I'm telling you they are a real neat little tool, and when you have placed them on your nipples and then locked your hands behind your back you are unable to remove them until you get the key(s).

(2) Blindfold. When one of your senses is taken away, the other four (five?) become much more intense, especially when once you've locked the last padlock and are in it for the long haul, you begin hearing things. This is added fear and excitement if you've happened to leave a couple of doors or windows open or unlocked...

(3) Possibilities. When you've locked yourself in, who knows what will happen, especially if you happen to be outside or in your car? Planning ahead and caution is even more important if you take this route.

(4) Imagination and fantasy. Use your skill and ingeniuity for both.


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