High heel training diary, day 33
articles and tutorials High heels training, shoes fetish
Well... I lied (but not on purpose.) I was supposed to attend a work-related event this evening. That would have meant skipping a day of my heel training, so I mentioned last night that there would be no diary entry today. As luck would have it though, we got a moderately bad snow storm here last night, which through off my schedule for the entire day. By the time I finally got home from work and had something to eat, it was too late to attend the event.
So instead, I obediently went to my shoe chooser program to ask it what shoes I had to wear today. The pair that it picked are white sandals that I call my "pin up girl sandals", because they remind me of the shoes that one often saw pinup models wearing in such paintings form the 1940's.
These are fairly comfortable shoes. They are not completely comfortable, but I will be sleeping in them tonight nonetheless. I disappointed myself by only being able to sleep about an hour in last night's shoes before I had to change in to my more comfortable sandals. It was not that the pain from them was unbearable, I am sure that I could have kept them on for the duration if I had to, it was just that the pinching kept waking me up, and I knew I was going to have a long day ahead of me today. My Mistress does not want me to lose sleep when I have important things to do the next day, so I went ahead and changed my shoes.
I like these shoes. I know, I say that about most of my shoes, but if I didn't like them, I wouldn't have bought them in the first place of course. I do really like these shoes though. :-)