High heel training diary, day 31

articles and tutorials High heels training, shoes fetish

I got home from work early today, so I was able to spend a bit more time in my shoes tonight than I have been able to other nights this week so far. I do wish that I didn't have to work so much this week though, I would rather be spending more time in my high heels. :-)

So far this week has been fairly easy on my feet. Since Saturday's ordeal, all of the shoes my chooser program has picked for me have been fairly comfortable. I didn't manage to sleep through the night in last night's shoes, they began pinching my toes rather painfully and woke me up after only a few hours, so I had to switch to my more comfortable 5-inch heeled sleeping sandals. Today's shoes will be staying on all night though - I have actually slept in these shoes before, so I know they won't disturb me or interrupt my sleep at all.

I believe that today's shoes were the first pair of platform shoes that I ever bought. I never liked platforms, but after meeting the Baroness a few years ago and seeing here in a pair of platform shoes very much like these, I really took a liking to then. With the right outfit, they really do look quite erotic. I also like the way that the bases of platforms shoes aren't flexible at all, like the soles of regular high heeled shoes are. One of the reasons that I am enjoying being forced by my Mistress to train my feet for high heels is the bondage aspect of it - having my feet trapped in such erotic shoes and being unable to remove them. Since platforms aren't flexible, they add to that helpless feeling for me, making it impossible for me to bend and flex my feet while I have them on.

I have to work again tomorrow (I am working every day this week except for Saturday unfortunately), but I will of course be back in my heels as soon as I get home. Hopefully I will get home a bit early again tomorrow.

I feel that my training is going well. I have been in 5-inch heels for 5 days now, and am really not having any problem with them. I love the way that the make my feet feel, arched as far as they are, and the way I can feel the muscles in my legs stretching. I have quite a few pairs of 5-inch heels (50 left), so it will be a while before I move on to even higher heels, but I know that I will really be ready for them when I finally do.

My Mistress seems to feel that my training is going well also. yesterday I showed her a pair of extreme fetish "pony boots" that I found on a web site recently, and her comment was that she liked them and some of the other extreme heels on that web site, and that it was "something to look forward to". Eventually I know that she will have me wearing shoes like that all of the time. I love knowing that, and I do look forward to my body being modified and adapted to incredibly high heels like that for her.

That is all, until tomorrow...

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