Nipple Piercings and Tattoos in Female Domination

articles and tutorials Theory and practice of female domination

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Once your slave has truly dedicated himself to you, you may feel it is appropriate to mark him as your property. Marking him carries much more emotional impact than collaring him does, and represents a deep, enduring relationship. Not to be undertaken lightly, his express permission for the mark must be obtained, and deciding on the mark itself should be a joint effort. The marks we’ll talk about are piercings or tattoos. Both of these should be done by a licensed professional in a clean environment, with their licenses prominently displayed. The best tattoo artists will have a selection of designs and samples of their work for you to view, and will not tush you into making a decision.

There are other means of marking him, like branding and cutting, but I would strongly advise against these. They are both advanced games for very experienced players and require sterilizing the equipment and proper disposal of the waste. The primary dangers with cutting or branding are the risk of infection, and disfiguring results rather than decorative ones. If you are “safe playing“ with butter knives and an accidental cut does occur, disinfect the area immediately and get medical attention at once if any redness, swelling, or pus appears, or if a fever is present.

My Prince

As in "My Prince Albert." A ring that pierces from under the lip up to near his slit is a Prince Albert. I know you have seen pictures of this because it is one of the most popular. If I were to choose piercing as the way to mark my slave, this is the one I would choose. A genital piercing is, to me, the best choice because a piercing is the most temporary. Once you take the ring or labret out, the hole will close up, leaving only the smallest of marks where the piercing once was. My first choice of jewelry would be a ring from which I could attach a little silver tag with my name engraved in it. The Prince Albert, also known as the "PA," would be perfect for this and the tag would be removable. Because of the ring’s location on his body, it is a constant physical and very private reminder to him of his true position in your life. And if he is your lover, and his equipment isn't all that a girl could want, the PA adds an extra inch. . . .

Nipple Piercings

It has been said that other than a tongue piercing (which is a fabulous device for enhancing oral sex), any piercing above the waist is only for show, dramatic effect, or a symbol of rebelliousness.

I think the only exception to that statement would be nipple piercings. Nipples are very sensitive and are fun toys to play with. Piercing his nipple can be as symbolic a gesture as the Prince Albert, and certainly more symbolic as a sign of owmership than a collar or an O ring, or temporary tattoo. After the piercing has healed, you can play with the ring (or labret which looks like a bar bell, but is less popular than the ring. Labrets are more popular for tongue piercings) just by pulling on it, or for the pain slut light weights can be suspended from the ring for a short time, and as his tolerance increases weights can be used for a longer period, or a heavier weight can be used. Be careful with the weights, you do not want to pull the ring out. Like any other piercing, just in case the fascination of the ring or the relationship does not last, when the ring is removed the holes will close.


I wailed about twenty-five years to get my first tattoo, after having dreamed of having at least one since I was fifteen! My problem was I didn’t know where I wanted it. And. as you can imagine, all those years ago, girls didn’t have tattoos. Not girls where I came from, anyway. So of course, being who and what I am, this was part of the reason why I wanted one. Then came those wonderful temporary press-on tattoos that lasted about five days and allowed me to conduct experiments in the proper placement, as well as become lazy about getting the real thing. I liked the temporaries because I could wear different ones on different body parts to go with my outfits, and obviously, if I didn’t like the thing I could just scrub it off. That barbed-wire temporary tattoo looked good on my upper arm with the black latex ball gown but did I want barbed wire on my arm forever? I decided I wanted my tattoo in a place where no one could see it unless I showed it to them. After all the years I had waited, to me it had become a very personal thing, not an object of conversation or controversy.

So I got my tattoo when I had very distinct tan lines from the back of my bathing suit bottom, positioning it below the small of my back, under my waist, and on top of my buttocks. One part of the design pointed down in a very sharp “V” to the crack of my ass. It would look like a scroll over my derriere. Well, certainly I of all people should have known about all the nerve endings in that particular place, but well, maybe I turned into one of those people who thought that it didn’t apply to me. Or being me, maybe I just forgot. Additionally, the design I picked out had many long sweeping lines which had to be completed in one stroke. But what was most interesting was that I didn’t feel pain per se, it was almost like an overdose of acupuncture, if you can imagine that. I broke out in a sweat, I became dizzy, then nauseated. They gave me glasses of water with sugar in them and put a large plastic-bag-lined garbage can under my head, just in case.

Obviously I “lived” through the “procedure." It wasn’t until a few years later that I found out there was a name for the tattoo I had gotten. Upon showing it to one who deserved the pleasure, he looked at it and exclaimed, “a devil’s tail!” And as soon as I heard the words I knew he was right. After looking at so many designs that I had to sleep on them before deciding upon one, l knew that I had picked the tattoo that was right for me, I picked the tattoo that I deserved.

In regard to tattoos for your slave, if he is not your life partner or permanent in your life, I would suggest that the mark be small and discreet, and that names and initials be avoided. For example, when Johnnie Depp was dating Winona Ryder, he had “Winona Forever” tattooed on his arm. Then they broke up so no more Winona forever. So what he did was have the n and a at the end of Winona lasered off, leaving him with “Wino Forever.” Hmmm. . .

To avoid problems like that, I suggest that you look among ancient symbols from the Egyptians, Celts, whomever, for a design that has secret meaning for the two of you. Or you can design your own: the astrological symbol for your birth sign which you can link with his; your name in hieroglyphics in a cartouche; the flower that represents your name or birth sign; your Chinese zodiac birth sign, a flame, or a symbol or depiction of something that has ancestral history to you, like an Indian head to represent a Native American background. If you can’t design your own, when I was looking for ideas for my tattoo, l found so many possibilities in the artists book that I became a little confused!


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