Femdom bondage tutorials and techniques

Not only is resistance futile, but for the devotee of bondage it may also be counterproductive! Some of the primary feelings invoked by bondage are helplessness, vulnerability, and guiltlessness, and since these feelings are desired and highly-sought-after states, more than preliminary resistance to romantic rope restraint can indeed be futile. Even if resistance is part of the scene, it is only a way to attain the ultimate goal: the free-floating feeling attained by both body and mind when in inescapable bondage. The submissive experienced at being in bondage know's how to relax into the ropes and how to make their very restrictiveness a comfort, like a great big hug, or that blue blanket he dragged around everywhere as a child.

Bondage is a multifaceted aspect of life behind the veil, and it occupies many a dark and interesting comer of the erotic mind. Millions of people who express no interest in any other aspect of BDSM, and do not use many or any other BDSM techniques, are fascinated by the beauty of bondage and the romance of the ropes. For many the fascination started in childhood. True stories abound of children trying to tie themselves up, or more successfully, lie up their walling and unwilling friends, so strong was the pull of the ropes. One fellow confessed to me that in his fantasies, he loved to rescue the "maiden" from the villain, so he could cany her off himself and put her in his own kind of bondage. (Leave it to a man to come up with that one: He rescues the poor maiden from the frying pan only to throw her into the fire.) His story was a bit more complex than that; having invented this fantasy in childhood, he had litile or no way of knowing that what he was “trading” upon was “transference”: when the kidnapped allies him- or herself with, or begins to feel sympathy for, the kidnappers. As her initial rescuer, the maiden had immediate trust in him, which he then betrayed.

Because they were children when these early fantasies formed, they were too young to understand the significance of tying someone up, of taking away freedom. They were loo young to grasp or analyze the change it had on their and their “bondees”’ emotional state, but even as kids, both could feel this change.

As an adult playing at romantic bondage, a good domina is aware of the emotional effect of putting someone in restraint and she will use it to enhance the experience and lighten her control over him. While in bondage, he can focus his attention on his helplessness and live completely in the moment, thereby releasing anxiety and stress caused by daily life. And bondage is an aspect that can be combined with many other aspects of BDSM. How lovely!

man bondage

Mummification bondage technique for men

This is one of my favorite aspects, especially film wrap alone, or in combination with duct tape for the more enthusiastic. Although I consider mummification to be something of a fetish, the true mummification enthusiast is more into the bondage, restriction, and deprivation aspects and their impact, rather than the fetishistic one, which comes in second...

Origami rope bondage technique for men

This is one of those rope tricks that look amazingly complex, but once it is broken down into easy steps, you are amazed that you couldn`t figure it out just by looking at it...

The Hog Tie bondage technique for men

If you have ever seen one of these `events` on TV, you, like me, have probably found them somewhat humorous. But a hog tie is a common fantasy, a very good way to keep him in one place, an even better way to put him in his place, and yes, you can even place your foot on his chest and throw both of your hands over your head in the classic signal when you are finished, if you so desire...

The Bungee Cord Loop, cock and ball bondage technique

I just love this one. It makes him torture himself to attain the object of his desire, his rewards, his special treat: kissing my ass. You will need your cock-and-ball torture-width rope for this and a bungee cord...

The Crupper - genital bondage illustrated tutorial

Tying up his genitals! Then hanging things from them, using the bungee cord, slapping them around...now that`s my idea of fun. Maybe you even had a session with him and a professional domina and she taught you some tricks of her own. Whatever. You still want more. So here are two new cock-and-ball bondage techniques to torture him with...

The basic restraint for man, illustrated tutorial

Bondage can intimidate the domina, as well as the submissive. Some of us just aren`t any good at tying anything other than a scarf. But anyone can effectively and inescapably tie someone up without the use of fancy knots....

Femdom bondage - Safety Tips

Before embarking on your journey into real rope-bonded bliss, I want to remind you of the safety factors involved in engaging in romantic bondage...

Femdom (humiliating) bondage without restraint

Humiliating bondage would be any bondage that `forces` the submissive to expose his genitals to his mistress...

Styles of Helplessness, femdom bondage guide

As we live behind the veil and continuously explore the midnight purple world of our sexuality, there are a few styles of bondage you may want to experiment with...


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