Hashi and BDSM - torture device for nipple clamps

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hashi nipple clamps

Hashi can be used for more then sushi...well at least a different type of sushi anyway! *wink* Hashi can be used a torture devices with a couple extras items and some imagination!

Hashi Clamp:

Take two hashi, place them parallel to each other, but face them in opposite directions if tappered.. Take rubber bands and wrap them around the hashi at each end. The rubber band will make the hashi squeeze anything you place between them like nipple clamps or vices. This is good for using on the nipple, tongue, ears, folds of skin, and even the clit.

Hashi Bite:

tongue clamps

Hashi bite is the same thing as a Hashi clamp, but tie twine from the two rubber band around the head, so it stays pulled back in the mouth lie a bite.

Hashi Time Release Clamps:

time release niole clamps

This is the same setup as the Hashi Clamps, and only work with the nipples if the victim is in a vertical position. With this, you put an ice cube in one end of the hashi clamp between the rubber band. Now the clamp will be triangle shaped. Now you can place the hashi clamp over the nipple and pull down till the nipple is in place under the top rubber band and holds. As the ice cube melts, the bottom end of the clamp will compress, putting more pressure on the nipple over time.


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