Wooden Pony (Japanese Horse) BDSM torture device

articles and tutorials Theory and practice of BDSM Pain, punishment and torment in BDSM

wooden pony torture

A Japanese Horse was a torture device used in the Edo period of Japan. A victim was tied up and placed sitting on a Japanese horse, so that extreme amount of pain was placed on the genitals and anus. The horse was made of 2 panels of wood and 4 legs and the victim was placed on top, straddling it. The blanks of wood that were sat on, were not long enough to go down to the knees so that the victim had no ability to be able to use their legs strength to keep pressure off their crotch. And the legs were longer then the victims so the victim could not place their feet on the ground to stand up. The arms were tied behind their back hojojustu style, and tied up to a beam so the victim could not fall off.

A modern day version of the Japanese Horse is used for BDSM, which its just two planks, or Japanese tea chairs, put together, so that the victims feet or knees can reach the floor, so the pain is not as extreme as in the traditional version.

The Wooden Pony

While the wooden horse is about instant, unbearable pain, the wooden pony is not immediately painful. The potential for pain is clear, however, and a ride on the wooden pony is about helplessness and inevitability. Slave is bound to the pony, then the wait for her legs to tire begins. Use this time to talk with your captive, to lecture her, or to test her in small ways. Command her, see if she is obedient.

If your captive fails your tests just leave her on the pony. It will soften her willpower and transform her into a pliant, obedient woman.

Japanese horse torture

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