Experiments in BDSM
articles and tutorials Theory and practice of BDSM
Indulging in Fantasies

But you are always looking for new things of interest, but their feasibility may be limited by geographical area and other considerations. A person, or a book, or a video about our games is certainly a helpful tool in learning some of the mechanics of our avocation and can provide insight into the mind-set, but the BDSM experience is also learn-as-you-go. If your play is completely private, you will have to learn from each other, feed off of each other—exploring your erotic minds in depth to keep your play fulfilling. If you continue to supplement your experiences by reading, you will come across things that you can use outright or adjust to fit your needs. Even seasoned players admit that if they read a new BDSM book and learn one new technique or viewpoint, they consider the book to have been worthwhile.

If you live near a large city that has fetish parties or a BDSM club, going to one will give you the opportunity to view others at play, even if you don't play yourselves. Watching others will give both of you many new ideas that you can feed of for w'eeks and months. If you can't get to any of these parties, use the Internet very selectively to find BDSM social groups in your area. Once you find a group you like, you can have private parties ranging from silting around talking about it to full-out action. Then you can start your own group.