Last flight of the Sprite - bondage photos
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All of the sprites on Domilar IV have been warned since 'the beginning' to stay away from the sloff bogs in the Eastern wasteland. There is a story told to all about the absent-minded sprite who was flying too close to the bogs one day and an extra long tentacle snaked out and captured her by the leg. The story says that she was dragged into the shallow edge of the bog and 'penetrated' for nearly an hour as she clung desperately to the rocks. Luckily her screams were heard and she was barely rescued from her chilling ordeal. She was never the same after that. The story was meant as a warning, but it unfortunately served as an inspiration to one naughty sprite name Cyllias.
Late one night Cyllias stripped herself down completely bare. Then, with a gulp and a tingly shiver of excitement she headed for the bogs, working up an incredible rate of speed. Faster than she had ever flown before she launched her chubby little nude body over the bogs I She flew for over a hundred yards before the Sloff snatched her and pulled her down. The entire million slithering arms of the Sloff acted with a collective brain and they passed the squirming little naked sprite further and further till she was out of sight and hearing of the shore. Then they entered her. The feeling was exquisite. Both of her little bottom holes were tantalized, with the tiny ridges on the slimy Sloff arms quickly bringing her to an incredibly heightened state of sexual arousal. It was heaven! But they kept her there, squirming and moaning, and begging at the exact point before an orgasm should have been achieved, but was withheld. Tantalizingly. For all eternity. Sprites, like the Sloff, were immortal creatures.
Cyllias began to scream in sexual need until another Sloff tentacle filled her mouth. They passed her around the ocean-sized bog, always at just the point before orgasm, which is exactly where they needed her to be. Cyllias didn't immediately comprehend the magnitude of the word 'eternity' when she committed herself to this fate. The meaning began to sink in to her sexually tormented, horrified mind after the second day.
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