Really rubbing it in - bondage photos
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"Awww... you poor little fat piggy! You're all ashamed because your friends saw your fat ass get spanked by your husbands' new girlfriend! Awww... too bad. I really enjoyed slapping your fat ass and watching you cry in front of your friends! HAHAHAHA!"
"Maybe if you weren't so old and fat your husband wouldn't have to find a better woman to love, instead of you! Ooohh... your big fat cunt is all juicy and sloppy. I think you like being displayed all naked and punished. Makes you real HOT, huh? HAHAHA!"
"How hot are you gonna get when I put a dog leash around your fat neck and lead you crawling naked up and down the hallway, knocking on your neighbors' doors, huh?"
"They'll all get to see your fat red ass, and your big fat tits jiggling and shaking as you leave a pussy juice slime trail behind you. They'll ALL be laughing at you... and taking pictures too! You better put on a good show for them or I'll walk you down the stairs and right out the front door! Cars will be honking and people pointing and laughing at the red-assed fat little naked piggy crawling down the sidewalk. Maybe we'll go visit your daughter and her husband next, huh? When they see you all disgraced and your spanked ass, and then see your creamy pussy snot slime trail from your big fat sloppy cunt they'll understand why your husband turned you over to me to shame and expose. I really love doing this to you, you fat lazy bitch! 'SLAP!' 'SLAP!' HAHAHAH!"
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