Latex cover and metal stocks - bondage photos
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She stared up at the ceiling, her mind running through it all.
She didn't bother to struggle, there was no point, the steel was too strong.
She didn't bother trying to call for help, the dungeon she had built was designed to block all sounds.
She thought about the party going on upstairs in the main house. All her family and likely most of her friends too. All of them celebrating, having no idea she was down here, locked, helpless and unable to tell them she was here.

She had no idea what time it was when she heard the clicking of heels approaching the large steel door.
She didn't react other than to follow the figure with her eyes as she approached. Leaning over the bed in a full latex catsuit and pulling the latex cover over her captive.
"Quite a night you missed" The figure said. "All the family were there, they were asking about you, seems they really miss you"
She continued to pull the sheet over, covering her completely under a layer of red latex.

She heard the clicking of heels moving away and she closed her eyes, wondering how long she'd lay awake waiting for sleep to take her again.
"I have a busy day planned tomorrow so I won't get much time to come down and see you. I'm buying a new car, it'll only put a tiny dent into your lottery winnings. I'd ask if that is ok but we're beyond that now"
The figure moved towards the lightswitch.
"Yes Mistress" she finally spoke "Goodnight"
The figure smiled and flicked off the light. "Goodnight, Mother"
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