Nheina - bondage photos
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Rock star Nheina was known for her outrageously revealing costumes, hard drinking, foul lyrics, and arrogance.
She pissed off practically everybody, everywhere, but she had a following of disillusioned teens who worshipped the ground she spat on.
Appearing at a concert in Barosopia, her hotel room was searched and she was found to be in possession of cocaine, pot, and heroin. She laughed it off, told the press to "piss off", but when she spit right into the face of the judge and told him to "stick it up your ass", she really stepped over the line! This happened nearly two years ago. It was in the news for a couple of months. Eventually, her worshippers found another 'bad girl' of rock to worship, and the press found new stories to follow. The world had moved on. Nheina was forgotten by the press, but not by the judge!
Now she wears only cuffs and a collar which is connected to a large blunt stainless steel hook that is constantly pulled up her assl And of course, red high heels, which she had once ridiculed in one of her songs. Nheina has had a chemical treatment that permanently removed all of her bodily hair except on her head, which is kept cut in a 'conservative' style to further humiliate her. She spends every day licking clean all of the urinals in government buildings, and all of the toilet seats in the women's restrooms. Patrons are encouraged to mock her and even slap her big red ass as she cries and 'thanks' her tormentors, under pain of even worse punishment if she fails to please them.
She will have served two years of this punishment in October. Two years of 'licking' and enduring the taunts, slaps and 'fingerings' day after day after day. And not one single orgasm either, though she begs for one constantly! Drugs make that impossible, while at the same time maliciously increasing the cravings for one. It's even worse when the teenagers have at her! Talk about humiliation! Only eighteen more years to go and then she will be released.
Eighteen more years of shivering, teeth chattering need and humiliation. Unless, of course, she earns more years for bad behavior. The judge will make that call. He visits her often just to see how she's doing... and to spit in her face.
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