Her secret is out - bondage photos
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Thirty-six year old Allison Whittimore actually pays to be strung up from a tree branch, stark naked, and have her ass whipped by a laughing, taunting Wanda Linton, a woman she has hated since they were teenagers. Allison always acted so superior to Wanda, and now to be under the complete control and punishment of her hated enemy is enough to bring her to heaving sobs of shame.
But that's what she pays for. And Wanda is more than happy to oblige! Who would have believed, all those years ago, the shameful secret that the snotty, stuck-up Allison kept hidden inside? She was a closeted humiliation and pain slut!
Wanda thinks this is hilarious, and she laughingly taunts Allison about her future plans to shame her, as she continues whipping her sobbing slave's writhing ass. This will soon be a 'secret' no more!
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