Her new reality is a nightmare - bondage photos
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Eighteen year old Tiffany had been high as a kite on Friday night. They were in an 'under twenty-one' club drinking fancy selzter drinks and listening to the music when they started talking about the new slavery laws. Tiffany thought it was 'cool' that someone could choose to sell themselves into slavery. She thought it was 'sick' that she was old enough to legally sell herself, but not old enough to order a beer! She was flying pretty high when she thought it would be funny to sell herself for a thousand bucks. She could always buy herself back. She was giggling and laughing when some woman pushed a piece of paper under her nose and a stack of hundred dollar bills. Her best friend tried to talk her out of it but the other girls prodded her on, laughing, and saying how fun it would be! Giggling, she took the money and signed the contract.
After they all had a good long laugh, the woman pulled the money out of her hand and said that Tiffany, along with everything she owned when she signed the contract, now belonged to her 'company'. Tiffany's friends tried to tell the woman to fuck off, but two enormous men walked up and each grabbed one of Tiffany's upper arms. The woman snapped a collar and a leash around Tiffany's throat and began to lead the shocked girl away, telling her friends that she would be going on sale tomorrow at the weekly auction. Tiffany suddenly started crashing down from her high and began sobbing as she was led/dragged out of the club.
The following day she appeared at the auction wearing the same clothes she had worn the previous night. She looked scared as she was led into the room, hands cuffed behind her. Suddenly she gasped loudly when she saw three boys that she had gone all through high school with! They were obnoxious and loud, and one of them was Jimmy Cranston. His family was rich and they indulged their little prick of a son. Tiffany always despised him and the feeling was mutual, although Jimmy never missed a moment to ogle her and make her feel uncomfortable. The boys were causing a commotion as they yelled out to her, laughing. Frank Jeffries sat next to Jimmy and was holding a paddle in his hand, smacking it sharply against his palm and winking at her with a big grin on his face. Tiffany began to sob in panic and in shame!
Five minutes later Jimmy was presenting a check for his winning bid to the auctioneer. He took Tiffany's leash and she followed him with shaking legs towards the exit. Right behind them were Frank and Lenny. Frank was laughing as he smacked the paddle across Tiffany's ass. Lenny was busy tweeting out a message about the big party tonight. Everyone who wanted to see Tiffany shamed to tears, especially the people who disliked her, would be sure to be at the party. The boys could hardly wait to strip those clothes off her for the last time. She would never wear clothes again. Tiffany sobbed in pathetic gasps as she walked, week-kneed behind her new 'Master'.
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