A kink in the plan - bondage photos
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After playing 'spank and tickle' games all morning, Ted left his wife tied outside the house to a tree in the back yard. He left her there, stark naked with a red ass, and promised he'd be back to untie her before the kids came home from school at 2:30.
Shortly after Ted left, Barbara remembered with HORROR that today was Parent/Teacher Conferences, and the students were being dismissed at noon! It was now 11:45!
Her kids usually had their friends with them and, finding nobody at home, they would surely grab a soda and all go into the back yard to hang out, just like they always do! Oh my GAAAAAWD!!!!
She could TRY to yell out to them to stay inside until their father came home, but she already knew that a pack of hormone driven teenagers would certainly be curious and, in fact, very nosey to find out what was going on. How could she have forgotten! Gawd!... Then she thought... CELLPHONE CAMERAS!! N000-0-0!!
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