Getting Tracy ready to greet her former friends - bondage photos
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"Stop! Hold it right there." 'whack! whack! whack! whack! whack! whack!'
"Oww! Oww! Owwww! PLEASE! Owww! OWWWWWW!!!"
"Now turn around and start kissing the tips of my shoes again! And THIS time act like you're happy about it. Not like it's a chore!"
"When your former friends come to visit, this is the way you will kiss all of their shoes, even if they're laughing at you. Or ELSE!"
"PLEASE Mistress, don't shame me in front of my friends like this! 'sob'"
"What?? Why, you insolent little brat! Turn around again and get that naughty little ass back up in the air! Of course I'm going to shame you like this. The main reason I bought you was to shame you like this... and more\ Besides, they're not your friends any more. They're my friends. They're your 'Masters' and 'Mistresses'! Hahahaha! Oh this is going to be GREAT! 'whack! whack! whack! whack! whack!' I warned you not to cross me, didn't I? Now you're going to pay for that mistake with your little ass! For the rest of your life! I'll bet your former friends will be able to come up with even more delicious ways to shame you! And we'll try all of them! Hahahaha!"
"Owwww! 'SOB'! PLEEEASE Mistress! I'm so sorry! Owwww! I'm so sorr
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