Guess it's time they learned! - bondage photos
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When cousin Becky made the mistake of returning home after running away four years ago, her aunt and uncle pounced on the young woman, and tied her wrists to the ceiling. She wasn't ever getting away again! After Uncle Jessie went off hunting, Aunt Willa took scissors and cut every stitch of clothing from Becky, leaving her dangling in the nude like a pink sow.
Aunt Willa had the horse whip in her hands and was fixin' to use it on Becky when she noticed the three boys peeking in the window. She warned them away, but they kept coming back! In exasperation she relented and let the boys come in to watch their cousin get her hide tanned. Willa felt it was about time those boys got their first look at a fully grown naked woman.
The boys crowded around their cousin, touching her with their hands and fingers. One of them cupped her breasts. Another pinched her large nipples. Aunt Willa shooed them away, then gave Becky the first stripe, right across her ass I The boys giggled as Becky squirmed under the lash, begging and crying as lash after lash left its mark on her smooth woman-body.
After ten hard swats, Willa let Becky rest, but the boys boldly began to taunt her and touch her. They fondled her front and back, giving little hand spanks right over the stripes on her ass. This made Becky moan and cry some more, which further encouraged the mischievous boys. After another set of ten swats, the boys helped Aunt Willa to raise Becky's legs up to tie her ankles to the same beam as her wrists, only wider apart. This left Becky dangling with her bottom spread wide open. They all left her like that, but the boys crept back almost immediately. Willa knew it was useless trying to keep the boys away from her like that, but what could she do? After all, boys will be boys!
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