The REAL fate of the Evil Queen! - bondage photos
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The Evil Queen had actually been captured by the seven dwarves before she could complete her terrible act of murdering Snow White. She was dragged off to the mines and shackled there without Snow White's knowledge. After 24 hours her self-imposed spell ended and she returned to being the second most beautiful woman in the kingdom.
After being unwittingly teased every day by the beautiful and wonderful Snow White, the dwarves now slake their sexual frustration each work day on the Evil Queen's ass! She may be second best, but she has a really nice ass, and a delicious pussy too!
Funny thing about being Evil. Even though the Evil Queen has been missing for nearly three months, nobody has even tried looking for her! They seem pretty happy in the castle without her. And the dwarves have never been happier. Even 'Grumpy' can't help but smile when he flogs the Queen's ass with his little tawse!
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