No end in sight for this Sprite - bondage photos
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It's a horrible fate for a sprite who gets captured by goblins. Sprites are immortal, highly sexual creatures. Goblins only live about a hundred years but the captured Teela has been passed down for generations. Goblins have very high sex drives and they are just plain mean. They thrive on humiliating their captives and, in the case of poor Teela, she has been kept chained, branded, fucked, milked, and spanked day and night for over 400 years already, with fewer than 40 orgasms in that entire time! Her shivering body is used and abused by dozens of goblins every day, while she is perpetually teetering on the edge of a desperately needed orgasm. When it comes to pure spite and humiliation though, the female goblins can be even worse than their males, and they mercilessly lick her ears and work her helplessly exposed clitoris and nipples over, teasing her to heaving sobs of humping need whenever the males aren't using her! What a fate!
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