The keeper - illustrated bondage story, part 9

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Free bondage photos blog 25 September 2020

Melissa tried to pull away when she felt the woman’s hands curling around the hem of the miniskirt tube. Her fat fngers rubbed against Melissa’s thighs, holding her close by as she yanked the spandex to the girl’s waist, “Too much noise,” the woman said. “You make too much noise, so we’re just going to have to occupy you with other things.” She put a small black belt around Melissa’s waist and cinched it as tight as she could with one hard, sudden pull. Melissa was yanked against the woman’s padded side.

“So cute,” the woman cooed as she worked. “So slim, yet so frm.” The belt had another belt at the back, going down. The woman slipped it between Melissa’s weakened, but bending legs, then took the nine inch dildo with its own loop at the base and slipped it on.

“So long,” the woman commented, looking at Melissa’s agonizingly slow legs.

“So smooth and shapely.” She took a handful of Vaseline and coated the dildo with it. Then she ran it along the short second strap until the tip was just under Melissa’s cunt hair. “So thick and red,” said the woman, ramming the dildo inside the girl.

Melissa dropped onto her back, shaking her head wildly, screaming, and kicking, but it was too late. The dildo was all the way inside.

The woman tightened the belt immediately, putting the end into the buckle affxed specially for it in front. She tightened it as far as it would go with another pull (knocking the air out of the teenager) then clamped it in place. With a quick fick of the kidnapper’s knife, she cut off the remaining tongue of the belt, and quickly pulled Melissa’s miniskirt back down, neatly covering the invader.

“Now, now, now,” said the woman, gathering up Melissa’s legs in one arm. The girl fopped around the mattress like a fsh out of water. “Mustn’t have you hurt yourself.” Then, with a roll of tape in one hand, she pressed the button on the bottom of the dildo. Its’ batteries went on, and the dildo started to vibrate and surge.

By the time Melissa realized what was happening, the woman had retaped her thighs and crossed ankles. She dropped the long, perfect legs, and moved back on her knees as the girl sat up, rubbing her head wildly on her knees.

Melissa fell onto her side, bending and straightening her legs repeatedly, bleating behind and around the new gag. Her fngers reached agonizingly for her crotch, but the painted fngernails could hardly reach the miniskirt hem.

Her wrists twisted in the iron hard tape as she pulled with all her remaining strength. She kept saying “ah, ah, ah, ah, ah.” She started to shake in place on the mattress.

“That’ll keep you,” said the woman, standing up. Melissa tried to scream at her, but the penis gag pried her jaw apart and flled her saliva-flled mouth. Melissa tried to remain still, but the surging, vibrating dildo was scraping her nerve ends. Melissa tried to explode, but the tape held her together. She sat up, and rolled, and kicked, and failed with her head and torso -- her hair fying around her.

The woman watched her contort for a few seconds, then spied a length of cord still tied to a ring at the corner of the mattress. She nimbly grabbed Melissa’s legs and cinched the rope tightly around one ankle. “Don’t want you rolling into the furnace,” she commented, then let Melissa continue her contortions. She watched in amusement for a few more minutes, smiling at the nineteen-year-old redhead’s bondage and sexual torment. She watched her back arch, and her pull on the ankle rope. She watched her curl up into a little ball, and stretch out to the snapping point - - her leotard and skirt just about to snap off her abused tit and cunt. She imagined what it would be like to be fucked in the cunt and mouth while being unable to scream, fght, or run.

“That’ll keep you,’ the woman repeated, heading for the stairs, “nice and wet and soft until my boy gets home.”

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