One long gagged morning
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Penny had slept well, really well; in fact, she couldn’t remember the last time that she had slept so soundly and peacefully and comfortably; but still, despite her great night’s sleep, it hadn’t stopped her morning from being one of the most stressful, annoying and difficult mornings of her life…
Penny could still feel the heat and excitement from last night echoing through her body; herself and her girlfriend Charlotte had spent last night in doors and in their bedroom with a generous amount of chains, ropes, cuffs, gags and ideas, most of which had been spent and removed before bed, all except Penny’s blue ball gag. The ball gag itself was large enough so that almost every word was unintelligible, but small enough to ensure that her jaw wouldn’t ache and cause her discomfort during long periods of use, it was also a little bit soft, while still being tight and kind of comfortable … but it needed to be taken off, she couldn’t very well go to university (of which she was already late for) with a gag in her mouth. Though the problem for Penny; was that the straps of the ball gag were tied with a lock which needed a key.
Assuming Charlotte had left for university hours ago; Penny began tearing their bedroom apart looking for the key to her gag. First she checked the top of the bedside cabinet on her right, brushing other cuffs and gags aside looking for the key, when she was unable to find it there, Penny turned to the computer desk on her left and looked around, above and below it, unable to find it there either, she turned her attention to the bed itself; but pulling the dark purple bed covers emblazoned with neon flower prints from the bed yielded no luck in finding the key either… Penny slumped and lay face down on the bed wondering where the key could be, it couldn’t have gotten far.
Penny continued to lie on the bed, deep in thought as she tongued the ball gag in her mouth. Eventually Penny decided it’d be best to get ready for the day and tidy the room; it was too late to go to university now and perhaps tidying the room after the fun of last night would help her come across the key she needed, then maybe she could eat…
Rolling herself to her feet, Penny dragged the purple bed covers from the floor and back on to the bed where she flattened them out and tucked them in, Penny then spent the next ten minutes picking up gags, cuffs and coils of rope from around the room and putting them back into their respective drawers and hiding places, still she found no suitable key to unlock her gag. Feeling a little frustrated, Penny put on her clothes; a white denim miniskirt with a thick black belt and a cute white and blue crop-top on depicting the continents of the world. Needing to brush her hair, Penny picked up her hairbrush and made her barefoot way to the bathroom; Penny didn’t notice it immediately but she eventually discovered a note that Charlotte had left on the bathroom mirror which simply read ‘lost something? Call me.’
Penny growled to herself behind her gag and suddenly the scissors next to the first aid kit in the bathroom cabinet looked very appealing; Penny would have used the scissors to free herself of her gag were it not so tight around her cheeks, Penny wasn’t a clumsy girl but there wasn’t much of a hope of freeing herself from her gag with a pair of scissors unless she wanted to damage her skin… Swallowing her rage, Penny finished brushing her hair (and staring at the pretty gag in the mirror’s reflection) and returned to the bedroom. Picking up her phone she quickly hunted out Charlotte’s number in her contacts and listened to the phone begin to ring.
The phone rang for an oddly long time; perhaps Charlotte was in a lesson at university and had put her phone on silent, in which case, Penny would have to wait who-knew-how-long to finally contact her...
“Hello?” answered a gruff male voice from the other end of the line.
An icy hand gripped Penny’s heart; “Mmph?” she cautiously replied.
“Is this Penny? Penny with a heart? Heheh, how cute.” Penny stayed silent, too scared to mumble into her mobile. “Well Penny with a heart, my new friend tells me that you need something from her, a key. But the thing is, she needs something from you and so do I.”
“Mrrrph hmm mmm” replied Penny eventually with tears forming in her eyes.
“I need you to get something for me; a painting from the university, the one they hang as the centrepiece in the gallery on the third floor. You’re an art student; it shouldn’t be too hard for you. Bring me the painting and I give you back your other half… I want it by 9pm tonight.”
The voice fell silent and then the call disconnected. Penny didn’t move for countless moments, her limbs were shaking and her heart was thudding at her chest in cold panic. No matter what happened now, today was going to be one long day.
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