Bittersweet bondage therapy 12
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It didn't take long to get Emily changed into the corset. At this point, she was ready for the next bondage. She was so horny, that she couldn't stay still. Christina had to tell her to stop wriggling so she could get the singleglove on.
Of course, once it was tightly strapped and laced, Christina didn't mind if Emily wriggled. In fact, she preferred it.
Not that Emily had to be asked to struggle. At this point, it was the one thing she really wanted to do. Christina sat back on the couch and watched as Emily pulled and tugged at her arms. Testing the effectiveness of the tight leather sheath. Within a few moments it was obvious to Emily that the glove wasn't coming off - certainly not until Christina wanted it to come off.
After some time, Christina finally came back to Emily. She stood above her and waited for the look in Emily's eyes that said everything she needed to know.
Christina moved forward and began to stroke her. Her touch was so at first, but as Emily responded, so Christina elevated her play.
Within a very short time, Christina could see the dark spot on the crotch of the pantyhose. That was all that she needed to see... She had waited long enough; It was payback time...
Before Emily could utter another moan, Christina was on her. She sat down, pulled Emily's trembling body into hers and pushed the throbbing vibrator into her waiting crotch. Emily lurched backward with a start. Christina smiled, remembering just what it felt like to have the vibrator pushed against her soft flesh, unable to resist, not wanting it to stop.
It took less than thirty seconds for Emily to come the first time - and then the fun really started. As her pulsing orgasm gave way, she began to squirm and yelp. Her clit was no extremely sensitive and Christina wasn't removing the vibrator. She struggled in Christina's arms, but it was useless. Christina had a firm hold of her and her leg ensured that Emily couldn't close her legs.
Slowly her yelps gave way to whimpers and then moans... finally, her hips began to oscillate and another thundering orgasm rocked her body.
'That feels so good, doesn't it?' Christina cooed in her ear. 'It's a shame that you got such a long way to go. I'm thinking fifteen orgasms will be a good start...'
'MMMNNNPPPHHOOO" Emily cried, but she was already beginning to respond again. She pushed her pelvis forward into the pulsating head of the vibrator and began to struggle again. Nothing felt this good. It was everything she ever wanted...
'It's only therapy after all...' Christina giggled. 'It's only therapy.'
The End

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