Sailor, Beware! - 9 - illustrated gay bondage story
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There wasn't an inch of his thickly-muscled body that they hadn't tasted hundreds of times. They gave their asses withoul argument or resistance, to be fucked and fisted and rammed full of dildos and Ben- Wall balls and all sorts of strange devices. In time, it became increasingly difficult to remember clearly their previous lives as U.S. Navy seamen. They were harem sex slaves now, and their sole purpose in life was to service the spectacular cock and muscled body of their magnificent Master.
But all things, good and bad, come to and end After four years of harem service, the two American sailors took stock of their situation and realized lhat they missed Ilieir homeland. They made a daring escape from the Sultan's palace and, enduring extreme hardships, crossed the desert on foot to Abu Dhabi where they were rescued by fellow Navy men.
Today they are back in the good ol' U.S. of A. where their life as harem sex slaves is only a dim and hard- to-beli eve memory. But their four-year- long desert adventure altered the course of their entire lives. These two once-straight jocks are now quite different from what they were prior to their trip to Salalah. Jake broke offhis engagement to his high school sweetheart. Linda Sue Barrett, moved to San Francisco and is currently employed as a high-priced stud for a classy call-boy service that caters to wealthy and influential homosexuals. Through the money and influence of his tncks. he was able to acquire a piece of choice Folsom Street property which he turned into a raunchy and very successful gay bar.
Cal bought himself a motorcycle and a whole wardrobe of sexy leathers, fucked his way through a stnng of lovers coast to coast, also ending up in San Francisco where he developed into one of the wildest "bottoms" of this or any decade. He has become a pomo superstar and has appeared to great acclaim in a number of Falcon Studios' hottest fuck videos.
He and Jake still see each other regularly, have recently moved in together and are considered by many to be one of California's hunkiest twosomes.
The End
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