Sailor, Beware! - 8 - illustrated gay bondage story
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The guards applauded their sovereign's lusty performance and cheered loudly when he finally emptied his royal balls into Jake's ravaged, dripping hole. They cheered again when, a few moments later, he emptied a second load into Cal's guts. By the time Askander hdd finished lucking, dawn was breaking over the desert sands and the guaids cheered themselves hoarse.
In Ihe months thai followed, the two handsome young American sailors were given many duties to perform. They occasionally were put to work in the Sultan's fields where one or the other would be harnessed to a primitive plow and used as a beast of burden while bis partner steered the plow and handled the reins. The oversea' was a particularly nasty fellow and delighted in using his whips on his "farm animals."
At other times Askander used Cal and Jake to satisfy his frequent sadistic urges The Sultan was very inventive when it came to devising ingenious games, and lias an extensive collection of toys and devices with which to implement his fertile imagination. In time, the young sailors, much to Iheir surprise, found themselves beginning to almost enjoy their sessions with Ihe muscular, handsome Sultan, and to look forward to servicing his magnificent oiled and scented body.
And so Ihe years went by. Cal and Jake became thoroughly "broken-in" as the Sultan's favorite sex toys They learned to suck his cock and lick out his hairy ass, they slurped out bis moist armpits upon command, and lapped his toes with their tongues.

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