Sailor, Beware! - 7 - illustrated gay bondage story
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At a signal from the rugged monarch, three of the palace guards lied Cal and Jake together, back to back By positioning Jake on all fours and lifting Cal's legs, Askander had easy access to both assholes which were only a few inches apart from each other. It was like having a fuck-beast with two available assholes
Tied securely with his buddy beneath him, liis legs hooked over the Sullan's shoulders, Cal snarled defiantly as he felt the Arab ruler's ruler probe at his stretched and tender asshole. "Shit," he growled to himself, "Not again... not another fucking!" He recalled, with a sinking sensation in his gut, how Ahmed had reamed out his ass what seemed like a lifetime ago.
But of course there was no way for Cal to stop the arrogant Askander from doing anything he wanted with the All -American boy's asshole. And what the Sullan wanted was to plunge his cock deep within Cal's slimy, steamy bowels, banging the tumescent tube from side to side while the blonde sailor grunted under the brutal assault like a stuck pig
Beneath them. Jake could feel the jamng and thumping as the potent potentate banged his buddy's bung. "Poor Cal," the dark-haired sailor thought to himself, "But hell... better him tlianme. Those fuckin' dildos were bad enough!" He didn't mind at all serving as the "table" en which the Sultan reamed out "Poor Cal " Shit, he'd even hold Cal down for the screwin' if it would save his own ass.
But no sooner had this thought formed itself in Jake's mind than Askander pulled his fuck-c5ub from Cal's squishy hole and, wilhoul missing a stroke, rammed all thirleen-aiid-a-half hoi inches hilt-deep inlo Jake's unprotected sea-pussy
Jake let out a yell that shook the palace rafters and fell forward flat on his belly. A couple of the guards stepped in and lifted him back into position, Askander all the while never missing a stroke of his demonic lucking. Jake was sure his ass had been splil open Those goddamned dildos had been child's play compared to this1
His screams gradually subsided into sobs and finally to whimpers as the burning pain eased up and melted into an erotic warmth that felt almost pleasant. This seemed to be the signal Askander had been waiting for. Now that both asses had gotten accustomed to his super-sized cock, he commenced an alternating fuck, sliding easily from one asshole to the other, one or two strokes in Cal's rectum, then switching to Jake's slut-chute for a few strokes, then Cai's again and then back to Jake's. On and on and on for what seemed like hours.
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