Bondage story - The Phantom of the Roxy - 60
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Before she’d had a chance to even think about it, she leaned toward him, grasped his scarf in her teeth, and yanked it down, revealing his face at long last. He was, as she had suspected, horribly disfgured. Whatever disaster had taken his voice had also left his lower face a mutilated ruin. His nose was shriveled, his lips twisted and wrinkled, nearly non-existent on one side, leaving his teeth bared, his cheekbone stark.
She caught her breath, unable to pull her eyes from his hideous visage. But then she looked into his eyes, and was shocked by what she saw there. Fear. He was terrifed of her rejection, desperately afraid to see revulsion on her face. As she gazed at him, her horror diminished, and her compassion rose up in her. Tears flled her eyes, and to the Whisperer’s astonishment, she leaned forward and kissed him tenderly on the lips.
He let go of her hair and used both hands to adjust his scarf so it covered his face once more. The experience had been a profound one for him, as well as for her, yet they were both at the peak of arousal, his hard cock still embedded deep inside her rectum. What had just happened would have to be processed later, for the demands of their passion would not wait.
Taking her hips frmly in his hands, he stroked in and out of her several times, renewing the fow of his lust and the hardness of his cock. Then he pushed her deliberately forward into Sarah, forcing the great rubber dildo deep into the blonde’s anus. Sarah’s deep groan joined Jessica’s keening wail as the two were once more impaled together. Deeper he pushed, until the wire brush began to torture the girl’s raw pussy once more. But this time he continued to push, forcing the dildo deeper into Sarah than ever before. When the entire twelve inches was ensconced deep in her bowels, the wheel itself was pressed against Sarah’s turgid clitoris. As it spun, the little rows of bumps that sat between the wires pummeled her clit.
It was torturous, and she shrieked in pain as she never had before. Yet, it was also the direct stimulation that she needed to fnally achieve that which she had yearned for since before the play had begun. Agonizing though it was, she began to feel the bubbling of her long-withheld orgasm at last.
The Whisperer’s strong hands held Jessica down, pressing the wheel against Sarah’s clit, but his cock, after having been teased and forced to hold back for so long, was fnally given free reign. It began to plunge in and out of Jessica’s hot, quaking asshole with a vengeance, plundering her bowels without restraint. She howled in combined pleasure and pain, her body going limp. She fell forward, and fnding her cheek resting once more against Sarah’s naked breasts, she began to suck and chew on the rubbery pink nipples. She sensed the rising of Sarah’s orgasm, and knew she was going to have one of her own very soon. She gnawed all the harder on Sarah’s nipples, adding a sharpness to the girl’s gag-muffed screams.
Sarah came wildly, screeching and shuddering uncontrollably. It went on and on, the kind of orgasm that only comes after hours of teasing. Jessica worried her nipples like a terrier, adding to her extreme sensory overload. The Whisperer pounded into Jessica’s churning bowels, his cock swelling and erupting inside her as he roared out his hoarse, voiceless ecstasy. At last, just as Sarah began to subside, Jessica reached climax, the plunging, spurting cock driving her fnally over the edge.
Sarah lost consciousness in the wake of her devastating orgasm. It was a mercy, for it was nearly a full minute later that the Whisperer was able to pull Jessica off of the tormented blonde and switch off the spinning spool that had continued to brutalize her poor pussy. Then he collapsed to the bed, lying on his back and panting, Jessica dropping backward to sit on his sprawled loins, his softening penis still deep inside her rectum, as she rested her cheek against Sarah’s upraised red, punished pussy. Satiated, they lay there in a dazed languor, not desiring to move. That was how they were when the men found them.
Their frst indication that they weren’t alone was when Ira discreetly cleared his throat. The Whisperer bolted upright, but he was still pinned in place by Jessica, his cock still inside her bottom. She lifted her head drowsily from Sarah’s pussy, but the exhausted blonde stirred not at all. The Whisperer lifted Jessica from him, his cock slipping out of her with a soft pop, and then he rolled off of the bed, stepping through the shroud of netting to confront the intruders.
Beside Ira stood the theater’s owner, Thaddeus Hodge. Unlike Ira, Hodge was an imposing fgure, his thick-browed, hawk-like face and intense dark eyes giving him a presence greater than his physical stature. The fact that he pointed a small, snub-nosed automatic pistol at the Whisperer added to his presence considerably.
“So, Vidal, this is what you’ve sunk to,” said Hodge in a deep voice.
Jessica, staring with wild eyes from behind the bed’s netting, realized something she’d never noticed before—that Hodge had a trace of the same Baltic accent that tinged the Whisperer’s speech. Now that she saw the two face to face, she also noticed another similarity. Both had the same dark, intense eyes.
The Whisperer wasn’t intimidated by the man’s presence or by his gun. He drew himself up to his full height, rolled his powerful shoulders, and stepped forward, his muscular body and greater height giving him an aura of power despite his nakedness. “Let me guess,” he whispered. “You’ve come once again to take from me what is mine, is that it, little brother?”
Hodge smiled thinly, using only his lips. “Not that old complaint again, Vidal! Always you accuse me of taking your theater from you, and still it is not true. The theater was awarded to me by the court, after you were declared insane and committed to the sanitarium!”
Ira grabbed Hodge’s arm. “Don’t antagonize him, Thaddeus! That will get us nowhere!” The little man directed his voice toward the Whisperer. “Vidal, listen, don’t give in to your rage. It isn’t your brother’s fault you were committed.
After you escaped, didn’t he allow you to live here, under the theater? Didn’t he allow you to write the plays, and didn’t he look the other way when you kidnapped his actresses and tortured them? Who but a truly devoted brother would do that for you?”
The Whisperer stepped forward again, his eyes blazing. “Perhaps a brother wracked with guilt for what he’d done might do that, eh, Thaddeus? Who set the fre that ruined my face, eh, devoted brother?” As he spoke he tore the scarf from his face, revealing the frighteningly mutilated visage beneath.
Hodge stepped back, but he kept the gun level and showed no sign of fear. “You know why I set the fre, Vidal! You were an idiot to run in and put it out! You should have let the place burn!”
Ira looked close to tears. “Thaddeus, Vidal, stop it! There is no point in bringing up these old wounds and accusations! What’s done is done! Can’t we speak calmly and deal with today’s situation without stirring up the past?
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