Bondage story - The Phantom of the Roxy - 59
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He lowered her once more, allowing her knees to touch the bed and support her own weight, but he kept his cock buried to the hilt inside her ass. Slowly, he pushed her forward, driving the dildo deeper into Sarah’s anus, deeper than it had yet been. Sarah whimpered, her eyes wide in fear as she watched the whirring wheel come closer and closer to her helpless pussy. When fully ten inches of rubber had been buried inside her bowels, the tips of the spinning flaments began to whip against her swollen labia and the little hood that protected her clit. They were no more than half an inch long, nearly as thin as hairs, but spinning at that speed, they caused an intense stinging sensation when they contacted her fesh. Sarah squealed through her gag, her voice rising in both pitch and volume as the tiny wires continued to whip her pussy.
Then the Whisperer backed off, allowing the dildo to ease halfway out of the bound girl, and slipping an inch or two of his own cock out of Jessica. Then he pressed forward again, drawing groans from both girls as their bowels were stuffed full once again. This time he allowed the whirring brush to torture Sarah’s pussy for fve long seconds before he backed away. Sarah was howling by then, yet there was a humid look in her eyes that said she was intensely aroused despite the pain. Again he thrust forward into the groaning girls, and it was as though he were sodomizing both of them at once. Then he heard the soft snarl of the flaments peppering Sarah’s pussy and her rising scream, and he smiled. Jessica was nearly beyond thought as her master sodomized her, and through her, her friend Sarah. Her own desire was spiraling beyond her control, and when she looked down and watched Sarah endure frst the thrust of the dildo and then the buzzing torment of the wheel, it was almost as though she could feel the blonde’s desire as well. It was an odd communion, for she also felt a strange sadistic thrill each time the whirring device made her friend squeal. Never had she thought she could enjoy another’s pain, yet in this bizarre situation, in her present state of mind, she could accept it as just another sensation, an added pleasure she wasn’t responsible for and couldn’t control.
To and fro the three of them went, the girls gasping and wailing together as their asses were plunged by rubber and fesh. It was a diabolically exciting arrangement. The Whisperer merely had to press his cock deep into Jessica’s ass, leaning hard into her as he did so, and Sarah’s ass, too, was flled to bursting, the captive blonde’s helpless pussy lashed painfully by the wire wheel. He could control how long it tormented her simply by regulating how long he stayed buried in Jessica’s hot, tight ass. He could hardly help staying in for longer and longer periods, listening to the sweet music of the tortured blonde’s cries.
Sarah was nearly out of her mind with the combined stimuli of pain and pleasure. Her arousal was beyond control, to the point that she could accept the agonizing sting of the wire wheel just to feel the long, thick dildo flling her bowels again and again. She could feel her orgasm lurking below the edge of her awareness, trying to come bubbling to the surface yet being driven back down by the stinging pain. She wailed through her gag each time the wheel stung her, but the tears that fowed down her cheeks were as much for her frustrated passion as for the pain she endured.
The Whisperer kept it going for a full half hour. When he felt he would explode with the pleasure of it, he simply adjusted his stroke so that he kept his cock buried to the hilt inside Jessica all the way through the stroke, reducing the ecstatic friction his cock had to endure, yet still forcing the shrieking, sobbing blonde to take the full stroke of the dildo and the punishment of the wheel. But at last he knew he couldn’t sustain it much longer, and besides, he had one last test for his beautiful slave.
Grasping her hair once again and pulling her face up beside his, he whispered in her ear. “Jessica, it is your turn now. I want you to do it. I will remain here. I want you to fuck the slut yourself. Do it…”
It took Jessica several moments to pull herself together enough to understand what he was saying, but once she had fgured it out, she took a deep breath and obeyed him. Under her own power, she moved her hips forward, forcing the dildo into Sarah’s anal passage herself. As she did so, the Whisperer held his position, and his cock withdrew from her own ass as she moved forward. When she reached the point where the wire wheel began to skim Sarah’s sore, reddened pussy, she suddenly realized that now it was she who was causing it to hurt her friend. It was her decision how long to let it sting Sarah’s tormented fesh.
She came back up quickly the frst time, her master’s fat, hard cock slithering back into her ass as she moved her hips back. Again she thrust forward, and as she paused, listening to the sound of the wires buzzing against Sarah’s pussy, accompanied by Sarah’s sobbing wail of pain, she realized that she liked the sound, that she wanted to stay a little longer. On the third thrust she stayed even longer, succumbing to the sadistic urgings coming from deep inside her. The Whisperer watched his slave giving in to her dark desires, watched her hold the wheel against the blonde’s pussy for longer and longer intervals. He was delighted at her progress, though not surprised. He let her keep control for a while longer, watching over her shoulder as Sarah shrieked and cried beneath Jessica’s torment. His own passion soared in triumph, and fnally he knew he couldn’t hold himself back much longer. Grabbing her by her hair once again, he pulled Jessica’s face up beside his, forcing his cock once more as far up her ass as it would go, lifting her knees slightly off the bed and making her gasp for breath.
“You see how exciting it is to make the helpless slut squeal?” he whispered.
“Yes, Master!” she breathed in response. “I had no idea…”
“That, too, is the power of the Darkness,” he said, rubbing his cloth-clad cheek against hers. “Now you have tasted both sides of the Darkness, and found both to your liking. Now, Jessica, you are truly mine!”
“Yes, Master!” she moaned, turning her head to look at him. Suddenly she was overcome with desire and love for this madman. Still she feared him, yet that seemed merely a part of their complicated relationship. Desperately she wanted to know him, to bond with him, to… kiss him!
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